Girlfriend for Hire


A/N: Hi there, sorry if it took me long to update.. too much homeworks and i just finished this tonight! pft >.<

hope you'll enjoy this chapter!!!! ^-^



Park Hyunae’s POV

It’s finally our dismissals, I rushed out the classroom to avoid my haters.. I made my way to Choi hee’s locker to wait for her there..

“Hyunae-ah!” Choi hee called running to my side “Are you alright?” she asked concerned

“Ne, I’m fine” I smiled at her

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, yes, I’m sure” I answered her. My stomach grumbled for the hundredth time already “Aisht! Where’s that Jonghyun?”

“Looking for Jonghyun oppa eh?” she asked me with a grin

“Yeah, I’m so hungry, and he’s going treat us dinner”

 “Oh, so you have a date?”

I smacked her arm “Ouch!” she pouted. I gave her a smile

“It’s not a date, you’re going with me”

“Who told you I’m going with you?” she stuck her tongue out

“Tss.. The whole SHINee will be there too, alright?”

“Oh.. Is Key oppa gonna be there too?” she was fidgeting with her fingers when she asked me

“Um, Duh.. I just said ‘the whole SHInee’ right?” she smiled shyly at me.. I looked at her suspiciously

“What?” she asked

“Choi hee-ah, do you like Key?” I asked with a teasing smile

A blush spread on her cheeks “E-eh? W-what do you mean” she stuttered “Key’s my sunbae and he’s helping me with my training” she replied as she avoided my eyes and just looked around the hallway..

Something’s weird here’ I thought as I continued on staring at her.

“They’re here!” Choi-hee exclaimed

 I turned my head to the right and saw SHINee approaching us.. I anxiously look around the hallway and sighed in relief to see only few students were left chattering.

“Hey!” Jonghyun greeted us, putting an arm around me..

Choi-hee bowed and I smiled at them, I looked at Jonghyun for a second and his arm around me. He saw me looking at him and smirked.

“Hi noonas!” Taemin waved at us

“Are you guys hungry? Ready to eat dinner?” Key asked smiling at us..

Before I could even nod, my stomach grumbled again making a loud sound.. They all laughed including Choi hee.

“We’ll take that as a yes” Jonghyun said chuckling, I gave him a pinch at his back “Aw..” he jumped a little

“Something wrong?” Onew asked

“Yeah. Something wrong?” I asked innocently with a smile

“Nothing” he smiled and narrowed his eyes at me

“Are we gonna eat dinner or what? I need to see my chicken now” Onew whined

We all chuckled at his giddiness

“Let’s go, Let’s gooo” Minho said


-At the Restaurant-

We arrived at the restaurant around 5:30pm; I guess we’re having an early dinner then. The first floor of the restaurant is not that crowded since it’s not yet time for dinner. The waitress led us to the second floor of the restaurant, I noticed we’re the only ones in there..

We sat by the big long table with a ‘reserved’ sign placed on it.. The waitress handed us the menu.. After ordering I slumped my back on the chair and sighed.. I looked around the table noticing our sitting arrangement..

 I sat on the right corner facing Jonghyun, Choi-hee in the middle facing Key, Taemin on the left corner facing Minho while Onew is seated at the head of the table.

I didn’t notice we ordered a lot of foods until the waiters arrived with a cart.. They mention the foods name before placing it on our table..

The Gujeolpan consisting of different vegetables and meat served with thin pancakes, were placed in front of me and Jonghyun. The Sinseollo which is served in a large silver vessel with a hole in the center, where hot embers are placed to keep the dish hot throughout the meal where put in the middle of the table,Makchang or grilled pork was set down beside the Gujeolpan in front of Key and Choi-hee, Beoseot Gui or grilled mushroom in front of Taemin. Dubuseon or steamed tofu mixed with ground beef plus a chicken served in a fancy way were served and placed in front of Onew.. A Galbi or Korean BBQ and some side dishes like kimchi were also placed on our table..

I stared at the different dishes in awe. ‘These are too… too expensive to eat’ I thought but then my stomach protested again so I took my spoon and fork instead of my chopsticks, because it’ll be hard to eat those using chopsticks..

For no reason I suddenly felt shy on putting some of it on my plate.. I guess Jonghyun noticed it so he exchange my plate with his.. I looked at it and it’s filled with food, I smiled and mouthed him ‘thanks’.

“Eat up” he said with a slight smile

“Try this” I heard Key talking to Choi-hee as he put some, what do you call that again? “This is Makchang Gui” yeah, that’s the name ‘Makchang Gui’ “It’s pretty popular in Daegu” he added

It is? I’ve visited Daegu countless times already but I never tasted it?! I’m a shame for my country”

While eating we conversed on different topics, until Taemin asked a question that caught us off guard

 “How long have you been dating?” Taemin asked out of no where

My head shut up meeting Jonghyun’s eyes.. I kicked his right foot under the table, he kicked me back, and I glared at him.. I eyed him, telling him to answer the maknae

“Ooh. It’s been one month already” Jjong answered looking at the maknae

“Oh.. When is your anniversary then?” the curious maknae asked again, while the others looked at both of us..

 We replied at the same time, with different answers.. ‘Uh-oh’

He said “18” while I said “20”.. I looked at Jonghyun with wide eyes

“Really guys.. When is it?” Minho asked again

“Jakiya, have you forgotten about it?” Jonghyun asked me.. He’s smiling but his eyes where saying ‘why-did-you-have-to-answer’?!

