We meet again

Part-Time Nanny to my 1st Love's children

Hye Mi's POV


Sehun called me as he turn around. The sunset makes him look like  he's  radiating. His hair get tousled by the wind. I smiled, loving the moment. I took a photo of him with the DSLR I'm bringing. I smiled as I look at it. I captured it splendidly and he really looks like a God. I wish everyday was like this. Visiting beaches in our uniforms, our bags and shoes laying on the sand, walking by the beach barefooted, forever young. I grinned at him as I walk towards the shore. I took a photo of it:


"Nae? Sehun-ah?" I slung the camera on my neck, while picking up a shell.

My hair got messy as a sudden gust of wind, I tried keeping them in place but after struggling I let them get swept by the wind. I was about to get my feet wet again when Sehun suddenly grabbed my arm. 

"Yah! what are you doi-" my protest was cut short when he push his lips against mine.

He started it sweet  but the kiss suddenly got intense after a while. When we broke apart we were breathing heavily.

It was the greatest kiss that he has ever given me. But why do I feel something wrong?  'Must be my imagination', I thought. We both stood there emotionless when he suddenly entwined my hands with his. I look up at his face. What I saw surprised me. It showed extremity of sadness. I grew worried. 

"what's wrong?" I asked him.

Tears suddenly flooded his eyes. He fell down kneeling in front of me, know I grew more alarmed at what he's doing. I also kneeled down, cupping his face. I have a terrible feeling about this. Those last words I thought were right.

"Noona...I-i'm so sorry...I'm sorry..." he broke between sobs. I wiped his tears, feeling a dread coming. 

"I g-got... someone... pregn-nant..." he blurted, his red eyes looking straight at me. I couldn't move, I was speeachless. My world is coming do-

I gasped, just waking up from that nightmare. How many years has it been since that happened? I couldn't remember. As I got my thoughts together, I looked around the room. This wasn't my room. Why am I in a freaking hospital room!? What would the people say if they found out me, Lee Hye Mi got admitted to a hospital!?


"Oh my god..." if I got in here, then that means some people have seen me!!! what will Ji Won-unnie say to me!? or worse....I became flustered then started to grabbed my things when my feet slipped against the tiled floor. I waited for the impact but luckily an arm grabbed my waist. I look up to see....

"Sehun!?" my mind seem to slowly register everything as I saw his face again.

I was supposed to be angry and lash out words at him but I was unable to. Instead, tears started to trickle down, my face hot. He stood there, just looking at me. I buried my face in my hands, my sobs muffled. I wasn't angry, I was... thrilled. I quieted down, composing myself.

"I'm sorry, noona you have to experience this." he whispered.

"What exactly happened!?" I wince as a newly profound pain irks it way to my head.

"You had a slight concussion and you fainted cause you were drunk." he stated.

I could feel my cheeks start to get red. We meet again and I was drunk! He must have think I'm such a loser! His phone rang suddenly making both of us flinched. He smiled apologetically at me.

"Scuse me, noona? But can I talk in the phone here?"

"Sure." I nodded at him before I took the lunch tray and started to eat hospital food.

'disgusting' I thought.

"What happened!?" Sehun suddenly growled over the phone.

I stared at him, taking in everything about right at that moment. He was still the same, but I knew I was missing something. I wish I brought my camera with me when I saw it. His face became much more manlier just like everything about him. Gone was the boy who's shy and likes skinships and was replace by an accomplished, mature man. But I didn't forget how he left me and got a girl pregnant. The bastard. And he's only two years younger than me during that time. Well, like they say...'Let bygones be bygones' especially if you in your lovelife like me. I heard Sehun sigh, I look up at him seeing him pinching the bridge of his nose.

"what's wrong, Sehun-ssi?" I asked him while poking a brocolli in front of me.

"One of the kids got into a fight in his school." he muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose.

One of the kids? How many kids does he have!? I grew irritated. He seems to have accepted the incident wholeheartedly. I thought I was the only girl he loved before. 

"Mianhae noona, but I have to go. I'll come visit tomorrow." he bowed slightly at me before going out. 

I watch him go again just like last time.

I smiled at the two birds flying in the sky outside my window.




There you have it...please tell me if you don't like my update so I can improve!! you can also subscribe if you want!! >.<

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Why are the kids so snobbish djshjskddhskkh e_____e lol, but anyways .-. Update soon~
knuck3r #2
Chapter 6: I liked this chapter, although the fact that he still calls her noona annoys me but yeah, I know that's necessary
Jiyooonie98 #3
Chapter 6: It's interesting yet sad. it's awesome though... update soon! ^^
reachforthesky #4
Chapter 5: its really really really interesting. i wonder what happened between the two of them to make them break up...
Omgee.. New subscriber here.. ^.^ Please update soon .. :D <33
this sounds good so far ^.^ hoping for updates soon