My New Beginning?

The Beautiful Me, Only you Can See

The next few days past quickly, I end up going to school before I want to, because I have to buy a school unifrom. Me and my Hee-yeong end up haveing to go by ourselves, Umma's doing something, and who knows what. We get there by subway and walk the rest of the way, it only takes about 15 mins. We find the counter and turn in out registration papers since that still had to be done. After words we find the table selling uniforms, school starts tommarow, dreadfully, it apears there aren't many left. And since we are new students we didn't have any reserved for use, so we get the leftovers. I walk up to the girl there and ask for six small girl unifroms (extras are neccisary of course.) The girl says "We have exactly three girl and three boy uniforms left. A extra small should fit you."

I look at her horrified, not only did they not have enough uniforms, but i'm almost certain she thinks i'm a guy by the way she says it. I mean i'm am wearing an especally tomboyish outfit today, but seriously? I ask her for a minute, and walk down the hall a little, as we walk away Hee-yeong says" You can wear the boy uniforms, you already look like one." I sigh and take my phone out.

"What're you doing?" she asks as if it's not especially obvious.

"I'm calling Umma for advice."

"She's going to say the same thing."

I call Umma anyways, and have to wait for a few rings til she picks up the phone. "Hello?" She says.

"It's me." I said plainly.

"Ohhh, Ji-eun, are you guys done already?"

"No, it's not as easy as I thought it would be."

"Really? What is it?" She asks curiouse, seeming to be influenced by her dramas.

"They only have three small girl uniforms."

"Oh, I see. That's it?"

"Yes, I mean they have three boy uniforms, but I.." She interupts me saying "Well that will have to do for now then."

"Wait, what?" I say confused.

"You'll just have to wear a boys uniform until they get in more, no big deal. You have to wear a uniform or you can't go to school, right? Isn't that the school policy." She says like she's fully informed of everything.

"Well, ummm..."

"It's fine Ji-eun-yang, just bye one for now, okay?"

"Uh..okay, I supose i'll have to. I will have them orded more then."

"Great!" She says, and hangs up.

"Great." I say mimicing her.

I walk up to the girl again and buy the three small girl unifroms, and one extra small boy unifrom, which should fit me. I thank the girl and we leave, her giving me a creepily happy smile.

The night goes by as it has been lately, everyone preoccupied in whatever they are doing, and me in my room, listening to my music, singing along and drawing adorable chibis. Wasting my time, when the clock says 9:00pm I decide to turn in for the night. I change into my pjs and set my alarm for 5:30am, sadly school starts at 7:00am. I must alow plenty of time to get ready and travel there, as well.

I wake up the next day uneger to do anything, but lay in bed, I push myself to get up and ready though. And before I know it i'm on the subway, acompanied by Hee-yeong who hardly seems to be present listening to her music. And me standing there with my lunch, backpack, and ready to face whatever shall be brought by the day. As well as my uniform, and hair, it's becoming to easy to forget about what my appearance is. I get some weird looks ,but make my way to school all the same. Once the main enterance is in my view I feel a bit better, because I see a glimpse of Sun-yeong. I basicly ditch Hee-yeong ,she dosen't seem to care much though ,and as I walk near to her Sun-yeong. She turns and notices me ,smiling as usual.

She runs up to me and grabs my hands ,and jumps up and down, with excitement. I jump as well seeing there is no choice, I try to act as energetice as I can so I don't kill the mood. Who knows this may actually turn out to be fun. She lets go of my hands and starts to ask me questions about how I feel and so on. Along with telling me some advice, we walk over to the board where our classes are posted. I look for my name, and we both jump in excitement, me actually happy since we end up in the same class, 3A. We decide to go check out our class early, so we walk in school and find our room. We walk in scaning the room for familier faces, I see none. I look around more just to see what i'm in for. We take sets near the center of the class, to play it safe. I start to feel the nerves though, as I try to sit still. I watch the clock, more then listen to Sun-yeong chat.

It says 6:58am. I watch as it turns to 6:59. I stare the clock down for what seems to be forever, then right before the clock stricks seven. The door swings open ,as the teacher had already made there way in and was closing it behind them. A boy rushed in not particularyly tall or short but very cute, if I must say. I try not to look at him, but he glances at me as I watch him. And to my disbelief sits a seat down from mine in my row. I can't help but feel like i've seen him before some where. I think it over, as the teacher calls attendance, he says my name before i'm ready, which frightens me slightly, but I say "here". And he moves on, I continously glance at him stupidly. And try to see if I can at least catch his name. I do, the teacher calls "Lee, Taemin".

"Here" calls the boy, but saying it carelessly and he obvoiusly needs more sleep, from his apperance. He looks at me after asureing his presents, and my heart seems to stop, as I fear he may notice me glancing at him, which anyone probably would. I end up paying some attention to history, and the rest on who that boy is. I think about it continously then he turns to look the opposite direction from me, and out of the blue it hits me. I suppose since I see him from behind. It's him though i'm certain, the boy I was chasing from my dream, he is him, the boy I tryed so hard to catch up to was indeed, Lee Teamin. I am more surprised to hear myself think this over and over, I am so certain it scares me. Why him though? Why Lee Taemin?

Author Notes: I kind of like where this is going, the story. I enjoy how it seems to come together on it's own. Well there you go, this was my plan. To have him mysteriously appear, and have no one know. I hope it worked. Anyways to be some-what creepy, I had a dream similar, well not exactly. I did have a dream where I was in a unrecognizable place, and I was trying to find a guy which I had never met pryer, well at least not to my knowledge. It was strange and I can't remember much more, all I know is it stuck with me, obviously, and I couldn't help wonder what would happen if I met someone after having had a dream about them. Weird, right?

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Haha her poor hair!! I like it so far! I'm interested to see where it's going! :)