A Match made in Heaven


After lunch, I would always walk with Hankyung hyung and talk about stuff before going to class. Few minutes later, hyung needs to attend class leaving me to go to my next class which is Home Economics. The classroom is just near my locker, so better get all the stuff needed. While i'm taking out the things, a good smell woken up my senses.

"HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM~Smells good" and its coming from the Home Economics room.

I hurriedly got my things and quickly shut my locker and just follow the savory, delightful aroma. I continued to follow the smell and boy, I'm getting hypnotized with this smell. 

After following that delicious scent, I opened my eyes and I found myself at the door of the classroom. It was a bit cloudy becuase of the smoke and I can't see the view clearly inside to get a glimpse of the person cooking inside of the room. I tooked a deep breath and just continued the smell of fine cooking. Oh, it smells more wonderful than ever and I'm really curious of the person inside, cooking up these smells. I opened my eyes and the smoke was gone and I can clearly saw the person from the outside.

A petite guy, bet he's a year younger than me is busy mixing up ingredients in a bowl, putting the mixture in tins and then setting it in the oven in a flash. He then started chopping some vegetables and meat then putting them in a pan and honestly, he's like a pro in cooking and he looked CUTE in an apron. I now saw him mixing something in the pan, picked up the spoon, tasted it and he smiled. 


He looks cute when he's smiling.

I want him to smile like that always.

Without thinking, I opened the door of the room, his smile disappeared and was replaced by a shocked look. His eyes widened in shock, mouth a bit hanging and seriously.. HOW CAN THIS GUY BE MORE CUTE? He looked cuter even in shock and he just continued to stare at me. We continued to stare at each other for a few minutes until he dropped the spoon he was holding, snaping us both in reality. I realized what I just did and blushed in a bright red.

"Oh.. Uhmmm.. Mianhae.. I.. Uhmmm.. Sorry for disturbing..uhmmm... I mean barging in.. Uhmmm.. Y-you looked kinda busy.. so uhmmmm... Guess I'll be taking my leave now" I stuttered and i turned back, facing the door. I was about to exit when the guy spoke.

"Oh.. It's okay. You're not disturbing me at all. You can stay here if you like. Guess I needed some company while cooking." He said and he gently smiled at me.  

"Oh.. good. Sorry for barging in really. I didn't really meant it, It's just it's my first time seeing you here. I'm Kim Jongwoon, senior at SJ University, but I prefer people calling me Yesung" I said extending his hand for him to shake.

"What's your name?" I asked.

The boy giggled and he shooked my hand in return. "My name's Kim Ryeowook. Junior at SJ University. Nice to meet you too, Yesung-sunbae" he said.

"Ah.. no need for formalities. You can call me Yesung hyung or just Yesung"

"Oh, okay Yesung hyung" he giggled and continued cooking. While cooking, we talked about ourselves, our interests and stuff that were into and I can't believe his interests are just the same as mine. We continued talking about ourselves as well as our hobbies.

"So Ryeowook, cooking's your hobby?" I asked.

"Yep. Cooking is my favorite hobby. Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to be a chef. Cooking makes me happy. It relieves me from stress and most importantly,  It makes memories, brings people together that's how me and my friends met."Ryeowook said while mixing the food in the pan. I chuckled at his answer and just continued to look at him cook only I wasn't watching him cook anymore, I was looking at his face. His eyes, sharp nose, plump lips and silky hair made him really a very cute person. I continued to stare at him  when we heard a DING!

"Oh, the cupcakes are ready!"he said and he scurried next to the oven like a little kid.HOW CUTE~. He carefully took out the tins outside and placed it carefully on the table. 

"Ahhh~ that wonderful smell of deliciousness" I thought and Ryeowook is now in front of me holding a dish with 3 cupcakes.

"Yesung hyung, would you like some cupcakes?" he asked with a smile. "AHHH~ that smile! I can never say no to that smile"

"Sure. Thanks Ryeowook." I took the plate from him and he looked at me with full curiosity. I took a bite from the cupcake and MAN~... This has got to be one of the most delicious thing I ate on the planet.

"Ryeowook-ah' I called him.

