Girlfriend for Hire

A:N: Hellooo!! first i'd like to apologize to all of you *bows 90 degrees repeatedly* cheosonghamnida! I'm really really sorry for not updating for such a loooong time! >.< I'm terrible, i know! :( please forgive me! i was just experiencing serious writer's block.. I hope you understand =) please? And thank you like big time! NOMU NOMU KAMSAHAMNIDA for not leaving me! I LOVE YOU! REALLY I DO!

Anyway, chapter ten is finally up! I really had a hard time writing this chapterso.. sorry again if you'll find it crappy.. :) It's not long enough to make up for my absence but i hope you'll enjoy it! ^^

But before you start i'd like to introduce to you this new character!! :)

Nam Hae Won - her name actually means "winner" so she's very competetive and she is willing to do anything to get what she wants.. Only child which makes her a spoiled brat.. Moved to U.S. when she was 9 years old and now she's back in Korea. She will be studying on the same school as the other characters. Childhood friend of Jonghyun and has feelings for him.

Yeah, now on with the story! ^^



3rd Person’s POV

Jonghyun and Hae Won were sitting together on a bench at the park after their unexpected meeting at the restaurant. Both were silent, watching the children play by the playground until Hae Won started.

“So oppa it’s been so long eh?” she said looking down

Jonghyun nodded and smiled “We were just like them seven years ago when we were nine” he said referring to the kids “Do you still remember?”

Hae Won smiled at the memory “Of course oppa, I will never forget that. We always went to the playground first thing in the morning every weekend”

“Yeah, and you would always trip, then I have to treat your wounds and buy you ice cream just to make you stop crying” Jjong said shaking his head

Hae Won sighed “How I miss that oppa”

“Tsk. Then you shouldn’t have left you should’ve stayed here”

“Oppa I was nine then, I don’t think I can be away from my parents” she chuckled then continued “But, now I can totally go on my own, I’ve grown to be a ya know!” she said laughing

“Yeah yeah.. Well I’ve changed too.. As you can see, I’m more handsome now”

Hae Won smiled “I agree”

Both were quiet again, after some minute Jonghyun broke the awkward silence by asking

“So.. How come you’re back?” Jjong asked raising his left eye brow

“Looong story, but you know what, I’m a trainee of SMe” Hae Won boasted

Jjong smirked “Stop boasting. For your information, I’m also a trainee of SMe and I’m about to debut soon.. Even though it’s not yet officially announced” Jonghyun said with his chin up and arms crossed

“Eh?! Jeongmal?” Hae Won asked with wide eyes

Jonghyun nodded “Stop acting surprised”

“You’re not kidding me right?”

“Do I look like I’m kidding?”

“OPPA! That’s great! Does that mean I’ll be seeing you in SM academy too?”

“Yeah sure you will” Hae Won’s eyes lit up as she linked her arms in Jjong’s arms “But wait are you still studying in Seoul High oppa?”

“Yes, why?”

“AH! Because I enrolled back again and I’ll be starting in Monday.. Kyaa~! This is the best” Hae Won squealed

“Oh so you’ll be seeing me everywhere then” Jonghyun laughed “You’ll be surprised, when you see fan girls chasing me” he smirked

Hae Won’s face fell on a pout and suddenly felt jealous after hearing girls chasing after Jonghyun although she tried not to be obvious by asking

“Fan girls?”

“Yeah, well, we’re quite popular in school” Jonghyun answered

“We’re?” Hae won asked again confused

“I’ll be debuting in a group, with Onew hyung, Kibum, Minho and Taemin” Jjong said “You know the guys I’m with at the restaurant” he added

“Aaahh” Hae Won said understanding. ‘Those guys at the restaurant? Seriously? I just called the other guy a moron.. tsk, it’s his fault anyway. At least Jonghyun didn’t see that’She hide her thoughts by smiling “I can’t wait to meet them again” she said, although she’s not really interested


Hyunae’s POV

(Next morning.).

Choi-hee and I walked lazily through the school gates with our heads bowed down

“Ah, I’m so not in the mood for school!!” Choi-hee exclaimed

“You’re not the only one you know.. Let’s go sit at the bench”

We reached the bench and sat down. I’m really tired! After going home from the restaurant, Choi-hee and I stayed up late until 12:00am watching a movie, now we lack of sleep! We stayed silent and I could feel my eyes closing when Choi-hee spoke

“Hyunae-ah..” she called


“Who do you think is that girl yesterday at the restaurant?” >.< Choi-hee can be so random at times.

“Mmm, don’t know. Don’t care” I muttered with my eyes still shut close

 “I think they know each other for so long already. I mean Jonghyun and the girl” she added

“Ye.” I mumbled not really caring, although that girl from yesterday was really a for calling Onew a moron even the poor guy apologized already. I sniffed and opened my eyes just when the school bell rang, then we made our way to homeroom….






