
Change of Heart

Long Chapter~

Taeyang's POV

Hmmm Mel's birthday was several days back and it's almost Christmas. Actually, Christmas is tomorrow xD. I still didn't get anything for anyone though even though I should. Otherwise people will think I'm cheap which I'm not.

"Hey Jiyong," I walked to sit next to him. He was busy playing video games.

"What?" He was focused on winning -_-.

"What do you think I should get Kae?"

"...." no response I see.

"and Mel." I quickly added in before he starts thinking I like Kae. Do I like Kae? .... O_O

"Whatever makes them happy?" 

"Gee thanks. You're no help." I got off the couch and went to my room. I lied there on my bed, staring at the ceiling thinking of what to gift Kae... and Mel.

"A key chain?" Does she like key chains? Wouldn't that be too plain for a gift?

"Cloth-" No I don't know her size... and it would be awkward walking into a lady's fashion store.

"Shoes?" Nah. That's more like Mel's style.

"Speaking of which.. I think Mel knows Kae the best. I should call and ask her." I took out my phone and dialed Mel's number.

".... Hello?" Did she just wake up? Her voice sounds sluggish.



"I'm just going to get straight to the point. What does Kae like?" I asked and heard snickering from Mel.

"What's wrong?" 

"N-nothing. I think I misheard what you said earlier." She was still giggling which confused me. What did she mean by that? O_O

"So... what does she like?" I asked the question once again.

"Surprise her with something fascinating. Well I have to go now. Bye~" She said and hung up.

"What am I going to surprise Kae with?" This is challenging.


Mel's POV

"Surprise her with something fascinating. Well I have to go now. Bye~" I hung up.

I'm still sorta tired but then after Taeyang calling and asking about Kae, I feel a bit excited. I can't fall back asleep so I might as well get up. Everytime I pass by the living room, I keep on thinking about Jiyong. The fact that he was drooling on my floor. Maybe not MINE, but really. I really really wonder what he was dreaming about, or if it's something weird, no thank you then. Unless he usually drools in his sleep. Maybe he should close his mouth sometime or I'll tape it for him. MUHAHA, that'll be funny.

I want to tell Kae about what I overheard last time. But what if it was just a misunderstanding? Or if I didn't hear properly?

Should I ask Jiyong?? Nah, he won't tell me or be like "wae? why do you want to know?" and if I tell him about Kae...... I don't know if he'll believe me or not. And Kae might get mad too.

Today I don't feel like eating ice cream. Awkwardly. NAH I do. No, I feel lazy to get it.

What should I do? Maybe I should- nah.... but I really should cook. As a thanks for me always eating Taeyang's food. I wonder why Jiyong doesn't cook. Lazy. I think I sound like a hypocrite, calling him lazy when I'm lazy myself too. Is it just me or have I been talking about him for quite a while now? Nah, I talk about a lot of other people too. NOT That I'm talking behind their backs... just..... yeah you know what I mean.

I don't really expect anyone to give me presents for Christmas, but it's ok. I want to give them presents.      =)

I'm such a nice person aren't I? Yep I am. I just answered my own quesiton.

I know I should be like Christmas caroling or whatever, and yet I'm singing to random songs. Yes me singing. I don't like singing when there are people around. Even the closest people I know. I just sing when I'm alone. So whenever Kae isn't home, or she has school, I would just sing at home by myself. Yeah, our scheduals for school are different since we're taking different courses and stuff like that. But I doubt she cares if she hears me sing. She sings randomly at times too. I just feel embarrassed when people know that I actually sing. So they always think that I don't sing at all.  Well one of my secret is revealed to you now!

OHH yeah. I should invite Taeyang over. And make Kae open the door. You know what I'm thinking of? *wink*

Maybe you don't, but remember I put that mistletoe there? 'OH YEAH!' That must be your reaction.

I wonder what Kae is doing.. Taeyang is busy thinking about what to get her. xD  I'm just singing to myself while playing on my iPod. Hmm. Maybe I should bang the wall again. I wonder who will reply. Jiyong? Haha.

Ok. Stop.Thinking. About. Him.

When did I even start though??

"I don't know~~~ wo-ohhh~" I sang. That was from a song.

Kae's POV

I couldn't sleep last night. Why? I was too excited for Christmas. I couldn't help but stare at the ceiling with my wide awake eyes. Hurry up and let it be Christmas already! I want to see Santa and make a wish! My wish is to win the lottery ticket!~ Hehe xD.

My digital clock read 11:59 PM. Gosh.. can't it just hurry up and turn to 12:00 AM? X___X Staring at clocks don't help make things better. Instead of the time going faster, it tends to go slower and less enjoying than watching a snail walk its way through the crowd.

