Zhou Mi's Jealousy=___=

My Crazy Life As An Idol's Sister

Miyeon's POV~

After church, Siwon, Ryeowook,Donghae, Eunhyuk and I went to a nearby cafe to have tea.

The cafe had a cottage designed interior which gave of a comfy feeling.

We sat in the back of the cafe near the window which gave a us wide view of the autumn forest nearby.

I sat in between Siwon and Ryeowook while the Eunhae couple sat in front of us.

Siwon said that he'll pay for the food and drinks which made Eunhyuk smile. (Stingy monkey...=___=)

The ahjushi recognised Siwon oppa and came to take our orders.

"We'll have one hot honey lemon tea, one coke, one cappucino, two rootbeers and five slices of the strawberry cheesecake please!" Siwon smiled.

"Is that all?" the ahjushi asked.

"Neh~" we all chirped. 

"Yay strawberry!" Eunhyuk cheered when our orders arrived.

"Eunhyuk oppa you should eat slowly or else you'll choke!" I chuckled at the silly monkey who was eating strawberry cheesecake as if there was no tomorrow.

"But its so gwoof!" he said with half the cake still in his mouth.

"Yah! Stop talking with your mouth full!" Siwon scolded as he wiped Eunhyuk's chewed up cake pieces off his face.

Then Ryeowook, Eunhyuk and Donghae started laughing at me.

"Yah! What's so funny?" I pouted.

"You might want to check yourself out in a mirror..." Siwon spoke as he tried to hold back his laughter.

I fished out my compact mirror and checked.


My face was decorated by Eunhyuk's cake too.

"Yah! Lee Hyukjae!!!" I shouted at him.

But he just continued laughing.

"Just stay still and I'll wipe it off you~" Siwon smiled as he held my chin and turned my head to face him.

He got a few napkins and started gently wiping off the cheesecake.

"Oooh~ Siwon developed a liking towards miyeon!" Donghae and Eunhyuk sang.

"Really?" Ryeowook asked with wide eyes.

"No!" Siwon replied with somewhat red cheeks.

"Awww....you'd make a good brother-in-law..." Ryeowook pouted.

"What?" Siwon and I asked.

"Er..hehe nothing!" he laughed and quickly hid his face.


Zhou Mi's POV~

It was 4:00P.M and its about time Miyeon would get out of church.

So I drove the black van over to the church and waited for her.

A few minutes later she came out with Siwon and the others smiling.

I was about to get out of the van to call her when I saw them going to the cafe which Siwon always goes to on Sundays.

I parked the van and quickly followed after them.

I sat at a table which was like three tables away from them and watched them.

Their orders came and they were all talking and laughing.

"Oooh~ Siwon developed a liking towards Miyeon!" the Eunhae couple sang.

"WHAT? THAT ISN'T TRUE IS IT??? MIYEON'S ONLY MINE!" I shouted in my head as I clenched my fists.

I didn't bother listening to their conversation and went back to the dorms.


I sat on the couch and sighed.

Miyeon its gotta be me! Not Siwon! -insert pouty face-

I sat on that for what seems like an eternity when they finally came back.

Siwon was carrying Miyeon bridal-style with her arms around his neck.

I felt jealousy rise in me again. But something caught my eye.

She had a white cast on her right foot.

"Miyeon lets get you into bed and rest okay?" Siwon asked her.

She nodded and the both of them disappeared down the hall.

What happened to my Little Puppy??? Ryeowook! Ryeowook would tell me!

I walked into the kitchen where I found him boiling water in a pot.

"Wookie hyung~" I called out cutely.

"Yeah what is it Zhou Mi?"  Ryeowook asked not looking away from the pot as he poured in a mix of herbs.

"What happened to Miyeon's foot?" I asked.

"Oh! She broke it when she and Siwon were chasing eachother around the park!" he replied.

"Bwoh? How?" I asked.

"Apparently she tripped over a tree root and broke it!" he sweatdropped.

"Oh~ Thanks Wookie~" I sang and quickly skipped towards Miyeon's room.

I was about to knock when Siwon opened the door and smiled.

"Hi Siwon hyung~" I smiled.

"Hi Zhou Mi I'm going to the store down the street to get chocopies for Miyeon would you like anything?" he asked.

"Nope not now!" I answered and entered the room.

"Mi mi oppa~" she called out.

I smiled and sat next to her on the bed.

"Silly girl! Tripping over tree roots!" I scolded in a joking kind of way and poked her forehead. (like how Itachi Uchiha does it!)

"Oppa~" she pouted.

"Okay I won't make fun of you..." I chuckled and pinched her cute chubby cheeks.

"Yah!" she scolded as she smacked my hand away.

"Aish you silly girl! Just go to sleep! You have school tomorrow!" I scolded her in a firm voice.

She stuck her tongue out at me and said "Yes Appa!" before lying down to sleep.

Siwon you are in big trouble for breaking my puppy's foot!



Author's Note: So hows my second chapter?:D Its been a long time eh? I'm sorry for not updating for so long!!! I've got tuition and school work and my part-time job! I'll promise to update whenever I can okay! Please comment and subscribe~xD




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Anonymous_15 #1
LOVE the story please update soon~!^_^
Ashazeki #2
Haha love it...update soon
Why is there saliva on the teddy bear? o___o<br />
Sooooooooo ~ Mini Mi likes Mimi too? -whistles-<br />
<br />
Me to Zhoumi: Zhoumiiiiiii ~ Xin teng ma? ( Heartpain? ) Heheheheh.
luv_sj132 #4
winterflowr #5
NOOO! She threw Zhoumi's gift out the window...he's gonna freak when he finds it!<br />
Mou...he was all sad :(<br />
Update soon!
Sweet13 #6
@winterflowr: Kyu Mi's reply: ZHOU MI IS MINE AND NOT HER'S MINE ONLY!!!!<br />
@fishy4life: Thanks for loving this fic!^^ Haha I didn't know how to describe Tuekie's laugh so I just randomly typed in what I heard. 'Eh Ha ha ha!' LOL<br />
@darexvyn: Hmm i guess their couple name from now on should be MiMini or MiMi?xD
darexvyn #7
Mimi and mini me!!! cute!
fishy4life #8
I LOVE THIS!! xD <br />
Zhou Mi makes me laugh and he's so adorable!!! <br />
I also loved how u described leetuek's laugh! lol<br />
I can't wait to read more of this!!
winterflowr #9
@Zhou Mi: Cause you act like a lovesick puppy waiting for its master! lol<br />
Jessica is so mean--Zhou Mi better not get with her or else I WILL MURDER HIM<br />
Hehe he hurt her~Now I'm waiting for the scene where he apologizes a million times!