Oh yes the sound of the school bell, I love it although it might give me heart attack sometimes but well, that sound is signaling lunch break and I’m starving!!

I rushed to the cafeteria with Choi-hee.. Yes the cafeteria, I suddenly remembered yesterday when Jonghyun ‘kissed’ me in front of the whole student body just to make them believe that we’re really dating.. I shuddered at the thought. Whateverrrr.

I followed Choi-hee to a table by the corner with my tray of oh so yummy foods.. I sat down opposite her and started munching. I can actually feel eyes staring at me while I eat; seriously they’re still not over about yesterday’s show. I ignored them and enjoyed my food.

“kyaa~!” wow, that squeal is irritating!

I didn’t bother to turn my head to see the reason for their ‘kyaaa-ing’..  You know why? Because it’s pretty obvious.. If there’s school bell to alert you for your next class or dismissals, there’s also this so called ‘kyaaa-ing’ to alert you that the shinning boys of the school is here! !=.=!

Anyway, I felt someone sat beside me. I glanced at my right and saw Onew smiling brightly at his tray full of chicken. Key, Minho and Taemin also joined in with their trays. I think someone is missing. I counted them in my head, 1, 2, 3, 4…. Hmm? Jonghyun isn’t around. Oh well.. I shrugged and continued eating. After a while Onew started blabbering about how delicious chicken is.

“Onew-hyung you’re too noisy~” Taemin whined

Onew shot him a glare then smiled. Weird.

“Hey guys!” We all shot our heads up to see Jonghyun.. It’s a surprise no one squealed when he entered.

“Annyeong Haseyo!” a girl suddenly appeared from behind Jonghyun. She bowed at us. She looked familiar.. Hhmmmm? Oh yeah, she’s the girl at the restaurant who called Onew a moron. I think Jonghyun and her are really close. Oh well, it’s obvious.

I felt Onew moved uncomfortably from his seat. I think he realized that that’s the girl he bumped yesterday. I can see Key looking at the girl from head to toe.

“Guys, I’d like you to meet Hae Won.. Remember her, the girl yesterday” oh so Hae Won’s the name “She’s a friend of mine.” Jonghyun said grinning at us, we remained silent though.. I think that’s rude so I greeted her with a hello then went back to eating.

“Anyway Hae Won, these are my friends, Onew hyung he’s the eldest” he pointed at Onew who smiled uneasily at her then bowed “And that’s Key, Minho and Taemin” he continued as he pointed at each of them.

“Annyeong Haseyo” Hae Won said again “It’s nice to finally meet you, we didn’t meet properly yesterday. I’m sorry for that” she said, we’re quiet before Key started

“Oh pish-posh! It’s ok” he said smiling although he looked like he wanted to rebuff her. “Jonghyun-ah why don’t you introduce these girls to Hae Won” Key said motioning at us. Jjong was about to speak when Key cut him off.

“Aigoo, you’re too slow” Key stood up “Hae Won this is Choi-hee, she’s a very good friend of ours” he said placing a hand on Choi-hee’s shoulder. “And that” he continued pointing at me “is Hyunae. Jonghyun’s girlfriend” he said without reserve

I stopped chewing on my food and looked at Key then at Jonghyun who’s staring at Key with wide eyes then at Hae Won who seemed like she’s caught off guard.

“O-oh.. Hi, nice to meet you” she said after some time with her eyes focused on me. Surprised? That’s not even the truth. Hah!

“Oh well, come and join us" Choi-hee said smiling 

“Umm, I’m sorry but I think I need to excuse myself first. I still need to uuhh--. See the prinicipal, since I’m new, you know” Hae Won stammered a bit but smiled at us before bowing her head then turning away.

“Eh?” we heard Jonghyun

He looked at Hae Won’s retreating figure, and then he followed after her. Woah, what’s with that? I heard someone snickering which eventually turned into laughter. It’s Key. We all looked at him questioningly.

“D-d-did y-you s-see that?” he said between laughs

“See what hyung?” Minho asked

“Her f-face!! W-when sh-she heard that J-jonghyun has a- g-gril friend!!” I grimaced at that

“Why hyung what’s wrong with her face?” Taemin asked

“Aigoooooo!!” Key exhaled and tried to control his laughter “She obviously likes Jonghyun” he said smiling really wide. I can’t really say anything right now, since Onew, Minho and Taemin are here, and as you all know, they think that me and Jonghyun are really together.

