I Like You (HAEHYUK/EUNHAE chapter)

A Match made in Heaven

Eunhyuk POV

On my way to my second class which is PE. I honestly don't know what we are going to do today but I hope it will be dancing. I love to dance and Dancing is my life. My ambition is to become a famous performer someday but my dreams are telling me to find someone who I will love forever. It's kind of wierd to have dreams like this but since I'm so focused in dancing, I forgot to spent some time with myself as in relaxation even the others tell me to stop dancing and take a break, well at least I'm doing this for my ambition right? Yes? No? Maybe?. Okaay... i gotta go.

End of POV

Donghae POV 

Second class is PE, my favorite subject. I hope more fun activities to be done on the first day. I excel in every sport in PE, well who could expect from a playful and childlike wonder like me~kekeke and I also dance. Hey, since it's PE, I hope I can meet someone who also have the same interests as I am. Dancing, food, sports etc. Hehehe.. Can't wait!

End of POV

Narrator's POV

The gym is already full of people talking, playing while some are just keeping their cool like Eunhyuk watching the others play while Donghae is listening to his Ipod. Then at last, the PE teacher has arrived. (A/N Lets skip all the intros, grading systems etc because I don't want the story to be freakin' boring XD)

"Ok class, since I'm done discussing all of these, lets do what PE  really gives us a real high for sports" Mr. Park said.

"Please please be dancing" thought Eunhyuk.

"Dodgeball" Mr. Park announced.

Shouts, howls and whistles can be heard in the gym.

"Alright! Dodgeball" shouted one student.

"Oh, Dodgeball, good." thought Eunhyuk. "I'm a bit good at Dodgeball".

"Cool, Dodgeball!, get ready to get challenged Donghae" Donghae thought.

After the class had teamed up into two boy groups and two girl groups, they will be challenging Boys vs. Boys and Girls vs. Girls. Donghae is in team one while Eunhyuk is in team two.The game started 1with the team one throwing basketballs at the opposite team, hitting a few while Eunhyuk managed not getting hit. It is team two's turn to throw and Donghae also managed not to get hit. After hitting a few opponents from each group, Group 1 and 2 have only 2 members each, Donghae and Eunhyuk are present and also their teammate. After Donghae threw a dodgeball at group 2 sending Eunhyuks partner away leaving Eunhyuk alone in group 2. It's Eunhyuk turn to throw and it hit Donghae's partner and its Eunhyuk vs. Donghae now. Before throwing the ball, both of them take a moment to look at their opponent. Neither one of them didn't want to hit each other because they were mesmerized by each others looks. It was too cute and handsome to hit an image like that despite the groups shouts to just hit them already.

"WAAAH! am I seeing an Angel right now? I think I don't want to hurt this angel now" Donghae thought.

"OMO! So handsome, am I hit him or not?" Eunhyuk thought.

"Yah! Just hit him and get over with" shouted one of the boys teammates and both of them snapped back in reality. With dodgeballs in their hands, both of them were hesitated to make the first move and since Donghae's teammates insisted to hit him now, he had no choice but to throw the dodgeball and it hit Eunhyuk hard in the forehead.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!" Eunhyuk screamed at the pain and he collapsed while shouts of victory were made by the Team one while Donghae ran to the unconcious Eunhyuk.

"Hey, hey hey wake up I'm sorry" Donghae said while gently shaking the lad's shoulders to wake him up. "Hello? can you hear me?" he repeated and the angel is still unconcious.

"First aid coming thru!" shouted Mr. Park making his way to Eunhyuk's place. He was about to check Eunhyuk when Donghae stopped him.

"Sunsangnim, I'll take care of him" Donghae said.

"Are you sure Donghae-ssi? Does he have any bruise? a scar maybe?"

"No, he's just unconcious. I know exactly what to do" and he lifted Eunhyuk bridalstyle towards the gyms bathroom. He laid Eunhyuk in one of the chairs near the sink  while Donghae filled a pail with water to wake him up.

"This maybe a bit cold, I'm sorry for treating you like this but this is for the good angel" Donghae said as he gently splashed Eunhyuk the cold water in his face and he instantly woke up.

"ACK-PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT (cough) (cough) Where am I?" Eunhyuk said.

"Ssssshhhhhh," said Donghae as he put his index finger at Eunhyuk's lips.

"We're at the gym's bathroom. You collapsed after I hit you with the dodgeball. I'm sorry if I hit you hard" Donghae said while giving his gentle smile at Eunhyuk.

Seeing the smile makes Eunhyuk feel butterflies at his stomach.

"N-nah, t-thats o-okay" Eunhyuk stuttered and he immediately hung his head low while crimson red starting to form in his cheeks.

Donghae chuckled at the sight.

"You're cute" Donghae said and Eunhyuk blushed even more.

"By the way, I'm Lee Donghae" he said while stretching out his hand for Eunhyuk to shake.

"Lee Eunhyuk" he said while shooking Donghae's hand back.

"Are you sure you're okay now?" Donghae asked.

"A bit, my body is a bit sore after I collapsed" Eunhyuk said.

"I'll help you out" and he carried Eunhyuk piggyback style before he can protest.

"Wow, he's so strong and I can feel his muscles. Wait, why do I sound y all of a sudden? He's just helping me out thats all" Eunhyuk thought.

"Woah so light and not to mention skinny. Promise if I see him again, I will make him eat many delicious food to gain weight." Donghae thought and making it as a mental note when he sees Eunhyuk.

While walking, Donghae asked Eunhyuk what are his interests, likes and dislikes and all about himself and was surprised that Eunhyuk has the same things that he's into and not into like Donghae's  but what they're most into is dancing and they talk non-stop about it. Even though they just met a few minutes but they are now comfortable with each other and soon both of them are now starting to fall for each other.

"I really really like this guy! Neomu neomu joahaeyo! Not too mention we have the same interests and CUTE,  I want to know him more. Is he the one that I'm looking for all this time?" Donghae thought.

"I didn't expect to meet a person who is very nice, handsome and also have the same interests as I am, is this what my dreams are talking about? I like him now, like as in like like not a friend like" Eunhyuk thought as the two of them continued to walk, talk, laugh and liked each other evenmore.


A/N: Hey guys! sorry for not updating ^_^. Here's EunHae chapter. i'm working on a new chapter for my other story "Love at Chef Sapphire" and also the final for "My Dear Yesungie". Next chapter will be SIBUM. :DD Don't forget to comment and subscribe to this story and also my other ones. LOVE U! 

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kangteuk, sibum, eunhae and kyumin are already here. who do u guys think is the couple will go nxt? ;)


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Chapter 2: Adorable Kangteuk~~~
Chapter 1: This story is exciting! :)
hebteuk #3
Chapter 7: (P.S Which chapter do u like so far? :DDDDDDDDD)
my favorite parts till now r kangteuk's of course <3 <3 <3 XDDDD
Chapter 7: KYAAAAAAAAAAA~!!!
Chapter 7: Yewook is wiiiinnnnn!!!!!! >w<
Hi author-nim! :D
after 10 years, finally.. an update.
hahahaha XDD

LOL Wookie so cute! :D
update soon \m/
Chapter 7: aww Yewook is so cute!
hebteuk #8
i liked that lunch time...ur story is so fluffy ^^ ...i wanna more kangteuk <3