Strange Behavior

Fullmoon (part 1): Insomnia

[Yoseob’s POV]


Byeori bitnaneun areumdaun bamiyaiya~♪”

The crowd cheered as we exited the stage, my brow drenched in sweat. What a show, I thought to myself as I looked around at my bandmates. The sweat dripping from their faces showed me how they were thinking the same.I could tell that none of us were in the mood to party, and the best thing to do after a hard day’s work is to get back to the dorm quickly and get to bed.

“So, what should we eat?” Doojoon said anxiously.

“Eat? Are you kidding,” I retorted in a sarcastic tone. “ Who, here, has the energy to actually chew.” I smiled as he rolled his eyes. Everyone thought Doojoon was joking but I knew he wasn’t. I could tell from the sweat on his face that he had plenty of energy to spare.

“You guys head back to the dorm without me”

“Whatever you say, Doojoon” Junhyung responded in a half-yawn.

As the rest of the group headed out to the van, I couldn’t help but stare at Doojoon. He’s done this once a month for 5 months now. Disappearing during night, saying he’ll catch up to us. Why does he never let any of us in on his secret? Aren’t we a team? A family?

I continued to gaze at his well-toned body. Something was plaguing him. Something he couldn’t explain to anyone. I know I should respect his privacy but if something weighs this heavily on his head, shouldn’t we do something about it?

“Yoseob. You coming?”

“Y-yeah,” I said as I turned my head away from Doojoon to match the gaze of my tired friend. “I’ll be there in just a minute, Kikwang”

I took one last glance at Doojoon before leaving the room with Kikwang. So cold. So lifeless. What’s happened to our leader. What’s happened to my friend?

[Hyunseung’s POV]



Yoseob had remained silent the entire ride home. It was unlike him to not pass a joke here or there, or sing along with with the music choice for the van. Even if he was tired, Yoseob always had something fun to say. I hung up my shirt as everyone else prepared for bed.

“So what do you think is up with Doojoon?”

Finally he said something. Yoseob had a concerned look on his face. Something about Doojoon was eating away at him. I suppose those two are really close friends. But why has he not brought this up until now?

“Maybe he has a secret girlfriend,” Dongwoon cracked, lightening the tension

“He probably got some sort of late night acting job,” Kikwang responded as he crawled into the bottom left bunk.

“And not tell us?” I replied, my voice echoing my tired nature.

Yoseob seemed worried. His face echoing his sense of dismay. His downward gaze was interrupted by Junhyung’s cold words.

“Whatever it is, just leave him be. He’ll probably show up in the middle of the night and go to bed just like always.”

Yoseob’s worried gaze directed itself away from Junhyung. Did he know something? This was all too bizarre. I needed to get some rest. I crawled into the bunk under Dongwoon’s and waited as Junhyung turned off the lights. We all said our “goodnights” as I laid my head on my pillow and closed my eyes.

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89_junseung #1
Chapter 9: OM! Amazing. so glad I found this.
Chapter 2: Good book :D
oyster1912 #3
Can I translate your fanfics (Fullmoon) into Vietnamese, please?
I love them and I just want to share them with Vietnamese B2uties
Please reply
(sorry for my bad English)
Chapter 6: yoseop the cuter ware-wolf...LOL..;)
Chapter 9: Whoa nice story :)
What happen next?? so curious~
why i feel like hyunseung will be a vampire. update soon!