You're My...

Don't call him Oppa!




“You got a phone? I gotta call somebody.”

“Um yeah I do. I’ll go get it.” You edge around his position and walk to your bedroom to grab your phone.

When you come back he’s lying completely flat on the couch with his eyes closed and you nearly think he’s unconscious until his hand reaches out suddenly. You place your phone into his waiting hand and he mutters a thanks.

“You should never leave an unknown man alone in your house, even for a second.” He says to you offhandedly as he punches numbers in. “and always keep a phone near you.”

His tips while helpful make you edge away from him once again.

He pays you no more attention as the person he wanted to reach answers.

“Ah so the baby answers the phone.”

Some excited chatter is heard from the other end but you can’t make out the words.

“Yeah I’m fine, you all make it out okay?”

You feel strange listening to his conversation but you agree with his tips, never leave a stranger in your house alone, so you sat and listened.

“Where am I? What, are you gonna come get me yourself?”

You perk up at the topic of him leaving and wait for your cue to supply your address.

“That’s what I thought, anyway don’t worry about me. I’m not coming home yet.”

He’s silent for a moment; suddenly he turns his head to you and gives both you and the person on the phone a grin, though of course you’re the only one to see it.

“No I’m going to be staying with my girlfriend for a while.”

‘Why is he looking at me? I don’t care if he’s dating someone.’

“Of course your hyung has a girl, a cute one too.” He winks at you and you’re still confused. “She took care of your hyung so I’ll stay with her for a while.”

The dots slowly connect and your eyes narrow suspiciously at the man in front of you.

“What’s her name?  Why of course it’s cute too, it’s….”

Time seems to slow as his lips form the syllables of you name, his smile broadens as you sit there stunned.


~~~**End Chapter Five**~~~~

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