Chapter 7

Life with b1a4





Two weeks went over very fast and Jinyoung and I wern’t talking to each other more than good morning or good night. My school live was also back because of CNU but one thing changed….nobody was allowed to know that I was living with b1a4. At first I had anybody in the class but I found new friends very fast.


There is Yeun, a real pretty and nice girl. She is really fame in the school and every boy wanted to date her.

Also there is Xiaomei. She is a Chinese exchange student and everybody call her Xiao and she’s also very nice and pretty.

I can’t forget Danny. He was also born in the USA, so he was also half Korean and half American. He’s a really handsome boy and a member of the kingka group in our school.


One morning my alarm waked me up in such a beautiful scene in my dream. I got up and went out of my room. On the table were a cup of coffee and a bowl of strawberries prepared. I looked around to see someone who could had prepared this. Nobody was around and I sat down at the table. The coffee was still hot so it couldn’t stand there for long. Suddenly I saw a little paper lying beside the strawberries. I took it and read what was standing on it


Good morning~ we didn’t talk much in the last few days…I want to change this but I don’t know how you would react. I know what I did was false but I wanted to talk with you about that so please stay free after your school…I’ll fetch you up after practice and then we can talk about it if you want. If not just tect me before and then I will not be there.  I would be happy so…just eat your breakfast and go to school :)   -  Jinyoung


My eyes winded and I wondered why he wanted to talk to me. I ate my breakfast and looked at the clock. It was late and I hurried up to get ready for school. I hurried outside to get the bus, but 10 meters away from the bus stop , the bus drove past me. I began to run and get the bus in the last second.


Looking around I was searching for Xiao. She was the only one of our little group who has to take the same bus then I. She was sitting on a seat in the front of the bus. I walked to her and sat down beside her. ”Ni hao Hello in chinese”, I said to her and  she was a bit shocked when she looked at me, because she was listening to music and didn’t recognized that I sat down beside her, but then she smiled and was happy to see me.


When we arrived in front of the school Danny was waiting at the bus stop like every day. We got out of the bus and I greeted Danny in English: “Hello Danny” “Hello Eun Mi”, he said back also in English. Xiao shooked her head and walked past us. “Every day the same”, she said to us turning her head back and smiled. We walked together in the school where Yeun was waiting.


When I saw Yeun I smiled to her and greeted her in Korean. I didn’t know why but it was such normal for us to greet each other in the mother tongue of the other person. We talked about random things like other schoolmates or ex boy- or girlfriends. The topic was still awkward wor me because of my ex-boyfriend in the US. It wasn’t really a long relationship but he was my first boyfriend and we broke up because he had to move. He didn’t tell me where he moved and that really hurt me.


Xiao recognized that I wasn’t in the mood to talk longer about that topic so she tried to change it but then the bell rang and all of us walked to their class. I was happy that Xiao was in the same class with me so we went there together. With her was every lesson funny and went over very fast. It felt like just one our passed but than the bell rang for lunch break. I spend the time in the canteen with Xiao, Danny and Yeun.


After the afternoon lessons


When the bell rang to end the lesson everyone stood up and packed their things. “A ye Xiao?“, I said and looked at her. “Ye?”, she answered. “I’m not going to take the bus today. Somebody is going to fetch me up”, I said to her. “Ohhh jiejie like eonni do you have a date?”, she asked me and smiled. “A..Anii it’s not like that”, I smiled to her and put my acted a little bit shy. She just smiled at me and we went out of the class room to meet Yeun and Danny again, but today Danny wasn’t alone.


Today was every one of the “Flower boys” with him. I didn’t see them before anywhere in the school and I didn’t know who was who. The Vietnamese looking boy with the short brown hair must be Hoang and the tallest of them with the red hair had to be Hyun Seong, but I didn’t know who the fourth of them was. The only thing what made me to think about who he could be was that he was looking so familiar to me.


We greeted them and talked just a few sentences with them and then I had to go outside. I looked on my cell phone and there was a message from Jinyoung.


I’m waiting at the parking place near your school


I went there and he was waiting there with a wired face. “Annyeong Oppa”, I said and looked at the floor. “I’m happy that you came”, he said happily. He hugged me while smiling and then I get in the car and we drove to a little café near our home.


New chapter

Sorry if it’s boring but I had to update and I didn’t really know what to write…

I’m also sorry for my bad English TT_TT really…I’m sorry


But I hope you like it and you’ll follow the story ^_^


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frostysnowprincess #1
Chapter 6: OMO!! I can't wait for the next update!!! :D
onjongkey2min #2
Chapter 5: awwe jinyoung is so sweet! :) can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 5: OMO! I like the story too..
please continue it :))
ftkate201 #4
Chapter 2: liked it OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
helokb #5
Heal first and then you continue to write, love this story.
Fluffydar #6
Oooo wonder what will happen ☆v=°・°=v☆