The Girls' Applications 1

Sweet Home ♣ Where Hearts Set [APPLY CLOSED]

Sorry to be late, but I'm kinda overwhelmed by what happened in Japan... I'm still news-less from some of my friends there. I'm praying hard for them, hoping they're fine!

So these are the applications filled-forms of my chosen girls ^w^


♥ Identity Please (1/5) :: ChalienaRosa
Q. Family Name: R. Chhim
Q. First Name(s): R. Chaliena
Q. Age: R. 18
Q. Date of Birth: R. 01-01-1993
Q. Ancestry: R. 1/2 Cambodian. 1/4 Chinese. 1/4 French
Q. Nationality/ies: R. Asian and European

♦ About You 1 (2/5)
Q. Personas: R. - Mood Maker  (You're THE ultimate Mood Maker~)
Q. Personnality: R. Caring, Random, Curious, Odd, Bubbly, Badass but hides it, Smart
Q. Tastes: R. Likes: Singing, Dancing, Learning new fighting, Parkour, Being a care taker.
                    Dislikes: Mean people who use others, Being forced to do something, Liars, Self-centered people, Animal haters
Q. I'm afraid of: R. Dissapointing others & icky creepy crawlies
Q. This thing(s) make me feel better: R. Candy&sweets
Q. Habits+Hobbies: R. Bites lips when nervous. Works out a lot and does know when to stop when she is stressed.

Q. Family+Background:
R. Grew up in a broken family who threw her out because of their bad habit, they left her to fend for herself. All she had to her own name was her family name and what she had with her at the time they kicked her out. She worked for everything on her own, she also always had a calm out look on life taking in everything and planning it all out. She finally got everything pulled together with herself and is working for her dream.

Q. Relationships: R. 5 friends 2ne1 she made friends with them, people called her a fake for being friend with them. In reality she knew little about the music world of k-pop.

♣ About You 2 (3/5)
Q. Height: R. 157.48 cm
Q. Weight: R. 49.1 kg
Q. Describe you: R. Eye color: Dark brown eyes that can change to light brown and sometimes has a tint of blue. Hair: Long black hair that changes colors in different lighting. Skin tone: Caramel to Light Caramel color
Q. About Clothes: R. ;
Usaully relaxed and comfortable look. When needed or want in randomness I will dress up nicely
Q. Pictures:
R.    ;   ;

♠ Be Professional (4/5)
Q. Group Position: R. - Lead Vocal (Our Lead Vocal!)
Q. Skills? R. I can speak in 14 different languages. Great speaking skills. (will be a surprise ^^)
Q. Experience(s)? R. Blessed and humbled that you would choose me.
Q. Any Scandals? R. None.
Q. A male idol who is like you: R. Yang Yoseob
Q. A female idol who is like you: R. Park Bom


♥ Identity Please (1/5) :: Hitomi246123
Q. Family Name: R. Joo
Q. First Name(s): R. Hyun Jin
Q. Age: R. 20
Q. Date of Birth: R. 06/16/1990
Q. Ancestry: R. Full Korean
Q. Nationality/ies: R. South Korean

♦ About You 1 (2/5)
Q. Personas: R. - The Lazy Dork  (Total fun without knowing it, still a cool dork)
Q. Personnality: R. Hyun Jin is a TOTAL tomboy. Doesn't exactly show it but cares for her friends....ALOT(meaning her friends are her world.). Seems very cold,quiet,and reserved but is actualy really nice if she opens up to you. Hasn't smiled or laugh in 13 years. Not very trusting to people(especially to guys). If you made her smile now your probably very important to her. 90's music genius(K-pop and American music). Very athletic. Hyun Jin is the type that will break your arm if you mess with her. Is not a moring person at all. Gets grumpy if she doesn't get enough of sleep. I don't like people seeing me weak(like if i was crying i would run away so no one would see me.). She doesn't care about what people think about her. If she's mad at you she will put on the scariest glare you have ever seen everytime you walk in the same room as her. Is really good at lying but never lies(only lies when needed). Always has a emotionless face so its hard to find out
what she's thinking. If she wants to she can put on the cutest aegyo. She's always the person in the room that distances herself from others by sitting in the back corner. Can do any famous boy group dance(Like Sorry Sorry, Ring Ding Dong, Lucifer.). Almost never falls for aegyos(There was one time when Sungmin of SuJu did an aegyo, she giggled like crazy!). Has actually got drunk once, well accidently. She acts very unlike her when she is drunk. Like she keeps saying secrets, I Love You, and stuff like that. Has a tendency to say "What do you want!?!?" if someone says her name, sometimes people think it's funny. A lot of girls respect her cuz she refuses to dance proactivilly, she believes attraction is not a talent. Very blunt. People think she is cocky but it's actually confidence. Feels very awkward around kids.

