Girlfriend for Hire


A/N: Oweee, guys I’m back with this chapter Sorry for not updating often. I made this chapter a little longer although it’s not really a good one but I still hope you’ll like it. I had a hard time writing again, we had our finals and I had to study. >.< But I worked hard on this so I really hope you’ll appreciate it! I have ideas in store for this fic  you just have to  give me time to write them..hehe ^^ And then again THANK YOU SO MUCH for not abandoning this fic, I won’t abandon it too! Haha! Chu~!


Hyunae’s POV

“Everyone open your books and answer pages 120-125. I’ll be out for an important matter, so make yourself busy answering” our Math teacher said and walked out the room just like that. As usual everyone started talking instead of doing the work.

Aish. I’m not good at Math! I sighed and glanced at Hae Won behind me. Yes, Hae Won. Nam Hae Won. The girl from US and also Jonghyun’s childhood friend is in the same Math class as me. She is already answering the seatwork so I guess it’s gonna be another boring 50 minutes. I groaned and opened my own book.

“Hyunae right?” I was solving the first problem when suddenly Hae Won startled me by speaking. I looked up and saw her standing beside me. I nodded my head “I’m Hae Won” she added.

“Ne, I know” I smiled at her

“Good. But what you don’t know is that I don’t like acting dumb” she said and raised her left eyebrow.

Woah. “Eh? What do you mean?” I asked not getting what she said

“I want to tell you that I know everything. Jonghyun oppa told me that he’s just paying you to act as her girlfriend” she said straight to the point

I frowned at her tone. She makes me look like a cheap girl. I cleared my throat “Oh, it’s good that he told you that, I don’t want to keep acting around people when I’m with him.” I shrugged “And just so you know, he’s the one who first offered me to do this. I just had to accept it.” I added and turned to face my book again. Yeah, I’m pissed.

“Oh, I’m sure he has reasons why he had to hire you. Just don’t get carried away and fall for him. And just to let you know too, I like him and he likes me back” she had this y expression plastered on her face while she was saying that.

This time I smirked “Of course. Don’t worry I have no intentions of falling for him”

“Just making sure. But I’m still watching you. Remember what’s mine is mine” she crossed her arms then went back to her sit

What the heck was that? I rolled my eyes. I now agree with Key, I hate her too!




Oh yes, dismissals! I gathered my things and made my way to the door when someone bumped me. I looked up and saw a girl smirk at me. Right, I have haters, almost forgot! I heaved a sigh and controlled my temper. I’m still pissed about what happened with me and Hae Won during Math class. I don’t even know why it’s bothering me. It’s not like it’s a big deal that she knows what’s really going on or if she and Jonghyun have something special. I don’t care about that. But I hate the way she looked at me. For crying out loud we just met and the way she started our first conversation is not right! I reached my locker and dumped some of my books inside. I fished my phone in my pocket and saw one message from Choi-hee

‘Hyunae-ah, sorry I forgot, I have to attend training today at SME. You have to go home by yourself, joengmal mianhe. See you later. Take care. Chu~!’

I sighed. Guess I need to get going now. I slung my backup at my shoulders and started walking. Halfway to the gate I felt someone walking beside me. I looked and saw the dino Jonghyun.  >:\  He had his both hands inserted in his pocket and his head tilted up. Pabo, if he walks like that he might run into a pole, which I will find extremely stupid and funny.

Anyway I asked “What are you doing?”

“Walking duh” he answered

I inhaled in frustration “Obviously smarty pants, tch. Seriously why are you here?” I stopped walking and he did too.

He smirked then looked at me, he raised his arm and put it around my shoulders “Is it bad to walk my girlfriend home?” he said as he moved me closer to him

“Uh.. no” I said and removed his arm “It’s not bad to walk your girlfriend home, but, I‘am not your girlfriend and we’re not even that close” I shrugged and started walking again, I heard him jog after me then he placed his arm around my shoulders again but this time he leaned his face closer to mine, looking directly in my eyes as we stopped walking again.

“Oh yeah. Now we’re close” I felt his warm breath as he said that “So close” he added with a smirk as he leaned even closer, now our lips were only inches apart. I blushed from our closeness. We stayed like that for 5 seconds, and then I pushed him hard. He stumbled a few steps away from me.

“PABO!” I shouted “I didn’t mean it literally you jerk!”

