When The Death Is Near




"Are you sure you want to know about it?" Taao ask for the second times to get your confirmation.

"Yes." Simply, you answer. 






“You died, about 3 years ago.” He starts.

“No, that’s not true…” You answer with trembling lips.

He sighs and moves closer to you. “I’m sorry but that’s the fact.”

The room fills only with silence again. Only the sound of Tao’s and your breathing is heard. Tao stands - rooted to the ground, waiting for your respond. You on the other hand, stand there and stare at him. Your mind is too full of questions and thoughts. You frown and your lips moving as if you’re trying to say something but nothing come out.

Tao continues, “About your grandmother… I’m sure she can see that you’re not human so she probably thought that you’re an evil spirit. The guy who attacked you last night, I assume him to be the spirits that’s been looking over for the forest. I’ve heard about him but I’m not sure. When you cross his territory, he was thinking that you’re trying to take his place. That’s why he’s mad.” He avoids from making any eye contact with you.

“What about my parents?” The question suddenly pop out from you.

“I’m sorry to tell you this but your mother; she can’t accept the fact that you’re dead so she’s kind of…”

“Crazy?”You continue his sentence. “But she talks to me.”

“That might just be coincidence.”

When you think about it back, it might be true. Whenever you talk to your mother, not everything she’ll answer and sometimes she’s out of topics. About dad and the others, all this while, they didn’t speak or greet you is because they can’t see you. Since yesterday everything seems to be so wrong and you couldn’t remember a single thing from before.

“How did… I… die?”

“You’ve been hit…” Tao pauses - biting his lips. “By a truck. Near the tree trunk outside.”

“What? How?”

“You suppose to come and meet me here but then the reckless truck driver hit you. It was a dreadful accident.”

So, that means the screaming that you’ve heard in your head yesterday was your own voice? No wonder this place is creepy. You look at him again, the face that you want to caress very much.  

“Then what about you, why is my heart beating so fast when I met you? Why do I feel so safe when I’m with you? Who are you to me?” Again, I attack him with questions. 

“We used to be lovers. Everyone in this town knows about it.” His voice breaks. Tao lowers his face from you. “Until now, they know that I still can’t let go of you.”

“Is… Is… that… why you wait here all this years?” You stammer. “You’re waiting for me?”

“I am a jerk aren’t I? Waiting for a girl…”

“Why?” That word suddenly slips out from your mouth before he finishes his sentence.

“Because I know you’ll come back that I stay…”

His word touches your heart. Somehow, the worries that you have, is gone for a while. You feel lighter without the burden and with his presence near you. It feels like the world stop revolving for second.

Unexpectedly, you move to him and kiss him. He is surprise at first but then he kiss back.

“Thank you.” You said. “Because you wait for me, even though… you know… I’m dead.” You blush – thinking how silly you might have look when you did that. Tao simply giggles when he sees your reaction.

“I still have questions.”

“Do ask.” Tao widen his arms as a sign he’s ready to answer anything that come from you.

“Why am I here if I’m dead?”

He takes some times before he responds to the question. “I don’t know.”

“You don’t?”

“I’m sorry but I really don’t. Maybe you still have something you need to take care off or things you can’t let go yet.”

“What am I suppose to do now? I can’t wondering around and pretend like I’m still alive.” At this time, you’re kind of already accepting the fact that you’re dead. Nothing can be change anymore. What happened can’t be turning back. You’re dead and that’s that.

“It’s okay we’ll figure it out.” He ambles closer to you. “I'll help you.”


“Yes and I’m sure… That is what the reason I’m here for. I’m going to help you… answer every question you inquisitive.” Tao your hair.

“Thank you… I really appreciate it.” You smile and wrap your arms around him.

And that’s the beginning of your new life. You got your second chance. You are coming back from the dead – as a ghost. But who knows what’s going to happen next. Well, it’s up to you to plan how your life is going to be…




annyeonghaseyo >.< sorry that it ends like that. My bad~ I'm really really sorry... anyhow, I'm still thankful that you guys leave comments and subscribing.. Do check out my other stories. I promise you, the other is not as terrible as this. Thank you so much!

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Chapter 5: wow... that was unexpected... love it!!!!
Chapter 2: what's wrong with my grandmother????
Chapter 5: can you do a sequel pleaseeeee pretty please><
authentic22 #4
Chapter 5: Wahhh..
She's really dead owo
Poor tao :(
he's so in love with her XD, he can't forget her~
authentic22 #5
Chapter 4: It's getting clearer and clearer~
authentic22 #6
Chapter 2: Now i kinda understand who she is.. But why's her so-called-grandmother attacking her?
Hehehee , move to next chappie~
authentic22 #7
Chapter 1: Uwooh, why's she forgetting things??
Im excited to see what's next XD
lovelyme23 #8
Chapter 5: One thing that I regret the most is reading the comments before actually reading the whole story T.T I shouldn't have done that. But I really like the story. It doesn't give me a horror feeling but it does thrill me. Which means I'm satisfied. But I was kinda expecting the ending was Tao finally letting her go in peace and she saw a light. You know, that light to heaven. lol, okay but don't worry I like the story. I kind of had the same dream too, but mine was more like hunger games but darker version. I want to make a fanfic for it but I just don't know how. lol. Okay, I'm mumbling already. Thank you for sharing the story. Keep it up~!
amanda13 #9
Chapter 5: i love the tension ! ^^ really nice. it's creepy and it seriously gives that mysterious vibe. a little disappointed on the last chapter but still amazing. but i already expected that she's a ghost , it's an obvious clue ^^
great story though
Chapter 5: i thought it was something like a cult. . in which she will be next sacrifice. . but I guess, I'm wrong. . I never thought she was a ghost. .