Q. Tastes: R. Likes: Kids, all canines(wolves, dogs, foxes, ect), pudding, ramen, Family Guy(the TV show), listening to music. Dislikes: Father(he abused her), boys, erts, pink, Girly stuff,when people call her Jinnie.
Q. I'm afraid of: R. Being alone with boys and snakes....
Q. This thing(s) make me feel better: R. Pudding and Looking at picture of mom and little sister
Q. Habits+Hobbies: R. • Hobbies: Singing,rapping,dancing(hip hop and bgirl),basketball,boxing,drawing,playing the electric guitar. • Habbits: Good: Drinks a lot of water. Meditates when really tired but can't go to sleep. Always thinks before talking. Bad: Glares a lot. Cracks knuckles sometimes. Eye twitches when I'm really cold. Plays with hair.

Q. Family+Background:
R. She had a great life to her birth and to her 5th birthday. But a couple days after her B-day her Mom died. After that Hyun Jin always blamed herself for her mom's death. Also soon after her mother's death her father started to abuse her(not ually). At school ever since her mom's death she was a loner, never having 1 friend. She also had a sister(Yuna. She was 5 when she died) who died of cancer. That pretty much crushed her. So ya she didn't have that many good moments in life. But before her mom's death, her mom said to never give up and strive to be the best.

Q. Relationships: R. Nope!

♣ About You 2 (3/5)
Q. Height: R. 169cm
Q. Weight: R. 47kg
Q. Describe you: R. Eyes: Dark Brown ; Hair: Dark Brown ; Skin Tone: Light and kinda tannish... ; Skinny and has girl abs ^__^
Q. About Clothes: R. Color: Usually dark colors like black, gray, blue, ect. O and she's bit emo. O___O Style: Tomboy and kinda street gangster.
Q. Pictures: R.   ;   ;

♠ Be Professional (4/5)
Q. Group Position: R. - Lead Rapper (you're the official cool rapper =D)
Q. Skills? R. Sing ; Rap ; Dance(B-Girl and Hip-Hop) ; Play the electric guitar
Q. Experience(s)? R. I had a year of experience
Q. Any Scandals? R. I was a background dancer for 2NE1 and a other background dancer touched my on purpose so I punched him......I never did danced for 2NE1 again......
Q. A male idol who is like you: R. Minho of SHINee
Q. A female idol who is like you: R. Ga-In of Brown Eyed Girls


♥ Identity Please (1/5) :: TiHae4ever
Q. Family Name: R. Park
Q. First Name(s): R. Hwa Young
Q. Age: R. 17
Q. Date of Birth: R. 01/30/1994
Q. Ancestry: R. Full Korean
Q. Nationality/ies: R. Korean

♦ About You 1 (2/5)
Q. Personas: R. - Cute Baby (You're our Cute Baby )
Q. Personnality: R.  She's a cute and bubbly girl. She always sets the mood in the group. She wants to see everybody happy. She loves to make them happy and with the help of her aegyo, she's really successful in doing it. She may have a cute image but she turns into a bull when angry. She doesn't like it when people degrade others for their own benefit. She fights for what she thinks is right.

Q. Tastes: R. LIKES: * BLUE stuffs, cold noodles, swimming, dogs and Super Junior. Dislikes: *arrogant guys, cheese, cats, tight places and violence.
Q. I'm afraid of: R. Death and the Dark
Q. This thing(s) make me feel better: R. Ice cream and good night's sleep
Q. Habits+Hobbies: R. HABITS: * easily blushes, showing her pouting face, twirls her hair when nervous. HOBBIES: * playing guitar, designing clothes, making scrapbooks, collecting idol autographs. ^_^

Q. Family+Background: R. She came from a broken family. According to her mom, his dad left them while she was pregnant of her. She doesn't know where his father is now. When they went back to Korea, her mom met another man.Her mom married that guy where he gained a step brother, Park Leeteuk. At first, she didn't like the idea of the new parent thing. But his step father and brother has treated her well and considered her as their own. She may be living a happy family now but deep inside her, she's not totally happy knowing that her father must be somewhere out there. She really wants to meet his real dad.

