Ideal types

"Now let's welcome B.A.P!" the interviewer's voice cued the boys to enter the studio. "We are B- AP! Yes sir!" as usual their introduction drew wows from the interviewer. They took their seats on the couch. The interview began and the interviewer started asking those standard questions that the boys were sick of answering.
 "What does B.A.P stand for?" "What is no mercy like?" "What do you do for fun?" 
They could almost hear the well-rehearsed lines playing in their head, rather like dictation in elementary school. Halfway through the interview, the maknaes were starting to get fidgety. Jongup and zelo were shifting uncomfortably in their seats, trying to be as discreet as possible. Zelo's lips pursed into a tight line and his face screamed restless. He had something he found amusing to tell jongup, but he wouldn't do it when the leader was talking about the whole history of their group. Jongup was smiling as usual, though secretly wishing he was somewhere else, where he didn't need to wear shorts over his pants. The other four took turns to answer the questions, boredom slowly creeping up their systems. 
Then came the part they all dreaded the most. The relationship questions. 
"So you're very attractive young men..."
Oh no, oh no, oh no.
The boys shifted awkwardly in their seats in anticipation for that one question.
"Are you seeing anyone?"
Oh god. What were they supposed to do? Hang big "taken" signs on their asses?
"Oh the hyungs and I aren't seeing anyone at the moment... We want to focus on our music..." Zelo said, with a convincing smile plastered on his face. Lies. It's amazing how all of them practiced this so well, even hiding their sarcastic laughter behind sincere nods.
"Oh I see... Well... Any ideal types maybe? Starting with... Youngjae-sshi?"
"Oh when I look at people I look at their eyes, and from there I can tell whether that person is a good person or not... I like people with nice eyes!" Daehyun smiled, his eyes curving into crescents, secretly wanting to eat youngjae up there and then for being so cutely subtle about it. Everyone knew Daehyun had the loveliest eyes in the world.
"Ahhhh... What about Jongup?"
"Mmm... When I meet that person I'll know... As long we match..." A string of "ooooooh"s enveloped the studio and everyone seemed happy with the answer, especially Zelo.
"Now Yongguk-sshi?"
. Himchan's mind went into overdrive. He tried as hard as possible to look like his mind was blank, but he was pretty sure his thoughts were seeping out his ears. He anticipated the moment where the answer would leave yongguk's lips. An answer that he wasn't exactly sure he wanted to hear. What's he going to say? Himchan held his breath and hoped he wouldn't turn purple. A purple Himchan is as good as a dead Himchan.
"My ideal type is the opposite of Kim Himchan!" Yongguk smiled his gummy smile, revelling in his own joke.


A gasp was heard around the room, the other members swore the temperature in the room just dropped a few degrees.


Bang Yongguk. What have you done?


The other four were exchanging nervous glances at each other. Each one hoping that the other would say something funny to ease the tense atmosphere.


No. No. No. No. He didn't just say that. Did he really mean opposite? Maybe there's another guy called Kim Himchan. Maybe he's mean and smells like the kid who used to poop a lot in class. Yes, that has got to be it.


Himchan's voice curled into awkward laughter, as he tried to keep a believable smile on his face. His weak laughter was soon drowned out by more awkward laughter from the other members. Everyone looked around nervously, and before he knew it, there were four pairs of frightened eyes glued on him, awaiting his response. Zelo looked like a child that got lost in the supermarket and Jongup's smile dropped a few watts.


But all Himchan could do was to laugh. He laughed although his heart was probably breaking into a thousand pieces. He laughed although his face was frozen solid. He was absolutely sure fans were going to GIF and photoshop the living hell out of his face at this moment, but he couldn't care less. All he could see was Yongguk's gummy smile, sagging slightly from the awkward response he was receiving from the other memebers. But his eyes still sparkled at the revelation of his sick, sick joke.


He didn't really mean that, did he? Wait... How many Kim Himchans does he know again?


Himchan wanted to say something funny in response, something to tell everyone that he didn't mind what yongguk was saying. But that would be lying, and at times like these, Himchan wasn't sure if he could pull off a convincing one. Thank god the interviewer changed the topic. Himchan spent the rest of the interview answering a few questions here and there, but leaving most of the talking to yongguk and youngjae. Usually Himchan would be smiling his motherly smile when he watched Youngjae speak so aloquently during interviews, but now all he could care about was the burning picture of his relationship that Yongguk held in front of him. And the smoke from the flames were starting to irritate his eyes.


Slowly and painfully, the interview drew to a close and they walked out of the studio.


"Hyung! You did well!" Youngjae and daehyun said as they sandwiched Himchan between them. Himchan smiled and started a conversation with the two of them, knowing very well his dongsaeng's intentions to cheer him up. But his mind wandered back to the interview, that painful sentence playing again and again in his head.


"My ideal type is the opposite of Kim Himchan!"


