Back To The Usual

Music Troubles


Haneul came rushing into the Super Junior dorms being overpowered with her excitement to see Ryeowook…-oh and of course the others, you know… but she cared more about seeing Ryeowook.

“Ryeowook oppa!” shouted Haneul as she hugged Ryeowook the second she saw him.

“Haneul!” he shouted back.

They let go of each other and smiled.

“Oppa, I missed you so much.”

“I missed you too. Did you do anything fun over there? Did you get me a present?” asked Ryeowook.

“Everyone’s asking for presents, of course! I bought everyone a present, actually, two each!” said Haneul sarcastically.

“Sorry for asking, but I’m glad you’re back.”

“It’s okay, I bet everyone’s expecting presents after Hankyung comes back.”

“Yeah, but at least I’m not that eager for a gift, right?” asked Ryeowook.

“Sure, why not?” They laughed and went to Ryeowook’s room and unpacked (under Leeteuk’s orders).

“Aish, guess I’ll be busy in the next few days, but I promise, I’ll make sure that I’ll be spending time with all of you whenever I have time.”

“Okay, but make it the some of the best moments of my life, please?”

“Alright, I will,” Haneul nodded.

Over the next few days, Haneul had her regular routine. First she woke up earlier than the other members, got ready for her schedule and went through her fanmail, she might even had the chance to cook for some of the members. She went on her really tight schedule with a ton of interviews, appearances on game shows, talking on the radio, working on her next album, new songs, practising for another concert and when all of that was over for the day she would only have a few hours of sleep. Now she understood how the boys felt, practising late at night with very few hours of sleep after being tired from schedules and practices (at least she wouldn’t mess around as much as the boys when she needs to practise). And look at the time, it’s only been two days since she got back from Vietnam and started work again, this was going to be really hard work.

At least she could finally spend some moments with the guys when Sungmin and the rest got back from their ‘vacation’ that Minjung tortured them to death with. She was so happy to see them and they even invited her to go with them to an orphanage.

Sungmin, Leeteuk, Kangin, Donghae, Hangeng, Eunhyuk, Ryeowook, Yesung and Shindong drove to the orphanage. Haneul was curious why they wanted to go to the orphanage when they have their schedules. When they arrived some kids came out and ran up to them. Haneul noticed a camera and how playful they all were.

‘Are they still filming this program?’ she thought.

“Annyeonghaseyo!” they all shouted and bowed respectively. They went inside some of them holding hands with one of the kids. They saw a lot of kids all sitting in a semicircle and clapping their hands.

“First we’ll do a greeting,” Leeteuk ordered.

“1, 2, 3! Annyeonghaseyo, we’re Super Juni-OR!” they all shouted bowing.

 “Annyeonghaseyo, Lee Haneul imnida,” said Haneul bowing. Everyone clapped and Kangin just went hypo for a moment.

“As we’re singer, we wish to sing a song for you,” Kangin announced. Everyone cheered for them. They sang ‘Miracle’ and Haneul sat in the audience watching with a little girl on her lap.

“Minjung unnie! Annyeonghaseyo!” Haneul said in a happy tone.

“Annyeong Haneul,” she replied. Haneul said hello to the girl sitting on her lap.

“What’s your name?” asked Haneul.  The girl’s eyes wandered around the room for a little bit before speaking.

“Park Min Jee,” the girl replied. She started fiddling with her fingers until Haneul told her to watch the boy’s performance. She started giggling and smiling. After the boy’s gave out presents one by one to each child they began playing with each other.

Haneul played with Min Jee and a few other children.

“Do you know who I am?” Haneul asked the children surrounding her. They nodded.

“You know? Who am I?”

“Lee Haneul,” one of them replied.

“That’s right. Do you know what I do?”


“Yeah, do you know how to sing any of my songs?” The all shook their heads.

‘They’re so quiet, like me when I was younger,’ Haneul thought.

“Do you want me to sing?” asked Haneul.

“Yeah!” Min Jee replied.

Do you know what I think?

Do you know what I see?