"Yes?" he asked nervously.

"It's one of the best cupcakes I ever tasted" I smiled at him and he clasped his hands in delight.

"Really? Thank you Yesung hyung!" he gladly said.

"You're welcome Ryeowook-ah" I replied back at him, while smiling and he smiled at me back.

"O-okay, uhmm.. guess I'll continue cooking now. Enjoy the cupcakes hyung. More to come~kekeke" he said and he went back to the stove.

"Seriously, this guy is adorable. He cooks really great and he's cute too. Very nice person too"I took another bite and I felt that the cupcake makes me think about all the good and best memories of my life.  I thought until I felt something different with my chest. My heart's beating rapidly and I couldn't explain why. I looked at the cupcakes then at Ryeowook. He caught me looking at him and he smiled at me while I smiled back.

"Kim Ryeowook, what have you done to me?"


Yesung hyung's a really nice person. No!.. Not only a nice person, very handsome too~kekeke. When he asked me about cooking as my hobby, he made me remembered the times that I met my friends through cooking. (sigh) GOOD TIMES. ONE OF THE BEST THINGS THAT  HAPPENED IN MY LIFE. It started years ago when we're still little kids...



One Saturday afternoon, Leeteuk, Heechul, Sungmin, Eunhyuk and Kibum are playing tag around the park. All five boys ran, laughed until their hearts content. After playing for a few hours, they were all tired but happy but now the problem is.. THEIR ALL HUNGRY. They didn't have money to buy food and they were too tired and hungry to walk back to their homes.

"Leeteuk-hyung, I'm hungry" said Donghae while tugging the ends of his hyung's shirt.

"Don't worry Donghae-ah, we're almost there at our houses. Just keep walking okay?" said Leeteuk to Donghae.

"But Leeteuk, we've been walking for ages, our houses are another meters away and I can't stand walking another meter" said Heechul.

"Hyung, I'm tired. Let's just rest here for a while neh?" Sungmin suggested while Leeteuk sighed in defeat.

"Okay, lets sit here for a while" and they sat on the bench near a persons house. The boys were panting because of scorching heat and hungry because they were very hungry after playing tag. 

"HUNGRY~" sang Heechul, Sungmin, Eunhyuk and Kibum in chorus.

"Aish.. my dongsaengs are now hungry. What to do?" thought Leeteuk when a smell of sweet aroma woke the boys senses.

"Hmmmmmmmm~Smells good" Kibum said in delight.

"You're right Kibum, it does smell good. Where does it come from?" Eunhyuk said.

"They followed the smell that waffled the air, smelling like their's no tomorrow. They felt like the smell is luring them to eat it, making them more hungrier than usual. Once the scent was gone, the boys opened their eyes and saw a petite boy making pastries of different kinds while humming a song. The boys were a bit shocked because they wouldn't expect such a young boy making pastries that made their mouths water. The young boy stopped whatever he was doing, and he  giggled at the sight of five boys staring at his goods. He took five cupcakes and made his way over to the boys.

"Hello, I'm Ryeowook" said the petite boy.

"Hello Ryeowook, my name is Leeteuk and this is Heechul, Sungmin, Eunhyuk and Kibum" Leeteuk said and the boys smiled at Ryeowook.

"Hello everybody. It was very nice to meet all of you guys. Would you like some cupcakes?" Ryeowook said.

"YES~" the boys said in chorus and all of them grabbed a cupcake. The boys took a bite of their cupcake, they felt like their already in heaven. All that hunger was gone because of the cupcake. The boys smiled at Ryeowook and continued eating their cupcake. Ryeowook stood there, smiling. It wasn't everyday that the little Ryeowook was here alone by himself. He didn't have any friends to play with, so he just stayed at home. Of course, it didn't bother him that he always had to stay at home alone, but he always thought that it would be nice to have people for some company.

And now here he was, watching five kids munching happily into the treat. He's never tried making some friends, but he might as well try.

"So, hows the cupcake?" Ryeowook asked softly.