He was looking at me with a shocked expression then it was replaced with a teasing smile “Are you blushing?” he asked pointing at me

‘Oh sh*t! AISH!’  I quickly looked away from him and let my hair hide my face when he suddenly started laughing. I scoffed “Crazy dino head” I said under my breath.

I stormed off leaving him “Yah! Wait up!” he shouted and immediately catches up with me

“Leave me alone, if you’re just going to keep teasing me” I said harshly

“Oh, don’t be like that. If there’s no teasing our relationship would be boring” I grimaced at that

“Aigoo, you’re really mad aren’t you” He sighed and took my books that I was holding

“Yah! Give it ba--!”

“Will you relax ok?” he said, I glared at him “Look, I’m already being a gentleman here and plus.. It’s my way of saying sorry” he said scratching the back of his head. I softened a little and started walking again. I could hear him humming a song as we made our way to my shared condo unit with Choi-hee

Minutes later..

“Are we there yet?” he asked

“10 minutes more” I answered

“Why didn’t you just take a bus home?  You know to make your life easier” he said exasperated

I rolled my eyes “If you’re tired already you can always go, I’m not asking you to walk me all the way home” I said and held out my hand to get my books

He shook his head “No no, I said I’ll walk you home alright”

“Tsk, aren’t you supposed to be training?”

“Uh-uh. I told them I’ll follow after I drop you home” he replied “And also, I don’t want Taemin to keep nagging at me, he keeps on repeating ‘what kind of a boyfriend are you hyung? Letting your girlfriend go home by herself, what if something bad happened to her. It will be your fault.’” Jonghyun said mimicking Taemin

I snickered “Taemin the maknae is nagging at you”

“I know! He must’ve inherited that from Key!” Jonghyun said shaking his head in disbelief

“How did you guys know I’ll be going home by myself?” I asked

“Choi-hee” he answered “She said she feels bad of leaving you alone while she attends training”

“Oh.. Choi-hee..” I said understanding

There was a pause before Jonghyun spoke again “Oh and before I forget, I told Hae Won about our you know, real status. Do you still remember her?”

“Yes. I remember her” I said bitterly “And I know. She told me you told her”

“Oh she did, that means you guys talked already” Jonghyun said excitedly

“Yeah, we did” I answered

“Aaahh.. She’s nice isn’t she?”

“Uh-uh” I answered flatly

“Although sometimes she may seem—“ I didn’t hear what Jonghyun said since I was in my own train of thoughts continuing his sentence ‘…she may seem mean, bad, y, snob’

“….but she’s nice” Jonghyun finished

“To you she is” I said under my breath

“Huh? What?” Jonghyun asked

“Eh? Umm. Nothing” I mentally slap my face. Way to go Hyunae. I immediately changed the topic “Oh look, we’re almost here, that’s our building there” I pointed the blue building where me and Choi-hee are staying

“Oh finally!” Jonghyun said. We stopped and he handed me my books

“Thanks” I mumbled

“What did you say?”

I rolled my eyes “I said thanks”

He smiled “Aren’t you going to invite me inside your condo?” he asked

“WHAT? Of course not! Go now go!” I said shoo-ing him

He smirked “But really Hyunae, you and Hae Won should be friends. I wonder how close you’ll be” he said wiggling his eyebrows

I rolled my eyes. Aish “Don’t even think about it”

“Why not?” he asked looking at me confused

“She’s your friend. Why do you want me to be friends with your friend?” Aigoo, Hyunae-ah that was a ridiculous question to ask. I mentally scolded myself

“There’s nothing wrong with that. And besides you need to earn more friends here in Seoul you know”

“Yeah yeah I get it. Go.” I said and turned away heading for the entrance of the building

“Goodbye to you too Ms. Congeniality!” I heard Jonghyun shouted sarcastically to me


3rd Person’s POV

Jonghyun went straight away to SMe and immediately proceeded to training. It was already 9:45 when their training ended. The boys changed to clean clothes and went to the lobby just as they saw Choi-hee leaving.

“Choi-hee noona!” Taemin called out.

