Ratted Out

Who My Son Picked to Love



Your POV

Come on we got the two of you together why did you try to kill us?” Tao, Kyungsoo, and Kai ask me seems the two Sehuns know better.

Let me think for a moment.... Oh now I remember you locked me in a cavern with bats. Sure now I’m not too afraid to them but I was one second from hyperventilating and fainting. What would you have done then?

I hear my son whimper as he hides his head into Sehun’s chest which is kind of funny to me.

Sehun holding onto my son Sehun.

I would laugh and gush how ironic and cute it is, but I’m mad so I’m not paying attention.

Luhan wraps his arm around my waist pulling my head up to look at me, “Jariya shouldn’t we be lenient with them?”

I look back and shake my head, “You can if you want, but you have no idea how I was to losing it.”

He sighs and pulls me into his arms, “I know, but still they’re still kids.

My child is a kid the other four should have known better than to do something like that.

We didn’t know you had a phobia of bats,” Tao whines to me with puppy eyes.

I look at him bluntly and point to my son, “Why do you think he only does aegyo to others and not me?”

My son nods his head, “Yup, mommy doesn’t like those faces.

Soon we make it to the exit of the zoo and I let go of whatever breath I was holding.

Let’s get out of here before I kill one of you and feed you to one of the animals.

Noona,” Kai says to me, “That’s not very nice.

I chuckle at him and nod, “I know I’m just grumpy about the bats.

My son looks up at me holding his arms out, “Mommy.

I sigh as I take my son into my arms and bounce him around while we pile into the van as Kris picks us up.

Kris at how the younger guys and Kyungsoo are avoiding me and how I’m sitting up front away from everyone.

Should I ask what happened?

I point out the other exo members sitting behind me, “They think I’m overreacting about being locked in the bat observing place when I have a phobia of them.

Yeah but you,” Kai goes to say and Sehun (exo) and Luhan hit him.

Am I missing something else?”

Tao shouts, “We’ll tell everyone at the dorm.”

Tao you are so lucky you are sitting in the far back or else I’d rip your head off.

Oh did someone miss her period?”

I look at the other’s, “Hit him before I castrate everyone one of you.

They seem to take my threat seriously because everyone close to tao hits him.

I hear Tao whine in Mandarin and I turn back to him and give him a quick look before looking out the window.

Kris looks at me and nods his head, “Now I see what the boss means by how you can be scary when you want to be and almost bipolar like.”

I look at him and shrug, I don't like looking mad for long. Instead I like to smile and be happy. Being sad is something that I hate the most.

I smile as we get to the dorm and I look at Kris, “So what are we eating?”

He rubs the back of his head, “Pizza cause Kyungsoo had gone with you and we’re not really allowed in the kitchen.”

I chuckle, “It sounds like me in the kitchen.

Let’s go in,” I say and wait for Luhan to unstrap my baby boy and hand him to me.

Mommy I can walk,” Sehun whines to me.

I know baby, but I love to hold my little boy,” I whisper to him.

He blushes and whines to me, “Mommy, that’s silly.

I laugh as I bounce him around in my arms causing him to giggle, “Sorry big boy but I’m still going to carry you.”

He sighs something that he must have picked up from one of the guys.

Note to self find out who and kill the.

We walk into the dorms and right away I turn towards them and sigh, “Alright you can go tell everyone now.

I watch as they grab a hold of Luhan and me dragging us to the couch and make us sit there while they called everyone around.

Soon I’m listening to the boys talking loudly and sticking his nose in our business.

I hear knocking at the door then my dad’s voice asking if I’m with them and right away I listen to baby Sehun run up to the door with Suho and how Sehun gushed out to my dad about how Luhan and I were together now.

Really? When did this happen?

I look down and mumble, “Great... Now what?

What got me next was my dad gushing about how happy he is that I’m dating Luhan finally.

Luhan and I shout out at the same time, “What?

Oh come now we had a bet at how long it’d take for the two of you two finally get together and I seem to have won the bet.

I look at guys, “why help him?

Oh we just wanted to mess with the two of you,” Kai tells me and the other 3 nod their head.

Oh is that so, ” I say as I look back at them.

My son starts laughing as he looks back at them, Better run mommy is mad.”

I nod my head and the boys run off to a room locking themselves in right when i get to it.

I pound on the door, “Oh come out boys. I just want to talk to you.

Lair,” Tao shouts through the door.

Says the guy who helped locked two people in a bat cave because they thought it’d be funny.”

I hear them mumble what I said so i repeat myself in Korean.

Alright we’re sorry, Jia Li-ah,” Kyungsoo says through the door.

Don't worry Kyungsoo I’m not mad with you,” I say through the door, “Who’s idea was this and I’ll be lenient on you guys?

Kyungsoo walks out the door and I pop a piece of cardboard in the door as he says, “One of the few times I go along with a stupid prank.

I hear my dad finish talking with Luhan getting the full story and sighing when he reaches me, “Guys we has a phobia of bats know it or now the second she said that you should have let her out. The fact she went into there with you. Still locking her inside was a bad idea you’re lucky she isn’t in the hospital.

The 3 of them walked into the room where I’m standing and hug me tightly and I can’t stay mad at them and I feel something attach to my leg.

I look down to see my son attached to me.

What’s up with this?

We’re sorry,” they all say to me.

I sigh, “alright now let me go. I forgive you guys, but next time no more locking me in rooms or anywhere for a matter of fact.

They nod their heads and I smile at them giving them all a quickly kiss on the forehead.

I’m going back to my boyfriend and then I’m going home with my son.

I say my byes to everyone and I give Luhan a quick peck when he walks to the door and curse when I hear awes and see them with their phones out.

We can’t do anything without them will we?

He shakes his head, “Not until they finally get bored with us dating.

I chuckle as I give him a quick peck on the cheek as I lift sehun up, “I can’t wait for that to happen.. We should probably go.

Sehun nods but not before grabbing Luhan, “Daddy,” he mumbles in a sleepy voice.

Luhan smiles at Sehun, “I’ll see you soon little guy.


Luhan nods and sticks out his pinky, “I promise.

I kiss his cheek right when Sehun lets go of his shirt, “I’ll talk to you later.

He nods and when I’m leaving the building and walking to my car I get a few messages from the guys.

I open them and see a few pictures, but from Sehun and Suho they sent videos to me.

I chuckle as I look at Sehun, “Looks like mommy got a good one.”

He nods his head as he wraps his arm around my neck, “Yes mommy.”

That’s good cause I really like him.”

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Chapter 23: Omg luhan is good appa to shin. Hello there author nim when are you going to update it?
Chapter 23: Update soon please!!!!Luhan is such a good Appa to Shin
Yeners #3
Chapter 22: More Please!!
Chapter 21: Update soon please!!!
Chapter 19: update soon please!!!!This story is so good!!!Luhan-Shin moments are cute, they do look alike...
Chapter 19: Love this story so much .. Update as soon as possible author-nim :D
BassLover16 #7
Chapter 18: Love this story too freaking much. Update? Pretty please?
Chapter 18: Update soon please!!!I hope Her ex doesn't show up and ruin everything...
BassLover16 #9
Chapter 15: yitugzdgruyer YOU.ARE.AMAZING!!!! I swear this is like THE best story I've ever read. Ever.
Chapter 15: Update soon please!!!!