It was delicious, thanks Ryeowook" said Leeteuk and he continued munching on the treat.Ryeowook sighed and he sat stayed near the door. The five boys saw Ryeowook was quiet and they were thinking of a way to make the boy to get to know them. Leeteuk saw a ball near the gate and he picked it up.

"Ryeowook, do you want to play with us?"said the older hoping that he would say yes. The little boy looked up at him and looked at them with bright shining eyes.

"R-really?" he asked and they smiled at him. They instantly knew that Ryeowook wants to play and get to know them as much as he did.

"Yeah! You must be bored being here at home by yourself. Don't you have any friends?"Ryeowook suddenly hung his head low and shook his head.

"That's okay. Do you want to join with us?" 

"Y-you guys really mean it?" 

"Of course you can! Come Ryeowook lets play!" and Sungmin and Kibum grabbed Ryeowook's hands while the others ran in the yard and they started to play.Ryeowook was much happier now that he had friends to play with and someone to call his friend. He was happy to have them as his first friends. Now that he had friends, he made sure that nothing bad will ever happen to them and also take care of them by giving them food after playing. Last but not the least, he'll stay with them as long he has people to keep him in company. 

The five boys want Ryeowook being their friend just as much. They already knew each other for years and now it's time to let someone join them too. It wasn't just they needed someone to be in their group, his smile and laugh makes them wanting Ryeowook to be with them more. They wanted Ryeowook to be like that more often and also, they promised each other that they wanted him to be his friend not only for his talent in cooking. They wanted to stay long with him as long they are able to see see and hear his smile and laugh everyday.

After hours of playing together at Ryeowook's yaerd, they need to go back to their respective homes. Before leaving, Ryeowook gave them cupcakes to take them home and he introduced them to his parents. His parents were now happy that their son has made some friends. Ryeowook asked them if they could hangout with them tomorrow and they said yes. Ryeowook was very happy and so the others. He would be seeing them again and also thinking what food  to make for them tomorrow~kekeke but nevertheless, it was Ryeowook's best day for him.



(sigh) Good times. Now it's been years since I met them. I always did their best in taking care of them and always staying by their side and I'm very happy that they really wanted me as their bestfriend not for my talent in cooking. I really appreciated it and I they're the only people I can trust and rely on. Wait a minute, did I just say that cooking brings people together and brings good memories? I looked at Yesung and he was munching happily into the cupcake. I just realized that he made me think about the past again. Seeing him makes me even think about the times I met my hyungs and Kibum. I looked at him and he smiled at me. Seeing his smile makes my heart beat a little faster than before.




Meeting Yesung hyung has got to be one of the newest and best things that ever happened to me.


and here's the YEWOOK chapter. I sincerely apologize for the long wait. It has been one and a half months since I last updated which is last september 12. School's been pretty effing busy and it hurts me that I cant update a chapter. But here i am and now here's the latest chapter. I really missed u guys so much and once again MIANHAE for not updating soon and keeping u in a long wait. :). so how's the YEWOOK chapter? pls do subscribe and comment cuz I really wanted to hear your opinions whether positive or negative. I really appreciated comments and for silent readers pls do comment. ;). I do not bite. :3. Nxt up will be the HANCHUL chapter. U guys ready for it?. I'll be updating soon. ^^. For now, enjoy.. ^^

Sincerely yours,


P.S Which chapter do u like so far? :DDDDDDDDD



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kangteuk, sibum, eunhae and kyumin are already here. who do u guys think is the couple will go nxt? ;)


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Chapter 2: Adorable Kangteuk~~~
Chapter 1: This story is exciting! :)
hebteuk #3
Chapter 7: (P.S Which chapter do u like so far? :DDDDDDDDD)
my favorite parts till now r kangteuk's of course <3 <3 <3 XDDDD
Chapter 7: KYAAAAAAAAAAA~!!!
Chapter 7: Yewook is wiiiinnnnn!!!!!! >w<
Hi author-nim! :D
after 10 years, finally.. an update.
hahahaha XDD

LOL Wookie so cute! :D
update soon \m/
Chapter 7: aww Yewook is so cute!
hebteuk #8
i liked that lunch time...ur story is so fluffy ^^ ...i wanna more kangteuk <3