“Uh, no of course not.. umm.. Actually, he first asked me out on a date in the 18th and I agreed to be his..” I swallowed before continuing “..his girlfriend in the 20th

I glanced at Jonghyun who’s looking at me intently “Oooh yeah, like that.. I guess I’m the one who let it slip from my memory” Jonghyun supported my answer

“What?! So you mean, two days after your first date, you automatically agreed to be his girlfriend?” Onew who’s holding a chicken leg asked surprised

“Eh? No!” I almost fell off my sit.. “June 18 is our first date and September 20 is when I became his girlfriend” I explained


Jonghyun took his glass to drink water

“Maybe we should celebrate your second month anniversary this coming December 20” Choi-hee exclaimed.. Jonghyun choked on his water..

“Eh?!” me and Jonghyun said in unison

I looked at her shocked. She knows my relationship with Jonghyun is all pretend.

“Why not, that would be two weeks from now” Key said, agreeing with Choi-hee’s idea

“Yeah! That would be great, besides we’re going to have a winter break anyway” Minho said

“Omo! I’m getting excited” Taemin clapped his hands

“Why don’t we go to Jeju island?” Onew suggested

My jaw dropped.. This isn’t happening.. I’ve always wanted to visit Jeju, but I didn’t imagine visiting it to celebrate my second month anniversary!

I looked at Jonghyun, who’s just staring at Onew.. Why isn’t he doing anything! I decided to talk since it seems like he doesn’t have any intention too..

“Umm, wouldn’t you be guys busy since you’re trainees?”

“Heck no..” Minho said “We’ll just attend training every after school plus every weekend so we can take a break on winter” he said with a shrug

I’m left speechless.. Whatever.. Kim Jonghyun you useless baseborn mongrel!

After that we continued on eating, Jonghyun remained silent, while the others constantly planned about our trip to Jeju.. I sighed..

“How about we stayed there for one week, since we have two weeks break anyway” I heard Key suggest

Jonghyun looked at Key and prod him but he just ignored Jonghyun.. I kicked Jjong’s right food again, he looked at me and gave me a ‘what-do-you-want-me-to-do’ look.. I shook my head in frustration and disbelief..

The dinner ended, and Jonghyun asked for the bill.. Wonder how much it cost him, I’d rather not ask.. I saw him placed his own platinum credit card on the small black leather folder plus an extra cash for the waiter’s tip.. Guessing he’s from a well-off family, explaining his arrogant attitude.


3rd Person’s POV

Before leaving, Taemin said he needs to go to the bathroom first, with Minho and Jonghyun tagging along..

The rest stood up from their table when suddenly Onew sangtae attacked as he tripped of his own chair and loosed balance causing him to bump into a girl and the girl to wobble.

“YAH! Watch where you’re going!” she yelled in frustration as she wiped invisible dusts off her clothes

Onew straightened his body and bowed 90 degrees to the girl “Choesonghamnida, choesonghamnida” he apologized

The girl looked at him up and down “Tch.. moronic guy” she muttered

“Yah! Girl with a nice jacket, didn’t you hear his apology?” Key butted in..

The girl rolled her eyes and was about to say something, when Jonghyun’s voice was heard

“Nam Hae Won?” Jonghyun asked walking back to their table with the other two..

“You know her?” Key, Onew, Choi hee and Hyunae asked in unison



A/N: Hi Hi! =)) whatcha think? gah, my eyes are hurting, it's already 11:00pm here and there's still school tomorrow.. lolol.. anywayss, err.. i think you already know that i don't re-read my updates.. hehe.. so i apologize for the typos =) i feel like this fic is running slow >.< i don't know, i'm not satisfied with it.. :] whateverrr..

btw i'm writing a JongKey fic, so if you're interested to read it here's the link: - I FOUND MYSELF FALLING FOR YOU 

i know, i know, why is this girl starting a new fic, while this one isn't done yet? well, i can't help it, i was watching JongKey vids then i came up with this.. lolol!  that's my first boyXboy fic, hehe!

*sigh*  anyway tomorrow (which is now thirty minutes away from where i'm currently living)  April 3 is Park Jung Min's Birthday! (he's one of my biases in SS501, the other is YOUNGSAENG..lolol)   <3

And of course our Bling-bling Jonghyun's Birthday on April 8!!! SAENGIL CHUKHA HAMNIDA!  heart heart heartheart ~endless hearts~







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ahh..this is cute, but i couldn't read all the chaps now..gonna subscribe..theheehe
update ! D:
ohhh my god- hae won seriously pisses me off; how blind are you jonghyun??<br />
and really...after what shesaid to onew oppa i can never forgive here...she needs to find her way back to the US or anywhere else but there really<br />
...i hope you can update more often now!
-.- Haewon...Needs to go somewhere...<br />
Just not here ;( Jonghyun is such a pabo`!<br />
SO Is Onew He should've been likee "NU UHH GIRL!" <br />
okay well key should've said that! ;(<br />
Whatever`! She's just gonna mess up everything for the 2!!;(<br />
I don't like that and I never say bad words really <br />
Update soon
Tsk... What a ...
i want to kill haewon -.-"" >:((((<br />
anw~ update soooon!!!!!
Update plzzzzz
mybananamilk #9
YAY!! AN UPDATE!!<br />
I'M SO HAPPY ^_________^<br />
ohhh i bet Key won't get along with Hae Won that well<br />
i like that ᄏᄏ<br />
<br />
please update soon!!
gahhh..OKAy 1st off~ NEW READER<333<br />
When She said she became a she wasn't kidding!<br />
she's gonna ruin everything T^T<br />