“Omo, annyeong!” she bowed and greeted them

“Done with your training?” Onew asked

“Ah ne oppa, I’m actually going home now”

“Oh that’s great, we’re also leaving. If you want you can have a ride with us” Key offered

Choi-hee in return blushed “Aniyo, it’s alright oppa, you must be tired you need to rest too”

“Don’t be shy Choi-hee and you know you’re not allowed to refuse Key’s offer right. C’mon we insist” Jonghyun said grinning. Key nodded

“Yes we insist and besides getting a taxi at this time would take time, Hyunae noona will be left all alone and Jonghyun hyung would be worried” Minho said then looked at Jonghyun wiggling his eyebrows

Choi-hee and the others laugh. “Ayeeeeee~~!” Onew teased while using his elbow to poke Jonghyun

“You’re riding with us” Key said to Choi-hee while the others are busy teasing Jonghyun.

None of them noticed Hae Won’s presence walking in the lobby. When she saw the group laughing she made her way to them.

“Having fun without me guys?” Hae Won asked surprising everyone. She pouted and looked at them

‘Ew, not even cute’ key thought‘I can pout better’ Taemin thought

“Hae Won, what are you doing--?” Minho asked but was cut when Jonghyun spoke

“Oh I forgot to tell you guys, she’s a trainee of SM in US, when she went back here to Korea she continued her training here” Jonghyun informed

“Oh” was their only comment

“Ne, I’m excited to hang out with you guys more!” Hae Won squealed “But wait, Jonghyun oppa you told me you’ll tour me around SM this afternoon but you didn’t. Where were you? I waited for you a while ago”

“Ah mianhe, I forgot.. I was at umm.. training” Jonghyun scratch the back of his head. Onew, Minho, Key, especially Taemin looked at him questioningly

‘She dropped Hyunae noona at home this afternoon! Hyung pabo!’ Taemin thought

“Oh it’s alright” Hae Won said and smiled

“Ok guys let’s go, it’s getting late! Manager-hyung is waiting in the parking lot now” Onew said as the others picked up their backpacks

“You’re going home?” Hae Won asked “Um, can I have a ride home with you guys?”

They all looked at Hae Won

“Um, sure you can” Jonghyun said looking at their leader Onew “She can right?”

As not to be rude Onew just nodded his head and smiled.

“Kamsahamnida!” Hae Won said and gave Onew a small hug which surprised everyone again

Onew widened his eyes and froze ‘feeling close? After she called me a moron at the restaurant, I won’t forget that, hmpf’

“Ok let’s go hyung!” Taemin pulled Onew. He’s thankful to Taemin for doing that.

They all made their way to the parking lot. Hae Won noticed Choi-hee and asked

“Choi-hee-shi, you’re also coming with us?”

“Yes, we insisted her too” Key answered

Hae Won’s mouth shaped into ‘o’ then she gave key a small fake smile. Key returned it with a fake smile as well..



A/N:are you disappointed with this chapter? Sorry! I know I said the upcoming chapters will get crazier, but hey I also remembered saying I just need to include some parts in the story. =)) I already had an idea for their Jeju island trip so please wait!

And oh guys please leave some comments, I would really love to see what you guys think of this fic. Maybe it will give me more motivation to write faster. =)) haha!

Anyway thanks again my dear subscribers! Stay tuned for chapter 12! =)) <3





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ahh..this is cute, but i couldn't read all the chaps now..gonna subscribe..theheehe
update ! D:
ohhh my god- hae won seriously pisses me off; how blind are you jonghyun??<br />
and really...after what shesaid to onew oppa i can never forgive here...she needs to find her way back to the US or anywhere else but there really<br />
...i hope you can update more often now!
-.- Haewon...Needs to go somewhere...<br />
Just not here ;( Jonghyun is such a pabo`!<br />
SO Is Onew He should've been likee "NU UHH GIRL!" <br />
okay well key should've said that! ;(<br />
Whatever`! She's just gonna mess up everything for the 2!!;(<br />
I don't like that and I never say bad words really <br />
Update soon
Tsk... What a ...
i want to kill haewon -.-"" >:((((<br />
anw~ update soooon!!!!!
Update plzzzzz
mybananamilk #9
YAY!! AN UPDATE!!<br />
I'M SO HAPPY ^_________^<br />
ohhh i bet Key won't get along with Hae Won that well<br />
i like that ᄏᄏ<br />
<br />
please update soon!!
gahhh..OKAy 1st off~ NEW READER<333<br />
When She said she became a she wasn't kidding!<br />
she's gonna ruin everything T^T<br />