On my own - GD⊤ ft Pixie Lotte, gtop




Jiyong moved around the dance floor aimlessly, he didn't want to think not tonight everything was messed up, he wanted to make a furture for them, but he didn't want loose him. 

Seunghyun was standing in the middle of his shared bedroom. He was trying to be patient really trying but only seeing him once a month and turning the t.v on to see his boyfriend with someone else it hurt. Seunghyun also knew the media would do anything to make Jiyong look bad but... rumors could also be true, turning towards the door he let the tears fall.

Jiyong had no idea what he was doing all he could think about was the phone call he gotten.

"I'm leaving" Seunghyun said on the other side on the phone. Jiyong heart dropped. Was he really hearing this? "Seunggie.. please be pa-" "I'm sick of waiting for you to come back!" Seunghyun grow louder peircing Jiyong's ears and heart at the same time. "Please I love you really I do! don't do this to us, I'm be back soon I swear"  Jiyong tried to plead but the other wouldn't listen "I don't want to do this anymore" the dail tone.

"Seunghyun... I don't know where to go? Do you want me to be alone I can't do it without you"


a/n I'll finish it tomorrow kaaay ^_^

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