“You think so?” Choi-hee asked

“I know so!” Key asserted “Aigoo” he calmed down after a few more snickers “But you know what, I don’t like her. There’s something about her that.. I JUST DON’T LIKE” Key said crossing his arms


Jonghyun’s POV

I can’t believe Key said that. But I’m not mad at him or anything, I was just surprised myself. Anyway I followed Hae Won who’s actually heading somewhere else; I know she doesn’t need to meet up with the principal anymore. She went to the garden and stopped when she reached the middle

“Hae Won-ah” I called. She turned around glaring at me. Woah, chill!

“Jonghyun-ah” she called me by my name, it means she’s upset “Is it true? That Hyunae is your girlfriend? Why didn’t you tell me?” she arched her eyebrows

I was going to talk and explain when she cut me off. I felt like I’m being cut off multiple times already. “Do you still remember before I leave for US?” she asked me “I told you I liked you right?” I nodded not sure what to say “I told you to wait for me.. And you promised you will!” she said placing her hands on her hips

Oh yeah, I remembered that. Before she left she confessed to me, I was nine back then and I admit I had a crush on her and I kinda like her, so I promised her that I’ll wait for her. And besides she’s my friend.

“Jonghyuna-ah” she called snapping me out of my thoughts “You promised but you broke it, now you have that Hyunae!”

I sighed “Look, Hae Won listen. Hyunae, she” I paused before continuing. I’m just gonna tell her “She acts, as my girlfriend” I said eyeing her expression that changed into a puzzled one

“Eh? I’m confused. What do you mean by she acts as your girlfriend?”

I sighed again “Yes, she ‘acts’” I repeated “We’re not really together, I just.. hired her to be my girlfriend” I said. Wow, I sounded desperate. >.<

“You hired her?! For what?”

“I hired her to act as my girlfriend so my fan girls will bother me less” I said shrugging. I further explained the situation to her until she gets it.

“Oh.” was all she said after my explanation “So you’re not really together then” she stated. I nodded “Does that mean you kept your promise?” she asked. I paused then nodded once.

She smiled at me “Oppa, mianhe” she said quietly “I didn’t mean to get mad at you, I was just really shocked when I heard it a while ago. At least now I know”

“Yeah, I know it’s really unlikely” I sighed “But wait, you can’t tell anyone, alright? You have to keep your mouth shut about what you know or else..” I smiled while playfully threatening her

“Whatever. But wait, who else know?” she asked

“Me, Hyunae, Choi-hee and Key” I informed her

“Key? He knows the truth but he still introduced Hyunae to me as your girlfriend. Tsk” she rolled her eyes

“I guess Key only said that since there were other people around. Onew, Minho and Taemin don’t know the truth actually”

“Aaahh, araso” she smiled

Hae Won’s POV

Tsk. So that’s the case eh. She hired Hyunae as her girlfriend and that girl agreed, cheap ! But wait, what if she likes Jonghyun that’s why she agreed? I’m not gonna let that happen and if ever I’ll get Jonghyun first before she did.

Aisht! I really don’t think I’ll get along with them. Especially that Key, he irks me. Seriously of all the people that Jonghyun oppa can be friends with. Well, at least he has trust in me. Hah, I know the nitty-gritty!.. 


A/N: Yes, so that's chapter 10!! sorry for any mistakes, i didn't back read! hehe! i think this chapter is disappointing, but oh well i have to update! >,< The Jeju island trip  will happen after 2-3 chapters.. i just need to  include some parts before their trip! anywaaay, i'll promise you that the upcoming chapters will be better now, since we have a new character that will mess the lives of our Jonghyun and Hyunae. ^^ it will get..ummm..crazier? yeah i guess! ^^

And again, thank you for staying with me! you guys are the best! =)) heart I'll start my chapter 11 as soon as possible! So, stay tuned! ^^





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ahh..this is cute, but i couldn't read all the chaps now..gonna subscribe..theheehe
update ! D:
ohhh my god- hae won seriously pisses me off; how blind are you jonghyun??<br />
and really...after what shesaid to onew oppa i can never forgive here...she needs to find her way back to the US or anywhere else but there really<br />
...i hope you can update more often now!
-.- Haewon...Needs to go somewhere...<br />
Just not here ;( Jonghyun is such a pabo`!<br />
SO Is Onew He should've been likee "NU UHH GIRL!" <br />
okay well key should've said that! ;(<br />
Whatever`! She's just gonna mess up everything for the 2!!;(<br />
I don't like that and I never say bad words really <br />
Update soon
Tsk... What a ...
i want to kill haewon -.-"" >:((((<br />
anw~ update soooon!!!!!
Update plzzzzz
mybananamilk #9
YAY!! AN UPDATE!!<br />
I'M SO HAPPY ^_________^<br />
ohhh i bet Key won't get along with Hae Won that well<br />
i like that ᄏᄏ<br />
<br />
please update soon!!
gahhh..OKAy 1st off~ NEW READER<333<br />
When She said she became a she wasn't kidding!<br />
she's gonna ruin everything T^T<br />