Q. Relationships: R. Famous step brother: Park Leeteuk ; Best Friend: Tiffany Hwang and Seo Joohyun

♣ About You 2 (3/5)
Q. Height: R. 167 cm
Q. Weight: R. 38
Q. Describe you: R.  She has long hair with curls on the end part. She has white complexion. She's got long legs. She's somewhat thin or slim perhaps. Eye color is brown. Heart-shaped faced and cute pouting mouth.
Q. About Clothes: R.  She loves clothes. Since she has a passion for designing, she tends to design her own clothes and make up her own trend. She opts on hoodies, jackets, blazers and skinny jeans or tights. That's her comfortable clothes.
Q. Pictures: R. 1. 2. 3. Ulzzang name: Park Jihyeon

♠ Be Professional (4/5)
Q. Group Position: R.  - Lead Dancer (Show us the steps, Lead Dancer ;p)
Q. Skills? R. * Can speak fluent English * Can play guitar and piano * Can do voice imitations
Q. Experience(s)? R. IT was kinda nique for her since it was new to her. She's very excited and happy to be part of this fruitful experience.
Q. Any Scandals? R.  There was a rumor that about her family. About her mom marrying Leeteuk's dad. According to them, her mom married his dad for the money and Leeteuk's fame.
Q. A male idol who is like you: R. Lee Sungmin
Q. A female idol who is like you: R. Goo Hara


♥ Identity Please (1/5) :: mishtricx18
Q. Family Name: R. Go
Q. First Name(s): R. Hea
Q. Age: R. 18
Q. Date of Birth: R. 02/18/1993
Q. Ancestry: R. Full Korean
Q. Nationality/ies: R. Korean

♦ About You 1 (2/5)
Q. Personas: R.  - Icy Princess (Cold at some sights, but cool after all ;p)
Q. Personnality: R. The one thing about Hea is that she knows who and who she is and not. This may come off plain and cliche to some but this is pure truth. So telling the girl who she is and how she should act would simply end in you loosing your voice, mainly because she wouldn't listen. She's a person that doesn't care about what people think about her. Sure, she will make a good impression for the fun of it, but once you get to know her well enough you would notice that this girl is different from what you expected. Add in her signature smirk, and you'll know she wasn't the girl you thought she was. If you think she's a or even that she has no human emotions, then she'll respect that. Don't like the way she sings? That's your opinion. She is immune to both compliments and insults, having heard them so many times that she can actually recite it. If you critique her, she would simply nod and acknowledge your opinion. The best reaction you can get out of her when it comes to this is wh
en she actually ponders about it. If you compliment her, she would be kind enough to add in a smile and thank you.
Hea is a true believer and gossip and rumors aren't her cup of tea. They never were, actually. Because once you trust her enough to give her information about herself, nothing anyone can say can sway her opinion about you. She's one of those rare females that don't care if the world has proclaimed you the most dangerous person in the whole world; she'll still be friends with you. Hea is a thinker. She uses her brain most of the time, conjuring logical reasons to the questions the world has yet to answer. She loves to think through things, finding a puzzle in the mystery or solving a difficult problem. She's the type of person that can sit with you and discuss certain aspects of the world in hours.
The girl is the most stubborn person in the world. People often tell her that she has a fiery determination that can be admired. Once she finds something worthy enough of her time, she will do it with all her might, not quitting until she accomplishes the task. Nothing can stand in her way. Not even minor set-backs. She just loves the challenge more when problems arise. Just look at all her accomplishments. She had been ranked first in her class, won a couple of volleyball tournaments and will now debut in a group. 'Anything is possible' is probably her favorite line and 'don't just sit there, do something. The world won't wait for you forever'. She does her best in everything and has this desire to be able to do anything and be good at it. Failing a certain task can get her to be a bit cranky and she would spend time thinking why she couldn't do it but in the end, she will accept it as her own fault, not blaming or praising her opponent. It was her own fault that she didn't
accomplish her goal.
Another trait of Hea's is that she's confident. Not over-confident that it looks stupid; she simply knows that she can accomplish anything. She can injure any kind of pain and trial that will come her way because in the end, she knows she'll win. Self-pity and envy are not emotions she feels very often because she knows that people have their own strengths and weaknesses and she has her own as well.
Brutally honest, Hea would tell you the truth to the point where you bleed and wished that she never told you that you will never be a star. It is her character to not let you indulge in sugary comments and then stab you in the heart. No, she will tell you you have the worst haircut if you asked her. She seldom compliments people because she simply acknowledges them, so when you get a compliment from her, consider it like rain blessing a parched desert. If you are important to her, or someone she cares for a lot, be ready to face the consequences. Because when it comes to people she loves, she will do anything. And I do mean anything. From forgetting her own birthday to attend your concert, or giving you all her money when she doesn’t even have a single ramen in her cupboard. Those who have her love are certainly the luckiest people in the world.
Once you anger her, Hea isn’t a person that will forget that so easily. She isn’t the forgive and forget person like everyone you know. The moment you hurt her or anger her or even lie to her, you better erase your own name from her friend list. She is a person that never forgets. Even information such as when your parents have their anniversary, what ice cream flavor you like and a song that she listened to five times, he will not forget then why should she forget that you lied to him? The thing that is scary about her when you get to her bad side is that you never know when she might strike back. Or if she will care enough to even do something.
All in all, Hea is a big ball of reason, intellect and passion. If you look pass that hard shell, you will meet a person that is true and though harsh, will care for you the rest of her life.