Himchan knew Yongguk liked people who were virtuous, gentle, quiet. Who would raise their hands when they crossed the road. Who the hell does that anyways? Himchan thought angrily to himself. Yongguk's ideal type really was the opposite of Himchan. Yongguk always complained how noisy Himchan was and how he would reveal gross facts about himself (and/or the rest of B.A.P) during interviews. Yongguk always gave him what fans called the "Himchan, no" face. And sometimes when Himchan did something to embarrass himself (and/or the rest of B.A.P), Yongguk would look as if he was questioning his life choices on even dating him in the first place. All that was true, but Himchan always laughed it off. He thought it was funny. But now it didn't seem so funny anymore. Himchan felt stupid that he had never realized. Himchan found a word to describe the feeling he had once in a while with regards to their relationship- insecurity. That yongguk didn't love him as much as he hoped. Maybe Yongguk didn't love him at all. Daehyun and Youngjae's voices grew distant and himchan could only respond with occasional "ooooh"s and "ahhh"s and "mmhmm"s. All he wanted to do was to run into the toilet and mull over the situation. To get away from everyone. Himchan was dying to look into Yongguk's eyes and see if he still found his joke funny, he wanted to see if Yongguk even noticed he was upset. But he resisted turning back to look at the man who was now trailing behind them. The man that he wanted so much to hate right now. Himchan just wished they could get to the dorm quickly so no one would see the tears that were threatening to pool at the corners of his eyes.






Yongguk stared blankly at Himchan's back. He knew he was kind of mean for saying that, but wasn't Himchan being a little sensitive? Yongguk dropped his gaze, a sudden blanket of guilt shrouding him in utter lonliness. He sighed and started scanning the ground, hoping that counting the passing tiles would distract him from the guilt that was boring through his soul.




When Yongguk heard Jongup call him, he immediately shot up, smile on his face. Finally someone was coming to tell him that it wasn't exactly his fault that Himchan was angry.


"Hyung? I'm sorry... But you really screwed up this time..." Zelo said, taking his position beside Jongup. Zelo was usually wary of his language around Yongguk and Himchan, but this time he wanted Yongguk to know the extent of his mistake. Yongguk wanted to scream, he wanted to pull at his hair and throw a childish fit on the spot. Even the maknaes were chiding him. It's not like he didn't already feel bad enough.


"Hyung. Do something about it ok?" Yongguk rolled his eyes and started scanning the floor again. Although he didn't show it, he knew the maknaes were right. They probably were better at this than he was. He peered at Himchan's back again, wishing that Himchan would just turn back and give him one of those signature smiles that got Yongguk smiling as well. But no. Himchan didn't so much as to twitch his head slightly to where he was.


What on earth was he going to do...




Thank you guys for subscribing, commenting and reading really! Let me go sob my eyes out ugly-ly T.T Btw... Any daejae/jonglo shippers would... uhm... by any chance... uhm... wanna... check out my... uhm... daejae and jonglo fics? /shameless

IF YOU DON'T WANT TO PLEASE SKIP THIS NEXT SECTION I'M SO SORRY! OTL The rays of shame are shining down upon me...


Here they are:

DAEJAE FICS- wish bracelet, pitch, ordinary people, starry eyed, Voice message

JONGLO FICS- bubblegum, one last dance (lol i totally forgot this existed!), and another one that i have yet to put up...


Comment replies:

@aznmusiklife: Awwwww thanks so much... i honestly honestly honestly thought this fic ... but ok! Since you say so! THANK YOU! *ugly sobbing* Yes... Channie thinks so too T.T

@fluffcloud: As i'm writing this fic i feel like forcing those words out of yongguk's mouth too... URGH.. this man seriously... HAHA seems like TS doesn't care anymore! LOOK AT THEM ON CRASH OMG... They're just begging for us to ship them! AND WE WILL! OMO... thank you so much T.T You're too kind! Let me love you! *glomps* I love you!

@forever_alone_lol: You... You are one kind, sweet, awesome thing you... commenting on all my fics and making me laugh w some of your comments! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH LET ME LOVE YOU PLEASE!!!! T.T Sorry though, no finger curling for this chapter T.T

@newbie23: Hello there new reader! I'm glad you like it T.T I LOVE YOU. Thanks for dropping me a comment! here's an update for you<3

@eternal: Indeed<3

@automaticweapon: HELLOOOOOOOOO CHINGUUUUUUU (coz i'm still unsure whether you're an unnie/dongsaeng) Here's an update for you<3

@jwalkerspirit10: AND YOU! Thank you for reading so many of my fics T.T It means so much to me! *glomps* what did i do to deserve this T.T

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BlueeWings #1
Chapter 6: Legit love this fic
BangHim is my OTP and they are so perfect for each other
You wrote this amazingly and I love the style you write in XD
Btw I was wondering throughout this whole fic, did that interview actually happen? I eat to see it...
Chapter 6: THIS STORY IS VERY BEAUTIFUL OMG! Nice ending and storyline I love it! ^^
Chapter 6: this is really nicely written haha! I could literally feel channie's sadness...
MSkyDragons #4
This is such an adorable story
Chapter 6: # drowned in banghim feels.
TT this is so fluffy and sweet I can cry a chocolate river and throw up marshmallows....
All hail the banghim ship! All hail the banghim ship! All hail the side ships!
TT sugar and angst lovely fix! Thank you so much.
Chapter 6: I love this story ! Ramen all the way *eeh* kekeke :D
shinoside #7
Chapter 6: I love this!!! Jongguk scares me for a while there.
Chapter 6: that was so so so great ^^
Thanks for your work !!!!!