Krystal Clear

It's Not Like I Want You.



Minho was snoring obnoxiously as I lay next to him under the covers, sobbing myself to sleep.

I wouldn’t say that he assaulted me, or anything. He was just very, very adamant at getting what he wanted from me, and somehow I always say ‘yes’. But only after I always plead ‘no’.

I like Minho, honestly. He’s a great listener and he’s extremely loyal to me, not to mention that he’s not too bad on the eyes. And plus, he tried so hard to get me to notice him, there was just no way I could turn him down without feeling like a complete . Sometimes I wonder if that’s the only reason why I ever dated him in the first place.

I looked at him from the other side of the bed. The moonlight shined through the blinds and illuminated the contours of his face, the rise of his chest. He was all but underneath the sheets, and he slept with a look of satisfaction. It sort of made me sick.

I drifted off to sleep sooner or later…

There was a knock on my door, jostling me awake. I glanced at the other side of the bed, noticing that Minho was still sound asleep. Who would be at the door at one in the morning?

I stood up and the knocks grew louder, more urgent. I tossed a shirt over my head and pulled on a skirt quickly, and then I opened the door.

It was Amber.                            

“Krys, I need you to come with me. I have something to show you.” Amber was leaning against the door frame, her light brown eyes languid as they looked over me, her short, sandy brown hair unkempt underneath her baseball cap. She stuffed her hands in her pockets and flipped her hair out of her eyes, waiting for my response.

I was almost speechless. I nodded ferociously, and she took my hand and led me through the mansion and out onto the beach.

We arrived in the middle of the beach, and I was absolutely astounded.

There was a red blanket laid perfectly amidst the sand, flowers surrounding it. Sweet smelling candles garnished the miniature garden, and a heart-shaped box of chocolates sat in the middle of the whole scene, tied with a perfect ribbon. “Do you like it? I made it just for you.” Amber said, holding my gaze tenderly.

Krystal inhaled sharply, her heart swelling as she took in the beautiful arrangement. She smiled and nodded, at a total loss for words.

Amber pulled me to the middle of the blanket, and we talked and laughed like things were normal between us. Things for us had been strange ever since I started dating Minho. That was something I just could not ignore. I just didn’t understand why. So I asked her.

“I’m confused, Amber. I thought we were best friends? What happened?”

Amber just looked at me for a very long time, her expression blank and unreadable.

Finally, after a moment that seemed like forever, she answered me. “We weren’t meant to be best friends.”

And then she kissed me.

And then I woke up.

Minho was out of bed, and the sun was high in the sky, imposing reality into my mind. Of course it was a dream. It only made sense; it’s not possible to feel ecstasy like that in real life.

“I’m going off with Onew and Jonghyun, babe. Remember, we have a lunch reservation on the boardwalk for two o’clock. Don’t spend too much time in the sun; it’s not good for you. I’ll be back soon. Text me.” Minho said all of this while pulling on his shirt. He kissed my forehead before leaving.

His lips left a cold feeling in between my eyebrows. It sort of made me disgusted.

I wasn’t sure what was happening to me. I like Minho. I really do.

So why is it that I have this undying yearning to be next to Amber?


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Update: Poster and Background! Sorry still no story update! It's coming soon^^


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Chapter 5: Please update author
escada #2
Chapter 5: Pleeaaaaaaase update author :3
hellounnie #3
Chapter 5: Can it be Kryber vs Jessber instead of Keyber :)) Please update, author!
Taeny_1127 #4
Chapter 5: update soon author!! ^_^
jpigtom #5
Chapter 5: Jessberrrr T_____T update more author
Jessberrrrr~ O u O Update soon~ <3333
Jason17 #7
Chapter 5: Author-shi T^T I want Jungsis x Amber *cries* most importantly I want JESSBER *happy dance* Update soon pweeeeez :3
Chapter 5: awesome chapter bro! :D
Kryber T_T s--soo cuuute!
Jason17 #9
Chapter 5: Jessber wooohooooooooo Author-shi you're the best man!! :3 I Love Your story~ especially since you're gonna have Jessber moments now :3 Please updateeeeee *puppy eyes*
Chapter 5: update! update! update! youre story is really awesome:)