Q. Tastes: R. Likes: chocolate, psychology, roasted seaweed, supernatural books. Dislikes: spicy food, dishonesty, bugs, cheesy love lines, heavy metal
Q. I'm afraid of: R. being abandoned, heights
Q. This thing(s) make me feel better: R. chocolate and music
Q. Habits+Hobbies: R. Habits: Sighing when tired, yawning in awkward situations, tapping foot when excited, scrunches up nose wen bothered by something. Hobbies: singing, playing MMORPGs, drawing/doodling, reading, composing songs

Q. Family+Background: R. Hea's family is full of well-paid doctors. Everyone in the Go family has pursued a medical career and you can say that Hea was born in a rich family. Her parents were, like all parents, protective of their daughter and son. Hea's brother, Min Chul is actually 10 years older than her and they have an amazing sister/brother bond. Ever since Hea was small and her parents worked hard to earn for their financial expenses, it was Min Chul who took care of her. He was like a second father to the little Hea and she adored him to death. But she was also very clingy and couldn't accept him having his first girlfriend. She changed after they had a fight where he said that he was tired of her clinging to him wherever he went.
She became distant to her family and more reliable towards her friends. Even when she started training, she informed her friends first, knowing that they wouldn't contradict her decisions.

Q. Relationships: R. She has a huge interest on Big Bang's G-Dragon though Junhyung is slowly making her interested as well. Gyuri from 4Minute (problem here ^^ Did you mean Gyuri or a 4minute member?) is the only girl who actually talks to her though Kahi from After School is a good sunbae to her. Nicole from KARA just hates her guts. A long time ago, Gi Kwang was a family friend but then he started ignoring her.

♣ About You 2 (3/5)
Q. Height: R. 168
Q. Weight: R. 67

Q. Describe you:
R. Hea has skin that is neither pale nor brown. Ever since young, her brother made sure that his sister would grow up beautifully and always took care of her and so she developed soft skin that is zit-free, having finished going through that phase. She has an oval face and if you shift your attention to her lips, you will notice that the upper lip is thinner than her fuller bottom lip. She has a naturally well-built nose that others envy, thanks to good genes.
Her hair is thick though has thin strands. She has dyed it blonde ever since she became a trainee, but she naturally has black hair like most Koreans though hers, depending where the sun hits it, becomes either brown or blue.
Her build is small and she may seem frail at times though she has long legs. She had always been on the borderline of thin and fat, having fast metabolism. 

