
Part-Time Nanny to my 1st Love's children

He actually was able to drag me to his house-I mean, mansion. Literally.

I stood in front of his house. It really is a huge mansion.


I've always known that Oh Sehun came from a rich family since birth but I have never been to this house before. It's modern contemporary style just like Daehyun's but grander and it's not like the grand european style his parents prefer. He gestured for me to go in when we stopped in front of the main door. I suddenly got cold feet from meeting the children.

"They don't bite," Sehun said; clearly amused at my actions. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Easy for you to say, you're the dad." I hissed, cracking my knuckles in nervousness.

He chuckled, clearly enjoying my uneasiness at the situation. In irritation to his teasing, I got inside the house first strolling in as if I owned the place. No one seems to be in here, I thought. I turned my head to check any children in the perimeter from where I stood. Sehun walked to my side his hands in his pockets, smiling bashfully. And I know the reason why.

"When was the last time anyone cleaned this place?" I stared at him, emphasizing the 'anyone' with heavy sarcasm.

He laughed drily. I raised my eyebrows at him, before throwing an abuse-looking rag doll in the couch to sit on it. He grabbed a bunch of stuffed toys before throwing them in a huge basket.

"Mianhae about that and hey, I just cleaned it awhile ago. If you have kids of your own, you're house will always look like this no matter how many times you clean it." he excused, feigning mocked innocence.

I feel really sorry to the guy, he had to endure everything in order to raise three kids well and upright.

"Speaking of kids, where are they?" I looked up to the second floor.

"They must be outside, at the backyard playing probably." he said quite nonchalantly. I nodded deciding to meet them but stopped in my tracks, grabbing Sehun by one arm.

"You first," I transfer behind his back.

As I look at it, I was dumbfounded to find his back huggable, old memories resurfacing. I shook my head at the thought. He led us to two huge sliding doors.


One of them stood ajar, making me hear, children's laughter from outside. I smiled, maybe they wouldn't be much of a handful.

"I think this wouldn't be that bad ,isn't it?" I grinned at him. He just winked at me. But when Sehun and I stepped in the backyard, my words betrayed me. Two boys were playing football then a little girl was watching them whilst holding a cuddly bear, laughing. When they saw their dad, I was surprised and puzzled at the same time why they didn't run to him and hug him like other kids would do when they greet their parents.

"Story of my life..." I could hear Sehun muttered in front of me. I smirked at him.

Instead, they only nodded at him followed by 'hey, father' in bored tone. What kind of kids greet their father as if he's a gardener who passed by and call him 'father'!? But when I appeared,  their bored faces grew alarmed and looked back and forth to Sehun and me. I notice one boy, probably the eldest, narrowed his eyes at me into slits. I shivered crept on my spine.

"Hey, kiddos!! guess what? you have a new nanny!!" he grinned at them. I guess he really love them just like his late wife. I could feel a pang crept up painfully in my chest. If only....

"What the hell? we don't need a new nanny, particularly a dumb one." The eldest said, cutting my unwanted thoughts.

"Saejun, watch your tongue!" Sehun hissed, harshly said, planting his fists against his hips. Oh dear....

"Maybe I should go home for now." I murmured to Sehun, as awkwardness filled through the air. He shook his head at me fervently, his eyebrows furrowed in irritation but his eyes are pleading for help. I sighed, then stayed rooted at my spot.

"Well, whatever, It's not like we need one anyway." Saejun, the eldest, retorted. I guess Sehun didn't raise them that well...I could understand that he's not made for parenting anyway.

"Hyung is right, we don't need a babo nanny!" the other boy said, holding the ball against his left hip.

He looks just like Sehun except for the eyes of the woman I used to despised before. I notice all of them had the same eyes as their mother, not like Sehun's that's round and droopy. Their eyes look liked they could pierce throught your soul.  The little girl just looked bored apart from her brothers eyeing me as if I'm not worth her time and she is just like, I think 7!?

How can I handle this kids? they are even worse than Sehun back when he was in middle school........





To those who subscribed, chongmal kamsanghabnida!!! comments and subscriptions are very well much received by yours truly >.<

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Why are the kids so snobbish djshjskddhskkh e_____e lol, but anyways .-. Update soon~
knuck3r #2
Chapter 6: I liked this chapter, although the fact that he still calls her noona annoys me but yeah, I know that's necessary
Jiyooonie98 #3
Chapter 6: It's interesting yet sad. it's awesome though... update soon! ^^
reachforthesky #4
Chapter 5: its really really really interesting. i wonder what happened between the two of them to make them break up...
Omgee.. New subscriber here.. ^.^ Please update soon .. :D <33
this sounds good so far ^.^ hoping for updates soon