Lonely, So Lonely...

My Crazy Life As An Idol's Sister

Zhou Mi's POV~

"Bye Miyeon!" I waved at her as she walked towards the school gates.

She turned back and threw back a flying kiss. I think I just melted... :P

"Bye Mi Mi oppa!" she shouted and ran in.

I rolled up the window and drove back to the dorms.

I got into the apartment and laid on the couch face down.

"Why does she have to go to school? I want her to be here with me!" I whined.

"Because she's sixteen and she has to go to school..." A voice spoke.

"AHHH!!!" I jumped six feet up and landed on the couch.

"OH MY GAWD! Kyuhyun you scared me!!!" I shouted at him.

He stood there and smirked. "Thats why I'm called evilKyu..." he chuckled.

"What are you doing here anyway???" I asked him.

"No schedules, got a day off!" he smiled.

"Aish, so that just leaves you and me alone?" I asked.

"Yup and don't disturb me! I wanna go play with my beloved starcraft!" he grinned before walking off to his room.

"Yeah~Sure~And chat with 'Kyute Girl1989' right?" I smirked.

He stopped right in his tracks and spun around.

"How'd you find out about that?" he asked as he glared at me, cheeks slightly pink.

"Come on Kyu! You think Henry would just sit still while you're in the bathroom?" I chuckled.

"Why that stupid Canadian butthead! He is so gonna get it tonight!" Kyu growled before stomping off to his room.

Haiz...Lonely again....I'll have to wait before my precious Mini Mi comes back at 6:30P.M

Hmmm...Lets see what I can find in her room!:D

I skipped happily into her room and looked through her things.[No not her undergarments you erts!:P] 

"Haha! A photo album!" I giggled and sat on her/my bed.

I flipped through the pages of the album and smiled.

There were pictures of her when she was 3 playing with a 7 yr old Ryeowook.

Can you guess what they were playing? 'Miss Oven Bake' (totally made up) It was just a small oven where you can bake mini muffins.

"Hmmm...I guess this is the reason why Wookie likes baking and cooking!" I chuckled to myself.

Then there was a picture of Miyeon at the age of 5, sitting on a swing next to her was someone familiar.

A boy who might've been around the age of 12, short blackish-brown hair. Smiling as he pushed the swing from behind. His gums showed as he smiled.

"Eunhyuk?" I mumbled. 'Could it really be him?' 

I heard the dorm door open and muffled voices filled the living room. I quickly closed the album and put it back.

I poked my head out to see Super Junior-T in the living room.

"Aish..its just them...I wish it would've been my Miyeon..." I pouted and shut the door.

I jumped on her bed and hugged the pink teddy bear I bought for her on her 15th birthday.

"Miyeon-ah~ How did oppa fall for you in the first place?" I asked the bear as if it was her.

Then a picture of her when she was 3 popped into my head.

"Oh yeah~ Because she's cute!" I laughed to myself and hugged the bear tighter.

"Erm...Zhou Mi are you okay?" some one asked.

"AHHHH!" I screamed and fell off the bed.

I stood up holding the bear and glared at Eunhyuk.

"Yah! Why do you people like scaring me?!" I shouted at him.

"Geez, Zhou Mi! I was just asking if you were alright! You were laughing like an idiot at the bear!" Eunhyuk pouted and walked out.

Miyeon come back soon! Oppa misses you! Jeongmal bogoshipeosseoyo!(I miss you alot!)

I looked up at the clock and fell back unto the bed.

"Urgh! Its has only been an hour after I dropped her off at school!" I grumbled and hugged the bear again.

Time sure passes slowly for me...=___=

"Zhou Mi would you like some Samgyetang?" Wookie asked as he poked his head in.

(Samgyetang=Herbal Chicken Soup)

"Hmmm? No thanks!" I faked a smile and continued hugging the bear.

"Oh okay!" he smiled and walked away.

Phew...luckily he didn't realize that this was his sister's room.

Then he ran back in again.


"E-eh?" I panicked.

"Errrrr...." I tried to think of something when I saw my lyrics book on her study desk. 

Bingo! "I was just here to take my lyrics book back!" I smiled as I grabbed the book and ran towards my room.

"Yah! Come back!" he cried and threw a book at me.

That book must've been a hard cover because it hit me hard at the back of my head!

I fell face down on the floor and Leetuek saw it when he came out of the bathroom.

Then he started laughing his high pitched elmo laugh. "Eh ha ha ha!" he laughed as he held his stomach.

I quickly got up and ran straight into my room making sure I shut and lock the door before I could be hit with anymore books....

Urgh...All because I'm missing my MIYEON!!!!



Author's Note: Aww isn't Zhou Mi just so cute when he's missing his beloved Mini Mi?:3

Zhou Mi: ONLY I CALL HER THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-goes back into his room and cries-

Me: -___-'' Okay.... I'm sorry....


Me: Thank you oppa...-hugs-

Okay yeah so how do you guys like this chapter?:D  Comments are totally appreciated and loved!^^ Good nitex!

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Anonymous_15 #1
LOVE the story please update soon~!^_^
Ashazeki #2
Haha love it...update soon
Why is there saliva on the teddy bear? o___o<br />
Sooooooooo ~ Mini Mi likes Mimi too? -whistles-<br />
<br />
Me to Zhoumi: Zhoumiiiiiii ~ Xin teng ma? ( Heartpain? ) Heheheheh.
luv_sj132 #4
winterflowr #5
NOOO! She threw Zhoumi's gift out the window...he's gonna freak when he finds it!<br />
Mou...he was all sad :(<br />
Update soon!
Sweet13 #6
@winterflowr: Kyu Mi's reply: ZHOU MI IS MINE AND NOT HER'S MINE ONLY!!!!<br />
@fishy4life: Thanks for loving this fic!^^ Haha I didn't know how to describe Tuekie's laugh so I just randomly typed in what I heard. 'Eh Ha ha ha!' LOL<br />
@darexvyn: Hmm i guess their couple name from now on should be MiMini or MiMi?xD
darexvyn #7
Mimi and mini me!!! cute!
fishy4life #8
I LOVE THIS!! xD <br />
Zhou Mi makes me laugh and he's so adorable!!! <br />
I also loved how u described leetuek's laugh! lol<br />
I can't wait to read more of this!!
winterflowr #9
@Zhou Mi: Cause you act like a lovesick puppy waiting for its master! lol<br />
Jessica is so mean--Zhou Mi better not get with her or else I WILL MURDER HIM<br />
Hehe he hurt her~Now I'm waiting for the scene where he apologizes a million times!