'Tick, tick, tick' is all I hear other than some loud noises coming from Taeyang and Jiyong's place. T___T Why does my room have to be near their wall? T_T.

I glanced at the clock again, awaiting for midnight to arrive and soon, it arrived! Hooray!~ Santa will be here! I better pretend to sleep! ^___^ Kekeke ~ Must let Santa know I'm a good girl.

I heard the door creek and I nearly jumped out of bed to see if it was Santa or not. As the footsteps came closer to my bed, I felt even more excited. What if it's really Santa? I know people say that Santa is just a fraud. BUT maybe, just maybe Santa is real. Anyways, I shut my eyes and I swear I saw my eye balls roll around. I couldn't stand it anymore and I was anxious to see who crept into my room.

My eyes shot wide open and I skimmed through the room. It wasn't dark since I have a night light at the side of my table. No duh! I tend to wake up in the middle of the night and go to the bathroom -_-. I saw the back of someone familiar.

"... Mel?" I asked and she went stiff.

"Mel.. it's you isn't it?" I asked once again. She turned around with a box in her hand. My eyes shifted to the box.

"Mel, put that down now." I warned her. It was her Christmas gift for today but she wasn't supposed to take a peek! )': It would ruin the entire surprise!

"C'mon Kae, just one quick peek at it and then I'll go sleep!~" She whined. I know she's eager to see what I have in store for her, but still.. sneaking in and making me think Santa is real is just unacceptable!

"Put that down now." I repeated and a frown appeared on her face.

"Fine." She pouted, put the gift down and then walked out of my room. 

Now, where to store this gift box so that Mel won't try to take a peek at it while I'm sleeping. I know she'll make another attempt to glance at the present I bought her. But it's supposed to be a surprise and I don't think she knows what a surprise is!

My eyes were sort of getting droopy. Blame the false news in high hopes of Santa being real. Now I'm really tired. But first, I'll just leave the present under my bed ^_^. It's not like Mel will look under my bed. Like, there's dust bunnies there! =P

Slowly as I hopped back into bed, my eyes closed itself and I drifted into dreamland. Guess what? xD I had a dream again! And it wasn't about that stalker dude but some other dude that I don't know! Plus, he seems familiar... Too familiar almost as if I've seen him somewhere before. Oh well, at least he seems nice and not scary! But why not dream of Taeyang? )':



Mel's POV

"I'M GOING TO BAKE COOKIES~~~!!" I shouted out loud and went to the kitchen.

I don't know how long it took, but I made the cookies perfect~~

Chef Mel~~

"mmhhm." I ate a cookie. I looked outside and it was dark, like any other day during winter.

"No more tears now, no more looking back now, no regrets and no apologies~~" I don't know how the rest went, but anyways

 "we can run away, we can run away~" I sang again. Yep my iPod was playing. I stopped singing and went to Kae's room.

"yo, you want cookies?" I looked up and saw she was sleeping.

"uh, yeh sure. Leave them there." she said.

"I'm going to go to Taeyang and Jiyong's place, wanna come with me?" I put some cookies on her desk.

"Huh?" she got up. I was about to leave her room but then remembered something. I walked to the wall and banged it a couple of times. >=)

Then I went back to my room to get their presents. Ohh yeah, I should give Kae hers too.

I'm going to give them some cookies too. So instead of climbing over, I walked again. Yay for me trying to be normal. FOR THE SAKE OF MY PRECIOUS COOKIES.


Kae's POV

I'm still sleepy but I guess waking up to celebrate Christmas isn't such a bad idea. CHRISTMAS FOR THE WIN! XD I wonder what Mel got me for this holiday ^_^.

I got up from bed and dragged myself to the washroom. Blah blah blah you know the drill right? Wake up, brush teeth, wash face, shower, change into something comfy and do whatever. But first... FOOD! :) That's my daily routine.

My outfit seems very unusual but hey, that's just me. Wanna know what I'm wearing? Well, it's WINTER time and yet I decided to wear black sweat pants and a blue polk-a-dot tank top. =_= Luckily I wore a sweater over my tank top or else I'll be freezing though it's not that cold.

"Kae, hurry up!" Mel rushed me out of my room. I grabbed my phone from my night stand and rushed out to the front door. I didn't bother much about what shoes I'm wearing. In fact I didn't wear shoes but I wore my warm and soft bunny slippers! YAY for my cousin!~ He got me this just before Christmas started so that I can keep my feet warm! ^____^

We went out the door and guess where we're heading to right now. If you're thinking Taeyang and Jiyong's house then you are correct!

