She was mine - AJ Rafael ft Jesse Barrera. Tayang



Taeyang walked towards the nearest seat on the train station, eyes glued to the person that meant the most to him. Now he had to leave and he didn't know when he'd be back. they hadn't left the train station and his heart ached to be with her again.

He knew this distance is going to be hard but, he hoped that in his mind she'll still be there no matter how long it took, both of them loved each other and that was all that mattered to him. She was he and he was hers simple as that.

Three days into leaving for Seoul he got a letter from her, saying she misses him and the weather is still gloomy like her emotions right now. Taeyang wrote back that very day written her a song, say he wont be long just wait for him

They wrote to each other everyday for six mouths, but after a year and a half the letters came less and less. Phones calls becoming shorter and shorted but his love for her never changed. 'Please wait for me, I'll be back soon' Taeyang thought as he wrote his new big hit for his company.

As fame grow his life became less private as people asked about his personal life, if he had someone waiting for him back home. And for the first time, he couldn't answer because he truthfully had no idea if he did anymore.

Years past and the letters stop also the phone calls. He heard nothing from she and still, in his mind and eyes

She's still mine

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