Q. About Clothes: R. Hea is a lvoer of fashion. She is very thorough when picking the right type of clothes for her body. But she is simply in-love with over-sized hoodies and pairing it up with either tights or skinny jeans. She had never been girly since young, having grown up in her brother's care but she does enjoy dressing up from time to time. She is in-love with Converse high tops. It is her most favorite shoe design. She even has a pair that had been with her since she was a trainee.
She usually likes baggy clothes, since she's more of the comfy type and she loves long knitted scarves and large sweatshirts.
Q. Pictures: R.  ;  ;

♠ Be Professional (4/5)
Q. Group Position: R. - Main Vocal (Our Multi-talented ^^ Changed it because there aren't enough of positions, so you can do whatever you want as a multi-talented =P)
Q. Skills? R. She can play the guitar and can dance ballet, having learned both when she was young
Q. Experience(s)? R. It is very frustrating yet exciting at the same time.
Q. Any Scandals? R. None, so far. Well there was one where her alias was mentioned one interview where Gi Kwang was asked who he can think of spending a cruise with.
Q. A male idol who is like you: R. G-Dragon
Q. A female idol who is like you: R. No one


♥ Identity Please (1/5) :: maknaelove
Q. Family Name: R. Choi
Q. First Name(s): R. Jamie
Q. Age: R. 21
Q. Date of Birth: R. 11/21/1989
Q. Ancestry: R. Her mother is Filipino and her father is Korean.
Q. Nationality/ies: R. Korean-Filipino

♦ About You 1 (2/5)
Q. Personas: R.  - 4-Dimensional (You're officially the 4D =P)
Q. Personnality: R. When you first see Jamie, the first thing that you may think based from her appearance is that she's innocent and docile. Is that what you thought? Then think again. Jamie's real personality is different from what she looks like. Watch out because this girl right here is very cunning and wise and at any moment, she might prank you! She loves doing pranks a lot and also likes saying jokes. She also says random things at random times just to make people laugh. She likes making people laugh and smile the most. She's very talkative and friendly too and she likes making friends a lot. She's also very stubborn and hates it when people see her weak side. When she's sad, she always tries to hide it behind a smile. She's also very blunt and isn't afraid to say what she thinks, which could sometimes be a disadvantage.

Q. Tastes: R. Likes:  rock music (like Skillet...), American music (like Taylor Swift...), kpop (all :D), green, rain, dogs, bugs, stuffed toys, people who comment on how fun she is. Dislikes: cats, heights, thunder, lightning, smoke, crabs, people who ignore her, people who say she's boring, liars, people who say she's short
Q. I'm afraid of: R. sleeping alone, thunder & lightning
Q. This thing(s) make me feel better: R. singing me to sleep
Q. Habits+Hobbies: R. Hobbies: playing volleyball, dancing, singing, texting, shopping with friends, playing with her pets. Habits: waking up late, hugs people when she's sad, bites her lips when she's about to cry, punches people (lightly) when she's embarrassed, takes selcas when she's bored, she does the bubble face when she's bored and she can't take selcas,

Q. Family+Background:
R. Jamie was born in the Philippines on November 21. She was 11 when she got into kpop. She had wanted to audition but since she was in the Philippines that time, she couldn't.  A year later, Jamie's father had a job that was offered to him in Korea. Since it was a pretty big job, they couldn't say no and so Jamie's family (Jamie+her parents+her little brother, Jacob) moved to Seoul. Jamie was very happy living there. One day, she was just walking in the streets when someone had casted her. He had told her to audition for SM Entertainment and he gave her a calling card and all. Jamie thought it was a scam but went anyway. She was told that she got in the next day. Jamie hadn't told her parents yet because she was afraid that they wouldn't like it at all and Jamie was right, her parents didn't like it at first because they had wanted her to become a doctor but when they saw her determination, they agreed soon after.
Jamie has always been afraid of sleeping alone because there was this one time, when she was walking in Seoul, she was almost .
Q. Relationships: R. Her best friends for life are Nam Jihyun and Henry Lau. Her ex-boyfriend is Son Dongwoon.

