I was a fate for you...

I was walking into the class with my books in my hand when a gigant figure stepped in my way

"YAH! Kim Taeng! I lost because of you..." 

"Yul, stop whining. It's not because of me, it's because your brother is too good at soccer" I said and patted Yul's shoulder as I walked pass him to my seat.

"Hi, Taeng" everyone said as i walked through the class to the back. I smiled at each of them before being turned with a strong grip on my shoulder

"Taeng, I look miserable... I lose agaisnt my brther million times!" Yul had teary eyes as he spoke. I rolled my eyes as I wanted to walk across him to my seat for a good break. 

Yup Yul is my best mate and Yoong is his little brother. 
We three always hamg around even if we dont need the need to. 
It's like we are tied by a rope.

Yul do have a big body but the guts in side him isn't as strong as his outlook.
But what everyone, icluding me, envy about him is his girlfriemd. Jessica Jung
I guess she's the second most beautiful girl in this school. Of course the first is Tipani.

Oh and about Tipani? 
Well, she is quite famous amongst guys but what's making her unfamous is there's a rumour saying she's a playgirl. 
She s every guy who comes for her.
I guess that rumour is true cause Taecyeon once said he's gonna her that night...
I actually don't care if she's a playgirl, cause I will make her love only me one day :)


"Taengoo... please join our team next time" Yul never give up until the latter says 'yes'. I think that's why he got Jessica. 

"ok, ok! But please stop that whining! You look like a baby" I said with a disgusted face. 
Yul's face ligjtened up instantly. He hugged me tightly and went back to where his girlfriend sat, I mean slept, kk.

I sat with my chin on the table and looked around the room with my eyes half opened.
Suddenly the corner of my lips curved seeing a particular girl's back. Her brown long hair grew beautifully, and the white shirt made her look more beautiful

- Why is she so beautiful in my eyes?

Tiffany sat with her eyes closed just like Jessica but what was different was there was flirty guys around her.
Guys would always be around that girl, and ask her out just for her s-line body.

Don't get me wrong! I am a byun and would dream of having s*x with Tipani but Ialso do love more about her personality and stuff!!

"Taengoo, why are you always day-dreaming?" Sunny approached me and sat right near me. 

"I'm not daydreaming..." I said and looked away from Tiffany to Sunny who sat with a smile plasted in her face

"Than what are you doing?" Sunny said as she followed the stare I gave to Tiffany a while ago
"Looking at Pani? You wanna do it with her don't you?" she smirke. 

"no. I was just daydreaming" I said calmly though I was panicking inside cause no one knows about my secret crush on Tiffany

"see, told ya! Your always daydreaming" Sunny smirked 

I looked at her with defeat and shrugged my shoulders.
"I guess so..." 




"Taeng! Your coming?" Yul said as he held the soccer ball in his hand 
He was planning a revenge on Yoong 
I looked around the classroom and saw Tiffany sleeping soundly


"go first! I will catch up after I finish this" I said as I pointed to a print the teacher gave me to full in

After Yul left I sat on the desk in front of Tiffany and observed her deep sleep. 
A guy approached her and he was about to tap her shoulders to wake her up but I stopped him just on time

"sorry, I need to talk to her about something secretly.." I said with a 'I'm sorry' look. The latter hesitated if not to listen to me
"it's nothing like a date, just about school things" I smiled. The guy smied in relief and left the room leaving me alone with the beautiful girl in front of me

- I guess he's todays man for TIpani...

I slowly tapped Tiffany's head 
She only answered with a moan

- cute...

I then tapped her shoulders
This time she slapped my hand without looking up 

- this sleepy headed...

I shook Tiffany's head 

"aish! WHAT?!" she looked up and glared at me

"class' over, Mrs. Hwang" I smiled at her
Tiffany looked around while rubbing her eyes and when she saw the class emprty expect us she widened her eyes

"omo, Josh!" she stood up and grabbed her belongings which was spread on her desk

"so that guy is called Josh, huh?" I asked while looking at her high speed in tidying

"yup and if you don't have anything, I have to go. I've got a date with Josh" she said as she looked at me with all her things in her arm

"well, I said to Josh that Tippani doesn't want to go out with you today" I joked, but this joke didn't work on Tiffany

"you WHAT?! OMG!" she screamed. 
"You ruined my date, thanks to you Mr. Idol" 

"I'm just joking girl! I won't do such a thing" I chuckled seeing the mad face of the girl in front of me
"I just wanted to ask you if your head's ok?" I said and touched the part where Tiffany held after we bumped into each other. 
She backed off when my hand touched her head

"err, excuse me but don't touch me..." she said 

"oh... mihanae" I apologised 

"if that's what you wanted to ask, then I'm fine. So see you tomorrow Mr. Idol" she said and left the room

"wait! My name is not Mr. Idol! It'-" she shut the door before I finished my sentence "Taeng..." 

- why am I blushing like hell? (Tiffany's thought)




"hey what's with that expression, Taengoo? We won the gamae! Cheer up man!" Yul said cheerfully. 
We won the match 4-3. 
Yul was like over the moon when we won, he went to tease his brother and also got a kiss from his girlfriend.
"come'n, what's wrong?" 

Yul asked with a bright smile. 

"Yul, what do you think Jessica called you Mr.Muscle or something like that?" I asked with hesitation. I wasn't sure if I should have asked such a question to Yul but still he was more mature in love than me

Yul blinked a few times 
"I don't mind even  a bit, cause I know she loves my muscle" he smiled

"not like that, a name that you dont like... something like... Mr. Immaturre?" I asked again

"I'm not immature!" Yul stopped walking and shouted at me. Wow, how immature he is...

"I know, but what if she called you like that?" 

"I will stop her from calling me like that" he said. 
"wait are we talking about, now?" Yul asked as he couldn't get the meaning behind the question I just asked

"nah, nothing..." I shrugged my shoulders 

"wiat, you love somebody, right?" he said with a wide smile. Yul hugged my shooulders and pulled me close to him
"who is it?"

"don't tell anyone...Tippani" I mumbled but loud enogh for Yul to hear

"chincha?! that playgirl?" Yul rose one of his brows and looked at me with 'are you serious' look.

"don't ever call her like that" I glared at Yul

Yul gulped and nodded. It was rare for me to get mad like this, I was normally a calm guy but I never preffered anyone talking about something I really like.

"and she called you something you don't like?" he continued by I wasn't in the mood of talking about her with him anymore

I ignored him question and walked off in high speed, leaving Yul startled 

"what's wrong, Yul-ah?" Jessica asked as she saw her boyfriend looking at my back going far



- My name is Kim Taeng, Tippani! I would make you remember that!



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tipco09 #1
This is a cute fluffy story. Thank you authorshi.
Chapter 11: Is this story end already??
And where mr Kim the sequel??
cookiecow #3
Chapter 11: So this is how it ends?
Chapter 10: I wanna know whp make the gossip ??
Chapter 11: where's the manager kim sequel??
I really like this story^^ nice one ~
Chapter 11: Author ssi i can't find the sequel *pouts* what's the exact title? Or the link? Please author ssi i want to read it ........ Gomawo~~^^
PinkAphrodite #8
Update soon plsss...

I have been waiting for a long time alr..
jiwookim #9
Chapter 11: hii pls update soon author~