
The Perfect Life with Super Junior? PSHH. More Like FAR from Perfect.

Oh, there's the update!

After talking for like an hour about kpop bands, Uki, Alex, and I went to the kitchen to make breakfast for those sleeping pigs. Uki took out this GIGANTIC pan and started cracking eggs to put in the pan to make scrambled eggs.

"Hey Hailee? Put the bread in the toaster, please."

"Mkay." I looked around in that huge kitchen, unsure of where it was. Toaster? Where's the toaster?

"In that cabinet." Uki pointed at the highest wooden cabinet over my head. O_________________________o She just freaking basically read my mind. Good thing my legs were long, so I was tall enough to reach the toaster. ^.^

Alex was busy setting the table, familiar with the movements, as if she had done that for over five years. Dang. Twelve plates, cups, forks, knives, napkins, you name it, there were twelve of everything. Wait what? Am I not the thirteenth person?

"Alex. Hailee's here too, you know?"  Uki AGAIN??

"Hm what?" -.-"

"Hailee. HAILEE. Hello, Alex? You met her only about an hour ago. We need to add one more set of everything."

"I did thou-" She cut herself off after counting the number of plates and utensils.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" Alex quickly went to the drawers and took out everything that I needed. The table became so full. Add on the food that ten guys plus three girls need to eat. Add the rowdiness of Super Junior. I can already forsee the messiness of meals, gosh!

After a few more minutes, there was a feast on the table. Eggs, bacon, hash browns, french toast, regular toast, jam, cereal, milk...etc. (No coffee for the boys! They can get their energy from healithier sources. and yes, it is a very Americanized breakfast because I don't know what Koreans eat. -.-")

I feel sorry for the people who have to cook for Super Junior. Not me, that's foshooo. I would probably burn the house down... But it's okay! Just leave the laudry to meee!

I jogged down the hallway, knocking on each while yelling, "BREAKFAST! IF YOU DON'T WAKE UP YOU GET TO STARVEEEEE!!!!"

At the exact same time, two heads poked out of each doorway.

"Heh. Hi guys. GO EAT BREAKFAST."

All of them shuffled out of their rooms, and as Heechul walked by, I heard him mutter, "Yes, old mother."

"I HEARD THAT, LITTLE HEECHUL. You better not mess with me, or you'll be sorry."

Heechul turned around and flashed a grin, then ran to catch up with his brothers who were already eating. I could hear yelling, forks clinking, chewing, slurping, and other things that you probably don't want to know about. By the time I got there, most of the food was gone, and more than a little of the food was on the table, on the ground, on their clothes, and... on their hair??

Okay, well. At least there was some extra food where the guys couldn't reach it. I went back to the kitchen and grabbed a little of the food left. As Uki walked past, her eyes bulged and she stopped in her tracks after seeing how much I ate.

"You... freaking eat like a BIRD. Your plate isn't even HALF FILLED! O.O"

I shook my head gently back at her while continuing my walk to the dining room. Reflecting on what Uki said and after seeing how much the boys ate, I realized that I ate really little. I wasn't even aware of it! Thinking back, I think it was because of when I was being filmed for a music video, when our costume bared our stomachs and legs. We were allowed only one little piece of sweet potato each day. After that filming, I think I got used to eating really little. I mean, it's not like I'm doing this on purpose, or trying to diet! I think it's just because my stomach is small. ^.^

"You okay?" Sungmin asked, breaking into my thoughts.

"Oh haha yeah of course, why wouldn't I be?" I was flustered at his direct gaze and I swear, I grew pink at the cheeks, which, obviously, did not happen very often.

"You just look like... oh nevermind." He went back to chowing down the rest of the food left on his plate before Kyuhyun could get it, who was sneakily reaching over to steal some of his food.

After we all finished eating, the boys clambered up and chorused together, "Thank you for the breakfast!" Oh okay, someone taught all these reckless and uncivilized boys manners! 

