
Be Ma Girl

Lu Han's  P.O.V

I walk to school with Gongchan today. I have math class with Yooji and english class with Gongchan.

When I get to my math class, Yooji is there already.

"Class! Quiet down~" Ms.Park said.

"We are going to do a math project. I am going to assign your partner. It will be due next week." 

ms.Park match boy and girl as a partner. That means I'm going to work with a girl.

I hope its Yooji.

"Lu Han!" Ms.Park said.

"Nae?" I replied. God, please let me work with Yooji....

"You work with Yooji." 


Yooji came and sat next to me. She smiled.

She got a gorgeous smile...

We start working and talking, then she said

"How do you know Gongchan?" 

I was surprised she asked that since I thought we are just going to talk about math.

"Oh, We met when we were a kid. I used to get bully and he saved me" I said.


Then we start talking about math again...

We finished our project way before others because we were so 'focused'

So I thought that maybe I should make a move, but then I remember that she has a boyfriend...

Yooji's P.O.V


I was kind of happy that Ms.Park put me and Lu Han in a group.

Since I really want to get to know him.

But then, as expected. 

What I imagine are not always happening.

We only talked about math.

So I asked how did he know Gongchan. He replied and I was surprised that he got bullied when he was little.

He is so cute, who would bully him?

Then we went back to math agian...I want to talk to him other than math though...

I was walking home when I saw Lu Han walking too.

I was about go to him until I saw he was with Gongchan, so I thought nevermind.

Byunghun saw me walking home and walked me home.

That was sweet~

Then he gave me a bottle of water since I just had gym class.

NOW THAT was sweet...

-END Of Chapter 7-

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Chapter 18: It's so sweet I donno but I find Ljoe sweet even tho I like Channie in this story too
Park_So_Min #2
Chapter 2: Hi!! Il like this story.. and... author nim, I am one of the stalker in the fb. You must know wat I mean ..
shazelo99 #3
Chapter 12: Haha.. Lulu oppa us so funny!!^_^
youngminnieluva #4
Chapter 10: love~ <3 this story!!!!! and update soon plzzzz:DDD