Watch Your Mouth

Don't call him Oppa!



From your seat across the room you watched the young man carefully, your makeshift weapon, the long handle part of the broom, grasped firmly.

After you had bandaged him up you realized that the sort of wounds he had were indicative of a fight, a dangerous one.  His blonde hair and leather clothes screamed gang member and you were angry at yourself for allowing someone like him into your home.

Your eyes trailed to your trash can filled with the bloodied gauze you had cleaned his wounds with and you realized that if you left him in the alley he might have died from blood loss. Your anger subsided with that thought and you sigh focusing back on the unconscious man.

“Should I call Jinyoung oppa?” You mused aloud but decided against it. “He’ll just worry and race over here. He needs to keep practicing…”

“Maybe I should call the police; his wounds were bad enough to make a report.”

“Don’t you dare…call the police.” A deep voice pierced your thoughts and startled you out of your seat.

“Ack! You’re awake!”

The male slowly sat up straight and groaned deeply. His hands went to his covered chest and felt the padding under his shirt.

“You wrapped me up.” He stated and finally looked at you, you nodded wordlessly. “but you didn’t dry me off…”

You shook your head ‘no’ and waited for him to speak again.

“Did you find anyone else besides me?”

You shook your head again.

“Did you call the police or an ambulance?” Suddenly he glared harshly at you and you shook your head quickly.

“Does anyone else know I’m here?”

Still frightened you shook your head a final time before realizing your mistake.

He changed from a glare to a just as dangerous smirk.

“So you’re alone, and no one knows I’m here.” He says as he places his feet on the floor and stands to his full height, one much taller than yours. Your eyes widen as he steps around the table and slowly makes his way towards you.

You come back to your senses and stick the broom straight out into his abdomen as if it were a staff.

“S-stop right there!” You say as you find your voice. “You shouldn’t attack someone who helped you!”

He raises an eyebrow at your puny defense.

“Attack you?”  He knocks away your ‘staff’ with ease and takes your hand in his; he shakes it twice and smiles broadly. “Bang Yong Guk.”

‘American style…?’ You think and it takes you a moment to realize that that is his name and you hesitantly give yours.

“Yubin Kim? Kim Yubin…?” you stutter out not sure which way to say your name and he laughs.

“Thanks for helping me, I appreciate it.” He steps back and goes to sit back down on your couch.

“You’re…welcome.” You reply in confusion and he nods leaning back and closing his eyes with a sigh.


~~~~**End Chapter Four**~~~~

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