As they all went back to their bedrooms to get ready for their individual schedules, the girls and I got up too and started cleaning and disinfecting the room. We had to wash all the plates and wipe down all the tables and chairs, and even the floor. I swear, most of the food that we cooked was thrown around and played with. After the room was  sparkling clean, which took about like an hour, we quickly walked to our rooms to dress. I didn't know what I was going to do today, so I opted for the casual look: I pulled on a light and airy, almost see through floral lavender top with a blue bandeau underneath, paired with black jean shorts. For accessories, I wore my everyday heart pinky ring, one feather and bead dangly earring and two studs on my left ear, and a stud and a cuff earring on my right ear. [I have five piercings on my ears- three on my left, two on my right.]

I started to really examine my room. I took out all my clothes, hung up my pictures and posters, put my shower and things in the bathroom, and started making the room feel like home. My posters consisted mostly of SHINee [OMG <3], SHINee's Lee Taemin, SHINee's Lee Taemin at his hottest, MBLAQ, and MBLAQ's Lee Joon PLUS his abs [NYAAHHH <3]. There were some Super Junior, some B2ST, some Boyfriend, and... yeah. That's a lot of posters, isn't it? But don't worry, I'm good at decorating and everything. Oh, and there were some 2NE1 and Miss A, 4Minute, and IU.

In the midst of all my putting up my posters, I didn't notice that Uki had come in until I heard her tease, "You really must love SHINee and MBLAQ then, isn't that right?" I whirled around, wondering why she came in without my permission.

"Hey, I knocked, alright? I just didn't hear you, so I said that if you don't answer, I'm coming in!" What a weirdo... "I'm not some weirdo! Don't think like that!" ARGH What's up with her mind reading skills?!

"Ahh... I see. Oh, of course I love them! And their dancers are amazing."

Uki slyly looked at me and replied, "You know, me and Alex have met them. Well, at least we've met SHINee."

"Oh. My. God. Seriously. YOU'RE NOT JOKING RIGHT. YOU DIDN'T TOUCH TAEMIN. DID YOU." I seriously think I went crazy... I was all over her and staring and.. almost choking her? She was struggling to release my hands and coughing and trying to breathe. Suddenly I realized what I was doing, and quickly took my hands away.

"Geez, what's up with you?" "Sorry, sorry! I didn't mean to do that... I just have... some anger management issues when it comes to uh, Taemin and Joon." "BAHAHHAHA you like them right? Of course you do. Everybody does. But maybe Taemin or Joon would be a good match for you. They're both great dancers and singers like you. Hold on, I'll be right back."

"W-wait, where are you going?" I followed Uki out into the hall and watched her go up to Ryeowook, who was drinking some water in the kitchen. She whispered in his ear, and he smirked at me when he saw me standing in the doorway, watching with a lost expression. Uki finished talking to him and exited the room, giving me a playful smile as she passed.

"What was that all about?", I demanded.

"Oh, you will seeee." (:<

Evil brother.



Oh hais there(:

Sorry I haven't updated in like, forever. But I shall try. Try to update more often. Sorry.

And, I know that most of the Super Junior little sisters related people stuff have made Facebook accounts for their characters, should I make one too?

And also, please support Uki/Angie. I know that she's really frustrated and wanting to leave and not come back, so please, show her your love. Comment. Read. Anything.

I'm glad that I started this story- it will help me with my time management if I want to continue with it.

So thank you guys(:

And Angie, as I have said before- we all love you and will support you with whatever decision you make(:


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Update. Plz.
She's a shawl and and a+ coolio! Update soon
So she's a Shawol :3
I likes the title, it's funny :3
And I've never actually seena story with Ryeowook's sister
I've seen Siwon, Leeteuk, Donghae, Sungmin, Kyuhyun and Henry- actually more like Henry's childhood friend, but whatever!-, but never a story that Ryeowook had a sister :3
banana_bubbles #5
OMO! I want to know what they're planning! Please update soon! <3
love it update soon<br />
this story seems intersting plz update soon
Awesome!! UPDATE SOON!! ^_^
Hahaha. Thanks, love<3
Pokemyun #10
update soon ;DDD