♣ About You 2 (3/5)
Q. Height: R. 162 cm
Q. Weight: R. 47 kg
Q. Describe you: R. She has long brown wavy hair. Her eyes are dark brown and she has fair skin. She's a bit chubby.
She has a mole near her eye. People have often told her that she looks way younger than her actual age.
Q. Pictures:
R.  ;  ; Song Ah Ri

♠ Be Professional (4/5)
Q. Group Position: R. - Show Star (Definitely the one who will be the most on shows XD)
Q. Skills? R. She can sing high notes very well. She can also play the guitar and violin.
Q. Experience(s)? R. (experiences in what? if it's experiences in variety shows... then here it is, but if it's not feel free to PM me xD) Jamie has been very much alive in the variety show world, so she has been very experienced.
Q. Any Scandals? R. Not yet x)) (LOL XD)
Q. A male idol who is like you: R. Yoseob
Q. A female idol who is like you: R. Taeyeon


♥ Identity Please (1/5) :: Kairi_Rose
Q. Family Name: R. Kim.
Q. First Name(s): R. Elizabeth Rose.
Q. Age: R. 20
Q. Date of Birth: R. 2/14/1990.
Q. Ancestry: R. Korean from my dad and Chinese-Japanese from my mom.
Q. Nationality/ies: R. Korean from my dad and Chinese-Japanese from my mom.

♦ About You 1 (2/5)
Q. Personas: R.  - Fashionista Diva (Our Queen of Style!)
Q. Personnality: R. I'm normally a happy person, but you'd better run if you piss me off. I've been known for my constant and irresistible aeygo and for breaking out into random song and dance. I'm a mix between a tomboy, girlygirl, airhead, bookworm, flirt, and a klutz. I'll do anything for my loved ones. I tend to say what's on my mind once it pops into my head. If I offend people, I immediately apologize. I've been dubbed "Queen of Random".

Q. Tastes: R. Likes: Long walks on the beach, red roses, cuddly things, people who aren't afraid to act cute in public, and helping people. Dislikes: Liars, insincere apologies, rude or fake people, being woken up really early, playboys, and people that try to hurt my loved ones.

Q. I'm afraid of: R. Really high places and the dark.
Q. This thing(s) make me feel better: R. People making me smile or laugh.
Q. Habits+Hobbies: R. Habits: Biting my nails when I'm nervous, biting my lip, playing with my hair, clapping my hands when I laugh, squealing like a dolphin, jumping up and down when I'm happy, and rocking back and forth on my heels. Hobbies: Dancing, singing, reading, sleeping, reading, skateboarding, shopping, hanging out with loved ones, playing video games, and playing the drums, violin, flute, and electric guitar.

Q. Family+Background: R. I was born and raised in San Francisco, California to a Korean father and a Chinese-Japanese mother. I have a 19 year old sister named Michelle Jasmine and an 18 year old brother named Aiden Matthew. My family is really close and we tell each other everything.
Q. Relationships: R. 2 of my closest friends are Lee Byunghun (L.Joe) from Teen Top and Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul from 2PM.

♣ About You 2 (3/5)
Q. Height: R. 165 cm
Q. Weight: R. 52 kg
Q. Describe you: R. Dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, thin, and fair skinned.
Q. Pictures: R.,

♠ Be Professional (4/5)
Q. Group Position: R.  - Main Vocal (Our main vocalist)
Q. Skills? R. I'm extremely organized and detail-oriented, I'm always punctual, I'm capable at multitasking, I get things done as soon as I get them, and I'm fluent in English, Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese, and Japanese.
Q. Experience(s)? R. I feel like this is going to be a fun challenge.
Q. A male idol who is like you: R. Super Junior's Lee Sungmin.
Q. A female idol who is like you: R. SNSD's Sunny.


