Meeting the Members

The Perfect Life with Super Junior? PSHH. More Like FAR from Perfect.

After a good fifteen minutes of Sungmin talking to himself, Shindong a lollipop in the front passenger seat, Ryeowook driving with a huge smirk on his face, me sitting in the back seat looking around uncomfortably because Sungmin sat quite close to me, and me trying to shut my heart up, we neared the dorms. Dang, it's huge!

Ryeowook parked the Range Rover in a special parking space next to another two Range Rovers and a sports car which was probably Heechul's, I'm guessing. Unlocking the doors, Ryeowook and Shindong bounded off, leaving me with Sungmin, and not BOTHERING TO HELP WITH MY LUGGAGE. RUDE MUCH?

Sungmin carried my suitcases, while I insisted on taking my duffel bags and shoulder bag. I mean, it was my stuff too! I instinctly knew where to go: in the door, to the elevator, to the... fifteenth floor, I'm thinking? That was the highest floor up, and I guess Super Junior wanted privacy, so they probably chose the fifteenth floor. I walked in front of Sungmin while he followed in the back. Seeing the elevator button, I tried to use my hands to hit it, but instead, felt the luggage hitting me in defiance. Okay, fine! Instead, I brought my leg up to the button, successfully pushing it down. Thanks for your help, ballet, jazz, hip hop, tap, lyrical, contemporary, gymnastics, figure skating, and martial arts...

Haha, yeah. I am a very active person. My parents focused more on the physical things, making sure that I was fit and healthy, so I could do all those activities. Well, they also made me learn piano, violin, and guitar, but that doesn't matter right now. My parents didn't care so much about my grades, they knew that I did the best I could when it came to schoolwork and tests, so they didn't make me do random "bu xi ban's*".

The elevator's annoying beeping brought me back to my senses, and Sungmin ran past me into the elevator, sticking his tongue out at me and leaving me there mesmerized by his TOTALLY CUTE face.

"Come on, Hailee!" He... knows my name?

Ignoring my train of thoughts, I stepped in and pinched his cheeks, turning back to the panel and pushed the button with 15 on it.

"Woahh. How did you know which level we live on?" an amazed Sungmin asked.

"I'm pyschic."   ^.^

We stood awkwardly next to each other in silence on the ride up. It was only about half a minute, yet it felt like ages for me. Sungmin, you are waaay too cute. NO. You can't think like that, you only love TAEMIN. >.<

Walking down the long hallway after getting out of that godawful place, I felt a sense of home. I mean, it was totally cozy! Super Junior had posted pictures and other random things on the walls. I'm guessing nobody but people related to Super Junior goes up here?

"YAH. HYUNGS. OPEN THE DOOR." I thought Sungmin was a quiet shy guy, but I guess not. :P

"Finally! They're here! Took them long enough!" Ryeowook laughed as he opened the door.

I could see the other Super Junior members in the dining room, which was HUGE, I might add. I stepped inside, conscious that all, and I mean ALL those hot guys were staring.

"Uhh... Ryeowook, are you sure this is the right person?"

"Yeah! I thought she would be a baby whom I could share my strawberry milk with!"

"Wookie, this is really your sister right?"


"Love your shoes, there."

"Yah! You guys, she's new, stop scaring her! We should introduce ourselves!"

Oh trust me, I ALREADY know who you guys are... Very much aware of the fact that my face probably looked like a tomato right now, but oh well. I set down my things and bowed slightly, flashing my best smile. "Hey, I'm Hailee Saerin Kim, Ryeowook's sister. Nice to meet you."

Most of them looked shocked, probably because of the way I stepped in and didn't try to kill them like how most fangirls would do to try to get a hug from their "oppa".

"She even introduces herself the same way as Uki!" Uki...?

"Speaking of which, where are Uki and Alex?" Alex...?

"Ahh, probably out with F(x)."

"OI. I said to introduce yourselves!" Yeah. That was Leeteuk, with his impressive leadership skills.

Standing up, the members introduced themsleves one by one.

"Hey, I'm Yesung." I know. You're obssessed with turtles.

"Hey there! I'm Eunhyuk."  I know. You're obssessed with strawberry milk. And you're one of the dancing machines.

"The name's Heechul." I know, you pretty boy!

"Shindong here!" and he's still that lollipop? I know. You're engaged with Nari.

"Hello, I'm Siwon." I know. You church boy.

"Heyheyhey! I'm Donghae!" I know. You're the other dancing machine.

