
Fullmoon (part 1): Insomnia

[Yoseob’s POV]

There he was. My missing Hyung. A monster of his former self. I stood surprised. But somehow I wasn’t afraid. But why? This is a new side to Doojoon Hyung I’d never seen. Am I dreaming?

I gathered up my thoughts and approached him. “D-Doojoon. What happened to you?”

“ Yoseob. Please. Don’t look”

“ Is this why you’ve been disappearing every night? Because you’re a-”

“ Yes that’s right. I’m a werewolf. Albeit an incomplete one.”

“ Incomplete?”

“ I’ve never truly taken wolf form, but I’m still a monster.” His eyes began to fill with tears. “ Yoseob please don’t tell. I know you’re afraid but I don’t want to lose everything we worked for just because I’m-”

“ I’m not afraid”

“ You’re not?”

“No. I don’t care what you look like. You’re still my Doojoonie Hyung on the inside. You’re not a monster.” I felt a smile creep across my face as I continued. “ I fact I think it’s kind of funny.”

[Doojoon’s POV]

“Funny? FUNNY! You think this whole ordeal is a big Jo-”

I paused for a moment as I saw a wide smile creep across Seobie’s face. That nut. He can make light of any situation. Something about that smile of his just made me feel like everything was going to be ok. I dropped my serious grin and broke out into a stifled laugh. “Good ol’ Yoseob”

As Yoseob and I continued laughing, a thought was aroused in my head. “ Wait a second, Yoseob. I have to know. How exactly did you find me?”

Yoseob’s eyes darted away as if to avoid answering the question. “Promise you won’t laugh?”

“After you laughed at me?”

He sighed and answered. “Well. to be honest. I smelled you out?”

“You what?”

“ Well. I like the way you smell so when I went outside of the theater and smelled the air I was able to find your scent and then, my legs just brought me here”

“You tracked me by scent? How’s that possible? You’re not a dog”

I noticed as a brief look of anguish struck upon Seobie’s face. “Yoseob. What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing” He said with a light smile. “ I’ve just been feeling a little weird tonight.”

“Weird? Hmm. Yoseob. give me your arm”

Yoseob was hesitant at first but then pulled his arm out of the pocket of his hooded jacket. I immediately took hold of his wrist and yanked back his sleeve. I felt my eyes widen. There it was. Just as I  feared.

Yoseob yanked back his arm in surprise and fear. I’m sure this is the first of it he noticed. he his arm gently, nervously caressing the newly formed patch of light brown fur.

“Seobie. You’re-” I felt the words drop from my mouth as my head began to tighten. The memories were flooding back into my head. That day. That nightmarish day had finally become clear. I wasn’t alone in that cursed forest. I was never alone. Because he was there. He was always there.



A/N: What happened in that forest. Why's Seobie cursed too? Next chapter, a flashback! 

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89_junseung #1
Chapter 9: OM! Amazing. so glad I found this.
Chapter 2: Good book :D
oyster1912 #3
Can I translate your fanfics (Fullmoon) into Vietnamese, please?
I love them and I just want to share them with Vietnamese B2uties
Please reply
(sorry for my bad English)
Chapter 6: yoseop the cuter ware-wolf...LOL..;)
Chapter 9: Whoa nice story :)
What happen next?? so curious~
why i feel like hyunseung will be a vampire. update soon!