♥ Identity Please (1/5) :: BeeeestDJ-lorvar
Q. Family Name: R. Kang
Q. First Name(s): R. Jenny Kang || Kang HyunHyo
Q. Age: R. 19
Q. Date of Birth: R. 11/05/1992
Q. Ancestry: R. Half Chinese , Quater Korean , Quater English
Q. Nationality/ies: R. Singaporean , korean , chinese , and indonesian

♦ About You 1 (2/5)
Q. Personas: R. A 4-Dimensional Mood Maker!
Q. Personnality: R. She looks tomboyish , but dont think that she is not straight , she is not lesbian for your information . She is friendly to everyone that she knows . A sociable person that alot of people loves . Unique in her own ways , expresses her feelings well , talks what she have in mind and keeps her emotions well . But when she is angry , she can be really mean . She is very talkative but not that talkative to spread gossips / secrets. She always put friends as her first priority . She is a very lazy person , her friends mostly compares her with a pig when she is lazy . But when she is really active , no one dares to go near her as she can be really hyper . Jenny loves random-ness and craziness but she can get annoyed easily through this . When she is serious , she meant it , dont play around when she is in that mood . Always have mood swing

Q. Tastes: R. Likes ; Singing , sleeping , playing laptop , listening song , dancing , purple , chocolate , checkered items. Dislikes ; Pink , skirts , dresses , acting cute , cooking , loneliness , makeups , betrayer , jealousy , comparison , backstabber
Q. I'm afraid of:R. Loneliness and Silence
Q. This thing(s) make me feel better: R. Chocolate , sleeping .

Q. Habits+Hobbies: R. Hobbies ;  Playing Drums , taking selcas , taking a walk in the park , dancing , playing baseball , listening to music , playing guitar , cooking , solving puzzles. Habits ; -When mad says whats really on her mind -Screams when surprised -Jumps when happy -Hugs people she just met. -pouting -playing with her fingers when nervous -playing with her hair when bored -skipping -laugh aloud -biting my thumb if nervous -eating a lot of sweets when depress -very talkative when excited

Q. Family+Background: R. She currently lives with her parents while her brother is out living his dream as an idol..she still sees him once in a while.. but he is always busy... so she is all alone in the empty house with her parents.. usually she would spending time with her grandma right about now.. but ever since her grandmother passed away she has never been the same.. she doenst really let people into her heart right away, when before she was the most friendliest person out there.. but when her grandma passed away.. she blames herself for it.. she feels so lost inside.. but she is still willing to give people a try.
Q. Relationships: R. KiKwang [ Cousin ] HyungShik [ Ex-boyfriend ]

♣ About You 2 (3/5)
Q. Height: R. 157cm
Q. Weight: R. 47kg
Q. Describe you: R. Eyes colour ; Brown , but wear purple contacts . Hair ; SkinTone ; Tanned .
Q. About Clothes: R.  ;
Q. Pictures: R.  ;   ; Ulzzang name : Song Ah Ri

♠ Be Professional (4/5)
Q. Group Position: None : Solo artist ;p but family-like with the band~
Q. Skills? R. Play drums , guitar , dance , sing.
Q. Experience(s)? R. none , nervous . But have confidence to experience it .
Q. Any Scandals? R. Nope .
Q. A male idol who is like you: R. Kikwang
Q. A female idol who is like you: R. IU

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Plmokn #1
Update soon
Update sooonnnn <br />
I love it :))))<br />
I am so weird in the chapter xDDD <br />
HAHAHA, I can't wait for more ^^
SSZE_A501 #4
awwww man! kwanghee you kissed siwan..<br />
siwan hates it butinside he loves it~<br />
wtf ok.. im being weird again lols xD<br />
<br />
OUCH-!!<br />
<br />
A smack haha xD poor kwanghee ~<br />
TiHae4ever #5
Unniee!!! You are soooo awesome!!!<br />
I super duper love the new update!!!You're the best...<br />
So Dongwoon oppa and Jamie unnie had a past?? That's why they're soo awkward...<br />
My one big problem is my brother.... I knew he would be in the trip with us....<br />
And I'm pretty sure Donghae oppa is there! Kekeke.. *winks*<br />
I love my unnies!! How I love being the baby!! KEkeke..<br />
Update soon unnie!!!<br />
Hwaiting!! Saranghaeyo! <3 ^_^
ohhhkeo #6
The update is awesome :D<br />
Can't wait for more ,update soon ! :D<br />
hwaiting and saranghae <3
Kyahhh<br />
Siwan is so sweet to me.<br />
Kwanghee C: lol <br />
:O<br />
I can't wait for more.<br />
Adored the update :D Lol I loved the fake link thing XDD
WAHAHAHA. I loveddddddddd it :))<br />
It seems like our personalities fit well with each others :))<br />
<br />
please update more ^^