"Mel, ring the door bell." I said since I was lazy to take my hands out of my pockets. 

"Can you? I'm holding a batch of cookies."

There were choice but to ring the door bell with my finger. BUT IT WAS SO WARM and now the cold breeze made my hand cold again. Dang winter T_T.

"Coming!" We both heard from the other side of the door. When the door opened, the first person to greet us was Jiyong. 

"Jiyong, help Mel with her cookies." I said and walked right passed him, leaving Mel and Jiyong still standing awkwardly at the door. Oh I should try and hook those two up ;).


Mel's POV

Aish, this Kae.

"uhm..." I didn't care if Jiyong was going to help me or not. But at least make some room for me to get in with the cookies!!

Instead, he just took one of them and ate it.

"did you make these?" he asked and I went in.

"No, I bought them." I lied.

"oh, where? These taste good." he took another one. I laughed.

"Mel made them." Kae came as I put the cookies on the coffee table and she grabbed one too. Mheheeee ^_^ are they that good? I SHOULD START A COOKIE BUSINESS!

"what?? *cough*" Jiyong started to choke.

"you ok?" I patted his back, really hard. I just tend to do that, really hard on purpose.

"Yeah.. thanks >_>" he replied. I looked to see where Taeyang was. So, he was in the kitchen.

"Jiyong, do you ever cook?" I asked him.


"you-" I was about to say until Kae started giggling. I just gave her a weird look and continued. "as I was saying, I realized that whenever me and Kae come here, it's usually Taeyang who cooked." I know it's supposed to be 'Kae and I' but I like saying 'me'

"Of course I do! Just that whenever you come, I don't." he said.

"Yeah...." Kae left to go to Taeyang, ouh~. "and thanks for the shoes." I said to him.

"hm." then I remembered that I left his and Taeyang's present in the kitchen, when I was bringing the cookies. Should I go and give it to them now? Or later? LATER~

*goosebumps* "euhh, it's cold." I'm wearing a sweater, but I'm still cold.

"did you guys put the heat on?" I asked him.

"yeah." he looked to check. Then sat back down to watch TV.

Awkward moment, we are just watching the TV, not talking. I can sorta hear what Kae and Taeyang are talking about. They said- oh, I just forgot. Well continue watching TV now.

"AHAHAAAA!" Jiyong and I both laughed. Yes random, but omgg its so funny XD

"Mel" Kae said.

"Huh yeah??" I tried not to laugh. "OHh Food." I got up.

After a few more hours of being at their house, it's finally 11PM~~ YAY!! Oh I should go back and get the presents for them. Such nice people.

"I'll be right back.." I left their apartment and went next door x)

I came back with their presents and rang the door bell again. Jiyong opened it, again.

"Here you go~" I gave it to him. Then went to give Taeyang his.

"Thanks." they both said. OHH I wonder what Taeyang got Kae. Hehe

"Where did mine go?" Kae asked.

"In your room." I said.  "HEY! What about me??" I asked back remembering.



The song that Mel was singing, is.

We Can Run by Jade Valerie.

My iTunes was playing that song at that moment. So yeah. I decided to put it there too.

I've come to realize that we tend to write really long chapters even though we break them into different parts xD. Enjoy!~ 





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gemmaflame #1
gemmaflame #2
Chapter 21: HAha!! LOVE IT!! WITH ALL THE FACES!!! OH MY GAWDs!!
@lilweisel: it sounds awesome trying to break down a door :P i wanna try that, don't you ;) ?<br />
@yummiliciouslove: thank you :) for 'loving' this story. it means a lot to us <3.<br />
@cougar: it was so obvious... i know right? ;D KaeBae moments? are you sure xD?
I kinda knew Ji & Mel were dating it was kinda obvious. and Tae finally confessed woohoo..... ah sequel oh yeas plz I would love to have more KaeBae moments I love them.
yummiliciouslove #5
I kept squealing at part where taeyang was confessing his feelings. Moo. So intense~ ^0^ haha loove this story! <3
aw that was a cute and great ending! loved kae breaking down the door lol. cant wait to see what you guys come up with next individually or together! fighting! :D
@BBisVIP: They were 'secretly' dating ;) If you haven't noticed the hints behind their actions from the beginning of the story as well as the chapter that had Jiyong 'invading' Mel's house.
Nooo, it's the end ;-;.<br />
I wish they had more couple moments tho.! <br />
You play in Bera ?! <br />
But I don't want to start all over being a noob ); LOL
@BBisVIP: you play in Bera too? :D well, make a char. in scania ;)