Crazy - Andrew Garcia. taoris


There he goes again, Tao thought looking towards a tall, ash blonde hair male walking through the cafe Tao worked at.

Tao, found out his name was Wu Yifan but prefered being called Kris. he like the sound of Kris' name, Tao's eyes were allways looking for him wheather he was working or not. He just wanted to see him.

His friends think hes crazy, seaching for him in a crowed of people. He probaly was, because everytime he saw Kris he was with someone else.

and that someone else who was infact a girl. 

never the less he still wanted to see him. Yup he wasn't crazy, he was insane. The reason being was that he was in love with Kris. No matter how many times he tried to get over him.


He always seached for a reason to find him.


A/N- wow that was really short -.-

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