Dreams In Reality

The Beautiful Me, Only you Can See

Still in shock by my new discovery, I try to ignore him completely. At least that way I will be certain not to do anything that will put me in a less desierable position, then I already am in.

History seems to go by fairly quickly. And before I know it it's lunch time. I walk to the lunch room with Sun-yeong. She does most of the talking, leaving me halfheartedly responding to her the whole time. I try to seem confident, hoping no one notices that i'm shacking from all my nerves. I feel as if not just him, but everyone is staring me down. Which is probably my parinoia kicking in. We sit at a table available,  near a nice big window letting lots of light in and alowing use to see the nice weather outside. It's only a few minutes til some of Sun-yeong's friends join use. I look  around the room, I probably shouldn't try to find him, but I feel so unsecure.

I scan the cafeteria, searching for his familure face and figure. I'm at all losses when I have searched all the cafe infront of me. I freeze, not trying to fight the paranoia, and now more fear, from sinking in. I slowly turn my head to the spot behind me, but before I was even close to catching a glance, Sun-yeong taps my shoulder. Which more then gives me a heart attack. I look at her on alert, and she can see it in my eyes, but dismisses it. She smiles, and says"Ye-eun, wants to know what your hobbies are."

More confused on who Ye-eun is, which takes me a second to realize it's the girl directly infront of me smiling, at least from how the others are acting. I try to find an answer that will serfice, I say obviously a little shuttered "I like music alot, I dance a bit." I can't help but blink excessivly, and they laugh, leaving me eternally confused.

They seem to be satisfied by my answer, and I realize i'm free when they start whispering, and so on, to one another. I turn my head to see who's sitting in the tables behind me, but more quickly then before. I feel like i've fallen or had the air knocked out of me, when in all the odds. He's sitting there, eating his lunch all by himself. I want to be filled with hatred, which makes me hate myself. Only because he made me feel like an idiot, all paranoid and junk. Instead I feel kind of bad for him. It takes all my strength to peal my view from him, but I do all the same. I answer some more of there questions, and could care less how they react to my answers. It takes all my dignety to sit there and talk with these girls who are more full of air then Sun-yeong. It also takes all my strength to not get up and go sit next to him. I tell myself that's a stupid urgh to have, but I keep thinking of how he looked when I finally saw him. He seemed at peace, but depressed and lonely. I mean seriously, i'm new to this school and I found some good quality peop-, well not neccisalary, anyways you get my point. I'm not sitting all alone like him. I shouldn't feel bad for him though, I think. The more I think about it I have to start again and again at square one.

The lunch period drags on painfully, and ends when I feel i'm about to keel over from mental exhaustion. The day passes like the begining did. I try to pay as close attention to the rest of my classes as possible. Taking a rediculous amount of notes in math along with science. When the day is roughly over, my eyes are glued to the clock, counting off every tick of the second hand. And about a millasecond before the bell rings, i'm racing towards the door.

I practically sprint through the door and down the hallway, and end up bumping into a noona that dosen't look to happy to see me. I apologies over and over, her not seeming to forgive me. She just walks away though not having anything to say. Leaving me there talking to myself, the rest of the school rushs out of there class. I flinch when someone grabs my hand, but relax seeing it's Sun-yeong. She complains about me leaving her all alone, and I apologies again.

She talks about her friends, and questions me about what I think about them. Me not certain who they are, try to create answers that won't displease her. I asked her what they knew about me and she answers by saying "I just told them that you where my cousin, and that you lived in the US recently."

"Hmmmm." I let out a sigh.

I still forget that I have the apperance of a boy, a weird shy boy with a colorful personality. And a very dry sense of humor. We walk in the direction of the subway, and Hee-yeong catches up with use. We bored opposeing trains, and navagate our way home. I do my homework, and listen to my music quietly sketching whatever comes to mind. I try not to think of Lee Taemin, but he comes to mind constently. I long to know more about him, is it the way he appeares? Is he part of a bizzare destiny of some kind? Are we alike in more ways I could believe? I raise questions even more so as I lay in bed not affectivley getting any sleep. I leave myself to wonder on and on as I fall into a dreamless sleep.

Author's Notes: Please feel free to ask questions, comment and ect. I hope you liked this chapter, it was fairly easy to write, to my surprise. I hope I eventually gain an idea of where this story is going, or it may never end, at least it feels like that sometimes.  I promise though, that this will end, eventually. But enjoy it, please. :D

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Haha her poor hair!! I like it so far! I'm interested to see where it's going! :)