The Prank and Christmas

Music Troubles


“Haneul! Is it true? Are you already leaving the Super Junior members already after one day?” asked interviewers at the press conference.

“Actually… yes, it is true,” replied Haneul her vision going blurry as tears filled her eyes.

The members were also speechless. Looking at Haneul seriously, tears also starting to form.

“Can you please tell us, why?” asked another.

“Because it seems already I have a few haters. Being with Super Junior, just doesn’t seem right anymore.”

“I heard there were rumours spreading that you dislike some of them. Is that true?”

“… Aniyo… I don’t dislike them at all… after only one day with them, I feel like we’re a big family already…” replied Haneul.

“Please, don’t leave Super Junior!” shouted a girl at the back.

Haneul smiled saying, “You’re right. I’m not… IT WAS A PRANK!” shouted Haneul standing up from her seat grinning.

The Super Junior members all had surprised looks on their faces. “Bwo?” asked the members to each other as they exchanged looks.

Leeteuk bent down his head crying in relief. Siwon, who was sitting next to him, patted his back in comfort. Haneul kept grinning but then tears started flowing down her cheeks in happiness and laughing filled with joy. She hugged Hangeng who was closest to her and who also had a little bit of tears forming then she went over to Leeteuk and hugged him who still kept crying hard.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you,” whispered Haneul in the leader’s ear.

Sungmin came up to her and hugged her, along with Ryeowook. They could hear the press laughing.

“Good one Haneul!” some of them shouted.

“Kamsahamnida! Goodbye!” Haneul said waving as they went back home.

Leeteuk was still crying on their way home. Everyone kept comforting him as Haneul kept apologizing and Leeteuk kept forgiving her.

“Haneul, don’t do that again,” said Hangeng as some of them laughed.

“Yeah, don’t worry, I’m really sensitive as well, look, I was even crying and I’m the one who pulled the prank,” replied Haneul.

“Yeah, Haneul should definitely become an actress someday,” said Siwon praising Haneul’s acting skills.

“Gomawo sunbae.”

Haneul instantly walked to her room and jumped on her bed when her schedule ended.

“Oh yeah, Haneul, you’ll be staying at Sungmin’s house while Christmas and New Year’s,” said Siwon walking poking his head in the bedroom.

Haneul nodded and rested on her bed.

“Okay! Haneul, let’s go buy more things for you to wear!” exclaimed Eunhyuk entering the room.

“Okay then, but don’t make me wear too many things. What’s the budget?” asked Haneul sitting up.

“I think uh, $250,” replied Eunhyuk as he saw Haneul’s surprised face.

“You spend that much on clothes?”


‘Wow,’ Haneul thought as they exited the hotel.

“Isn’t Sungmin coming?” asked Haneul.

“I think he’s still busy with his schedule,” replied Eunhyuk.

After busy shopping, they came home feeling so tired. Haneul dropped her bags on her bed and instantly started sleeping.

“Haneul, time to get up, we’re moving back to my house,” whispered Sungmin as he gently shook Haneul.

“Okay,” said Haneul obediently and immediately got up with sleepy eyes.

She started packing immediately and was finished within 10 minutes.

“Why are so fast as packing?” asked Sungmin whining after being left alone to pack by himself.

“Mianhae oppa, but I’m starving, I’m gonna make a snack,” replied Haneul walking out of the room.

After two days, Super Junior Show had already started, Haneul’s album had released and was now busy with her schedule. Not seeing the Super Junior members most of the time made her feel a little lonely. She usually had a frown when she was bored. She was even caught walking on the streets, forgetting to be cautious of fans. She even already had an upcoming concert and tickets were sold out on the second day. Now she had to practice dances and rehearse songs and was so busy she missed the members even more.

‘It’s the life of a popstar, gotta deal with it,’ Haneul thought to herself.

After a few more days, Haneul was about to burst out being filled with happiness. She couldn’t wait to get home, well Sungmin’s home we should say. When Sungmin found the house decorated he smiled and walked into the living room where there were two presents under the Christmas tree.

“MERRY CHRISTMAS OPPA!” shouted Haneul. She ran up to him and jumped onto him almost losing his balance.

“Woah, Merry Christmas Haneul!” said Sungmin after regaining his balance.

Haneul grabbed his wrist and dragged him over to where the presents were.

“Open it,” said Haneul trying to keep in her excitement while handing him a big box wrapped up in pink wrapping paper.

As Sungmin gently unwrapped his present, opened the box and he found a cute pink bunny. Sungmin’s jaw dropped in amazement.

“It’s so cute! Thank you Haneul!” exclaimed Sungmin hugging Haneul. “So? Hurry and open yours!”

“Okay, okay,” said Haneul.

To be honest, she was afraid of opening her present. What could’ve been inside making her so afraid?

As she carefully unwrapped the present and found seven necklaces. Haneul could not believe how beautiful it was.

“Oppa! Gomawo!” exclaimed Haneul as she jumped on Sungmin again hugging him. "But why 7?"

"I'll tell you what they represent."

"This one with three hearts. The left heart is Super Junior, the right one is you. The middle one means we're a big family bringing love whenever we're together," Sungmin explained.

"The key necklace means this is the key to unlock the love between you and Super Junior."

"This necklace is the necklace that will lead you to your memories. Any memories."

"The four-leaved colver respresent luck. Meaning you will have a lucky life."

"The gold leaf respresents how precious and treasured you will feel. Also means how precious and treasured you are to Super Junior."

"The music note respresents your love for music."

"The bird represents the sky. The meaning of your name."

"Gomawo oppa... you make me feel special." Haneul thanked Sungmin.

They spent the rest of the day spending time with each other, luckily on Christmas they were finally free. They went to visit some of the members, to the ones they didn’t they texted them, or called them and a great Christmas it was.

“Mum, Merry Christmas, tell that to everyone else as wel,.” said Haneul talking to her mum in Vietnamese on the phone. “I’m going to have a concert soon and I’m going to be visiting you in a few weeks. Okay, I love you, good bye.”

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shinningstars #1
OMO OMO OMO OMO !!!!!!<br />
ANIYOOO !!!<br />
TT__TT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
I TOTALLY LOVE IT. Not only was the main girl Vietnamese... but yeah.<br />
Since I'm Vietnamese, too. xD<br />
shinningstars #3
awww ~ sungminnieee ~ <3<br />
i could imagine him being all cute and such for some reasons ~ lolol
shinningstars #4
aigoooo ! wth was that ?! now it's really hard to choose which one's bf or hubby material ! ><'<br />
update sooon ~
shinningstars #5
Woookie's present was cuteeee ~<br />
but minnie!!!!!! D:
shinningstars #6
awiieee ~ that was sweeeet of sungmin to give her a necklace ~ but wat did woookie got her ?<br />
i wanna know i wanna knowww ! :3<br />
kekeke<br />
update soooooon ~
winterflowr #7
Poor SUngmin...he keeps apologizing!<br />
Update soon!
Haha. Eunhyuk was so happy :)Update soon~
winterflowr #9
Aigoo! She's Vietnamese! lol I'm Vietnamese too :D<br />
Yeah! I could totally understand what she was saying in Viet!<br />
Dang! She knows so many languages!<br />
Thank you for updating!
winterflowr #10
Lol...why is Eunhyuk so happy! Does he like her too??<br />
jk--his dancing~I wish I were there!<br />
Update soon!