Visiting their House

Once Upon A Memory


"He's not like that before."
"Really?" you asked the boys.
"We'll be going now, he'll be needing us." with that his friends bid goodbye and left.
"Come on, ~~~ -ah. Let's go back."
You and Youngmin left the cafeteria and were heading your way to your classroom.
"Youngmin, I'll go to the girl's room first. You go ahead."
You and Youngmin parted ways and you went to the girl's bathroom. Entering, you saw a girl being bullied by three girls. The girl was crying and she looked scared.
"Yah! Stop that!" you shouted at them.
"Mind your own business, ugh!" One girl pushed you to the wall. Your back was hurt. You got pissed off and full of those stupid girls. You tried to stopped them.
"I SAID STOP!" you pushed each one of them.
"GO AWAY!" you shouted at them. They went out of the girl's bathroom.
"Are you alright?" you asked the girl and helped her.
"Yes, thank you.."
"Why were they bullying you?"
"Uhm, they hate me. They're always like that. I'm used to it."
"You're used to it so you didn't stop them?"
"Sorry... Sorry for causing you trouble, ~~~ -shi."
"Whoo~ you know my name? I guess, you're my classmate? Am I right?"
"Yes, Shinyeong imnida."
"Cute name! Nice to meet you! We better get to class now."
You both went out of the bathroom and headed to class. You went to your seat.
"Why are you with Shinyeong -shi?" Your curious bestfriend, Youngmin, asked.
"She got bullied... in the girl's bathroom."
"Jinjja?! By who?!"
"Shh, I don't know. But I think she's fine now."
You paid attention to your class and waited for hometime.
After some sessions, the bell rang. At last, it was hometime already. You were excited because you were going to buy stuff you need for your project with Youngmin. You rode on Youngmin's motor and headed to the stationery store.
After a while, you reached the store. You wanted a cute design for your scrapbook. You got stickers and a notebook to stick the pictures with. After getting your stuff that are needed, you checked if Youngmin is done with picking the things he need.
"Youngmin-ah~ are you done picking?"
"Not yet~"
"Okay, I'll look around for a bit."
You looked around the store. You looked for books and some manhwa. After that, you checked on Youngmin again. He was done picking and you both paid for the items you bought. And then, you told Youngmin to stop over a bakery shop. You bought cake and some bread then went to Youngmin's house.
When you arrived, you greeted his mom.
"Annyeong untie!"
"~~~ -ahhhhh!~" Mrs. Jo came running towards you and hugged you.
"I miss you so much, ~~~!"
"I miss you too, untie! keke~ I brought cake and bread!"
"Oh, gomawo!" his mom took the food and placed it on the table.
You sat in the living room for a bit while waiting for Youngmin to change. You remembered your parents and texted them because they might be worried.
To: Umma
Umma, I'm here at Youngmin's house to do a project. I'll be home soon! Love you!"
"~~~ -ah! Let's eat!" Mrs. Jo called you.
You went to the table and ate.
"Youngmin, Kwangmin! Come down now~"
*I wonder how Kwangmin acts when he's at home.* you thought to yourself, smirking.
Kwangmin came down first. His eyes became big, bigger than the world, when he saw you.
"Annyeong, grumpy!" you teasily greeted him.
He just kept quiet, gave you a bad look, and then sat down. Youngmin came down as well.
"~~~ -ah, how are you?"
"I'm fine, auntie!"
"You're in the same school as my sons, right?"
"Aigoo, you're still pretty as ever."
"I don't think so, keke~ You haven't changed that much, Auntie!"
"Well, I'm still pretty. Right?"
"Of course!"
"She hasn't changed a lot, right umma?" Youngmin joined your conversation.
"I know right. Do you think so too, Kwangmin?" You all faced at him.
"Mhm?" he looked at your faces.
"Were you even listening?"
"I was asking you if ~~~ changed."
"Oh.." he looked at you and stared at you with his 'Mr. Cold Guy' look.

There's the update for today. Sorry if I'm late again. ;____; Thank you for my 11 subs. <333 Love lots! xoxo.



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Chapter 35: =O wow! Thank you for update.
sazuka #2
Chapter 35: kwangmin you pabo ya!~
please update soon :D
Chapter 34: OTP OTP! lol love it~ please update soon. XD
CuteyDuckey21 #4
Chapter 34: So.. sweet... >o<
Chapter 34: so precious TToTT will wait for your update! c:
Chapter 34: It's good and perfect for me. I really like your story if you can't update for so long don't worry because I'll be waiting ;) thanks for writing.
Chapter 33: Update soon. This chapter was short =( i'll wait for the next one ;)
JoESeun #8
Chapter 32: I love your story!! Please update soon =D