"Annyeong! Sungmin here!" I know. You're my freaking bias, you rabbit martial arts freak.

"Haayyy Haileee. I'm Ryeowook." I KNOW. YOU'RE MY BROTHER. -.-"

"My name is Leeteuk!" I know. You're the leader.

But he wasn't done.

"And we are... SHUPAAHH JUNII-OYO!"

I busted out laughing. I mean, I was Korean, or Korean/British, but at least I could speak perfect English! I have a slight accent when I speak Korean, but it's still understandable!

They all looked at me weirdly, until I held up my hands in surrender. I then counted heads. This was supposed to be ten people, right? It was with Kibum away pursuing his acting career, Kangin away in the army, Hangeng quitting, Henry and Zhoumi away in China taking a break. [Sorry! Henry and Zhoumi will show up later!] Somehow, there were only nine people in the room.

"Wait! You're missing someone. I think it's... Kyuhyun!" I said, after thinking for awhile.

"Oh yeah. That maknae. Probably in his room playing Starcraft or Starcar or something like that. YAH KYUHYUN. GET DOWN HERE."

"Can't hyung! I'm playing the championships in Starcraft!"



"Definitely. You'll be SO surprised if you come down."


With a scraping of chairs and feet pounding down the stairs, I could feel the others smirking at me. Meanwhile, me on the other hand? I stood in the middle of the room, unsure of what was happening.

"Baby sister, I'm coming!" Kyuhyun finally appeared, and suddenly stopped in his tracks when he caught sight of me.

"...B-b-aby si-ster?" Kyuhyun stammered.

"HHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." All the members busted out laughing. Not funny, guys. >.<

"This is Hailee. She'll be staying with us for a while, until the end of her summer break." Ryeowook introduced me. Hey. I can talk, you know?

I walked up to Kyuhyun, flashing my best smile again. He seemed, I don't know. Scared? "Hey, I'm Hailee Saerin Kim, and I'll stay here for the time being."

"Ah hey Hailee. I'm Kyuhyun." I know. You video game freak.

...awkward silence in the room. Until Sungmin clapped his hands and shouted, "Hailee, I'll take you to your room, kay?"

"Mmm..." I grabbed my bags while Sungmin took my suitcases and led me to the rooms. As we walked, I heard Eunhyuk suddenly calling, "HAILEE. CALL US 'OPPA' KAY?" I smirked. Only a guy like Hyukkie would do something like that...

Sungmin led me to a room which was really big. He opened the door and set my suitcases down near the foot of the bed. "This was Hangeng's room, but since he left, this room is left open. So you'll use it for the time being. Do you need help unpacking?"

"No, it's fine, thanks though!"

"Kay, then, I'll be in the living room!" He turned and left, flashing a huge smile.

After he left, I was a bit dazed. Me, Hailee, living with Super Junior? It was unbelievable. Overwhelmed. Whatever.

I ran to the living room, calling out "Oppa!" on the way.

I heard all ten of them answer back. I poked out my head so they could see me, and I replied, "I meant my REAL oppa."

The others groaned, and Ryeowook laughed and asked, "Yes, dear?"

"When's our duet practice?"

"Ahh, you'll see! It's a surprise! Do you like your room? Do you need help?" What's so special about a practice for a duet??

"Oh, yes, and no. I feel a bit tired, so I'll just unpack and go to sleep arraso? I'm feeling some jet lag. Night, oppas!"

I heard a chorus of "Night!" as I jauntily walked back to my room.

Ohmygosh, I love them.



*bu xi ban - pinyin: "...official system to transcribe Chinese characters to teach Mandarin Chinese...often used to spell Chinese names in foreign publications and used as an input method to enter Chinese characters into computers."

Literal meaning of "bu xi ban": classes to help you relearn what you were supposed to learn in school. ^.^

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Update. Plz.
She's a shawl and and a+ coolio! Update soon
So she's a Shawol :3
I likes the title, it's funny :3
And I've never actually seena story with Ryeowook's sister
I've seen Siwon, Leeteuk, Donghae, Sungmin, Kyuhyun and Henry- actually more like Henry's childhood friend, but whatever!-, but never a story that Ryeowook had a sister :3
banana_bubbles #5
OMO! I want to know what they're planning! Please update soon! <3
love it update soon<br />
this story seems intersting plz update soon
Awesome!! UPDATE SOON!! ^_^
Hahaha. Thanks, love<3
Pokemyun #10
update soon ;DDD