I see the sun rising from the beautiful horizon

It’s just as beautiful as the sapphire ocean

It can’t be more beautiful than the sky when the sun sets

The sky is filled with colours of joy, just like your enjoyable personality

Oh, you’re my only one, you’re my only special treasure in the world

The children clapped when Haneul stopped singing. The girls pulled Haneul to a room filled with a lot more other girls and she saw they were surrounding Sungmin and Hangeng and some of them were playing around.

“Annyeong!” Haneul said as bunch of girls surrounded her. She saw one of the girls bring a book over to Hangeng to read to them.

“Oh, Three little pigs? Right? Oh, and read? What? My Korean is not that good yet!” Hangeng replied. Instead, Sungmin had to read to the girl while Hangeng played with the rest. Haneul joined in afterwards but sometimes messed up but she laughed it off.

Min Jee and Haneul snuck off by themselves and headed into another room and saw Ryeowook. Haneul whispered to Min Jee, “Let’s go over there.” She nodded and they saw Reowook with a little chubby girl that reminded Haneul of her niece.

“Ryeowook oppa! This is Min Jee, who’s this?” asked Haneul sitting next to him letting Min Jee sit on her lap.

“This is Cho Yeonchu,” he replied giving her a bottle of water. A little boy came over and had a drink. “Give him a little drink,” commanded Ryeowook. Yeonchu obeyed him and even helped the boy drink it.

“Is it nice?” asked Ryeowook.

“Is it nice!” Yeonchu said copying what Ryeowook said. Haneul and Ryeowook both snickered. The little girl left Ryeowook and chattered with the boy but they followed with Haneul holding Min Jee’s hand.

“Min Jee, what do you want to be when you grow up?” asked Haneul as Min Jee sat on her lap fiddling with a toy.

“I want to be… an actor,” replied Min Jee.

“An actor?” The little girl nodded. “An actor, can you act like you’re angry?” asked Haneul. The little girl nodded without saying a word and focused on the toy. “Show me.”

Min Jee got up in front of Haneul prepared to act out her mood. She pulled a face, crossed her arms, sat on the floor and turned around pouting.

“That’s really good Min Jee! Now show me that you happy.”

The little girl got up and slowly smiled in a cute way.

“Aw, now show me you can do something cute.”

Min Jee put her hands on her cheeks and sighed.

“Oh, so cute! Min Jee you will definitely become an actor someday!” said Haneul hugging her as Min Jee smiled.

After a while of playing a lot with the children, sadly the members had to leave after making the children actually feel really special. Haneul and a few cameramen started asking her questions about the orphanage and the children.

“I feel really grateful that I got to spend time with some children and making them feel special and wanted especially with the Super Junior members, they are my great oppas and I believe some of them will be so happy in the future and have a great life. My feelings right now are some of the most…. How can I say? Not even words can describe how I feel about having a great time with the boys and the children, they are all very special and unique that I just wish I would be able to stay here longer. The only thing I wish is for all of the children for their wishes and dreams to come true, thank you,” said Haneul.

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shinningstars #1
OMO OMO OMO OMO !!!!!!<br />
ANIYOOO !!!<br />
TT__TT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
I TOTALLY LOVE IT. Not only was the main girl Vietnamese... but yeah.<br />
Since I'm Vietnamese, too. xD<br />
shinningstars #3
awww ~ sungminnieee ~ <3<br />
i could imagine him being all cute and such for some reasons ~ lolol
shinningstars #4
aigoooo ! wth was that ?! now it's really hard to choose which one's bf or hubby material ! ><'<br />
update sooon ~
shinningstars #5
Woookie's present was cuteeee ~<br />
but minnie!!!!!! D:
shinningstars #6
awiieee ~ that was sweeeet of sungmin to give her a necklace ~ but wat did woookie got her ?<br />
i wanna know i wanna knowww ! :3<br />
kekeke<br />
update soooooon ~
winterflowr #7
Poor SUngmin...he keeps apologizing!<br />
Update soon!
Haha. Eunhyuk was so happy :)Update soon~
winterflowr #9
Aigoo! She's Vietnamese! lol I'm Vietnamese too :D<br />
Yeah! I could totally understand what she was saying in Viet!<br />
Dang! She knows so many languages!<br />
Thank you for updating!
winterflowr #10
Lol...why is Eunhyuk so happy! Does he like her too??<br />
jk--his dancing~I wish I were there!<br />
Update soon!