The Trail

Don't call him Oppa!




“Maybe it was a bad idea to trade my umbrella for his wet clothes….”You mumble to yourself as you once again find yourself in the pouring rain this time at your actual school.

Jinyoung had skipped school for the day for practice and had probably been so involved in his work that he forgot to even text you that he wasn’t going to come in today.

Deciding to bite the bullet, you go and buy yet another umbrella from the school store.

“At least it’s cute.” You say and step outside. Without Jinyoung beside you, you didn’t even consider running.

The rain slowly let up as you got closer and closer to your home. Another car passed down the street and you looked down to avoid its overly bright headlights.

As you were about to look back up you noticed that there was a strange and large ink blot stream of sorts surrounding your left foot.

Your eyes followed ink trail into the nearby open alley to see a blonde figure slumped over. They were the source of the stream, which you finally realized was blood.

“Oh my god…” You gasp out and quickly walk towards the person. 

Surveying the slumped figure told you that it was a very tall and muscular male; his clothes and hair were matted to his skin. Signaling to you that he had been out here unconscious and bleeding for a little while.

His chest was littered with both small and large cuts, one in particular being the culprit for the stream of blood leading from the alley.

“I have to get him out of the rain….”

You look around for something that would help you move him without dragging.

“The landlords moving cart, that’ll work!” You turn to leave the alleyway but you stop short.

Gently pushing the handle to his side, you place your umbrella over him to at least shield his face from the rain.

“I’ll be back…” You whisper to him and dash off.

~~~~**End Chapter Two**~~~~

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