Chapter 7

Disney Princess Tales (K-POP version)

A young boy arrived home with an exhausting face but he couldn't keep his mind off of Kyungsoo. Just thinking about her makes him smile. His smile turned into an annoying face when his father called out his name.

"Kim Jongin!"

The boy, known as Prince Jongin, rolled his eyes. He was about to walk into his room when his father happen to stop him.

"Kim Jongin, don't you hear me?" His father asked with an annoying tone.

Prince Jongin rolled his eyes before answering.

"Father, how many times have I told you that I prefer Kai?"

"Fine then, Kai."

"What is it, Father?"

"Follow me. We have a guest."


"So get dressed up and come to the Guest Room." His father commanded.

"Alright, whatever." Kai said as he went to his room and started to get ready as told.


Kyungsoo was doing the laundry when Seohyun barged in and shouted,

"UMMA! UMMA!" She shouted.

Seohyun looked around the house. She had a very excited face on. Then, she spotted Kyungsoo doing the laundry. She kept that face on.


Kyungsoo looks up.


"Where's umma?"

"Oh. Lady Taeyeon is in her room."

Kyungsoo answered before continuing her work. Just then, Taeyeon and Tiffany came down the stairs.

"Yah, Seohyun. Why were you screaming?" Tiffany asked. There was a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Well. King Yoochun's son has arrived today!"



The two sisters started to scream their heads off like a fangirl. (A/N: Lol. XD)

Kyungsoo just continued her work although she heard everything they said. Taeyeon glanced at Kyungsoo before to her two daughters.

"So do you know who is he?" Taeyeon asked Seohyun.

Tiffany and Seohyun stopped their actions and stared at their umma.

"Yes, and you wouldn't believe who it is!"

"Who is it?!" Tiffany asked impatiently.

Seohyun glanced at Kyungsoo before answering.

"Prince Kai."

"Who's Prince Kai?"

"The stranger who came this morning with Kyungsoo."

Kyungsoo looked up and stared at Seohyun blankly. Tiffany and Seohyun were glaring at her. Taeyeon smiled.

"Really?!" Taeyeon started.

"Yes, umma."

"Why that's interesting." Taeyeon commented as she stared at Kyungsoo.

Tiffany and Seohyun nodded in agreement. Kyungsoo decided to continue her work.


As Prince Kai came into the Guest Room, he saw his father with two other females. Kai just ignored them and sat down beside his father with a bored face. His father recognized him.

"Oh. Hyomin, this my son Kai. Kai, this is Queen Hyomin and her daughter Qri."

Kai nodded. Qri smiled shyly at him and bowed a bit. Queen Hyomin just smiled.

"Yoochun, your son is handsome." Queen Hyomin commented.

"Too bad. If I were younger, I would've ask him out."

Yoochun chuckled while Kai rolled his eyes.

"So Father, why did you call me here for?" Kai asked.

"Well. Don't you think Qri is beautiful?"

"Yes, but she's not my type."

Qri's smile turned into a frown.

"Kai." Yoochun shrieked. Kai rolled his eyes.

"Look. Um. Qri." Kai started. Qri looked up at him.

"I'm sorry but you're just not my type. Will it be okay if we be friends instead?" Kai asked.

Qri thinks for a minute. Then, she nodded with a smile.

"Definitely. Just as long as we're close it's fine with me."

Kai smiled a bit but it was barely visble.


After Qri and Hyomin left, Kai walked to his room.


Kai stopped his tracks and looked back at his father with an annoying face.

"Why did you do that?"

Kai scoffed.

"Father, didn't I told you? She's not my type. Besides, we're friends now." Kai reasoned.

Yoochun sighed.

"Son, you know how much I want you to marry."

"Yes, I know. That's why you're introducing me to random girls hoping I'll marry one of them." Kai crossed his arms.

"You're right, Kai. Is there a way that will make you fall in love with a woman or anyone?"

"I don't know." Kai shrugged.

"How about we hold a ball and invite all the maidens and even your friends?"

Kai and Yoochun turned towards the owner's voice. It was Junsu, Kai's mother, and the Queen. She was smiling.

"So what do you two think?" She asked again.

"I agree." Yoochun turned towards Kai.


"I agree but under one condition."

"What is it?" Yoochun and Junsu asked in unison.

"The choice is mines." With that, he left to his room and shut the door.

"I just hope he finds a girl soon." Yoochun sighed.

"I hope so too."

"Let's send out the invitation." Junsu nodded and both of them left to prepare the invitation.


Kyungsoo was mopping the floors when she heard the doorbell. She let the mop rest on the wall as she went to open the door. 

"Oh." She exclaimed at the stranger in front of her.

"Here's an invitation to the ball tonight, Miss." The man said as he grabbed one of the envelpoes and handed it to Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo took and scanned it.

"Have a nice day, Miss." The man bowed at her before leaving.

Kyungsoo closed the door. She gasped once she saw Tiffany staring at her with her arms crossed.

"Who was that, and what is that in your hands?"

"Oh. Well that man said this was some kind of invitaion to the ball tonight."

"A ball? Where?" Taeyeon came down the stairs with Seohyun.

"Um. I don't know. Here is the invitation." Kyungsoo extended her arm with the envelope in it.

Taeyeon accepted before opening it. The letter read:

                                           Dear ______,

We like to invite you to the ball tonight. It starts at 8:00 P.M. All maidens of any kind are allowed to attend. As long as they're wearing a gown. For the men, you too are allowed to attend as long as you're wearing a tuxedo. The ball will be taken place at the castle called, EXO. Hope to see you there. 

Sincerely yours,

King Yoochun and Queen Junsu


So how was it? Sorry for the long update. Schoolwork of course. X(

Anyways, I hope you guys love this chapter. Lol the invitaion , right? XD

I know it does. Oh well. Subscribe~! Comment~! Kamsamida~! Thank you for reading! Really appreciate it! Annyeong~! *poof* XD

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Chapter 11: Update soon please!!!!!can't wait for the next chapter!!!!
Chapter 11: Thank you for the double update! <3
I'm already anticipating EXO's performance! >___<
Chapter 9: awww >___<
poor kyungsoo! TTS are so evil in here ~
and I think it's the first time Xiumin appeared here, if I remember it right... Xiumin! <3
I'm really excited for the next chapters!
Thanks for your hard work, author-nim!^^
Chapter 7: I'm waiting for more Hunhan ~ I ship lulu with nearly everyone... lol
though I like baekyeol a lot, too.
so the next chapter will probable be the ball, right? will we see the other pairs, too? x'3

though I must really laugh about the parents of EXO. like... Yoochun and Junsu xD

Maybe you should list all the characters with a note somewhere in the description/foreword so it's a little less confusing with all the characters? ~ just a suggestion^^
luvfics #5
@tharang: cool. i know i sometimes get confused to. XD
anyways thx 4 commenting. :D
Hunhan! <3 ~
With all the characters it's pretty fun, though I kinda get confused, because there are too many introduced at the same time...
lol ~ I'm kinda slow, so I read the chapter twice... xD