Tell Me Who You Are

The Beautiful Me, Only you Can See

BEEP BEEP BEEP! I wake to an irritating alarm and stretch over to turn it off as fast as my still fatigue body can go. Knowing there is still the rest of the week ahead of me, I get up and get ready for school. I let myself resume my continuous questioning from last night. Will I even get a chance to talk to him? Or can I somehow create a situation where we have to talk? Do I even want anything to do with him in the first place? I go on and on in my head while getting ready for school then grabbing my backpack on my way out. I walk quickly to the elevator and realize Hee-yeong isn't beside me. I wonder what has gotten in to me lately. Then look down the hall to see where she is, and of course she's walking frantically trying to catch up to me. She hands me my bento box that I had forgotten and I thank her. We walk a little less then comfortably, and from our auras we both seem to be angered by something. So it's no surprise every so often I catch someone staring out of the corner of my eye. It's fairly easy to ignore them, so it's no surprise we get to school earlier then yesterday.

I feel a disconfort in my stomach, but try to seem at ease. I spot Sun-yeong by a large pillar at the other side of a large group of students, I can't tell if she notices me, but all the same I shove my way through the big crowd. It gets harder to push through probably because there's a larger concentration of people in the center. At one point I feel it would have been easier to go around. It's to late for that though, and I feel pressure making me feel uneasy again. I keep forcing my way through, and the awkwardness of this situation is slightly commical making it hard for me not to laugh. I see so many people glaring and rolling there eyes at me. I think to myself that I probably look like an idiot no matter how you look at it, and I can't help but smile a bit. From that alone I can tell I didn't get enough sleep considering how reckless i'm being.

Usually i'm very much to myself, but I feel I won't be able to do that this year, giving how this is turning out. I finally get at least with in 150ft. from Sun-yeong, I smile relieved. Then I see him, Lee Taemin, at first I think it is more of me being really out of it. It is him though, Taemin walks directly infront of me.  I almost crash into him, but stop quickly ending up only inches from him. I watch as he gracefully walks past me his hair shining and waving in the wind. I can't help but think that he looks more handsome, especially close up, then yesterday. The one moment seems to last forever, then before I know it he's gone lost in the never ending ocean of pupils.

I walk over to Sun-yeong, she smiles and now I know i'm stuck. Stuck on this path that will be very disapointing. Mostly because the confusing cloud around Lee Taemin has been blown away, and now gone into a black abyss that leads to who knows where. I see now that I don't hate him, that I embarrassingly enough, have a crush on him. Which is not an advantage in this sittuation, in fact I have no idea how to react to this resolution of my feelings.

I try to get into the present and pay attention to Sun-yeong. She asks me what I think of the newest music from DBSK, that seems to also be her favorite group. I tell her "they're pretty good, I don't have a favorite song though," she looks to be pleased that I even know who they are. So we continue to converse on what are our preferred artists are.

The bell soon rings, so we go to our lockers and make our way to class. As usual we sit near the center of the room, and  we continue talking. Some how I feel amazingly more relaxed then before. I actually feel as if something of some good will occur today, i'm almost certain of it. Eventually Taemin walks in and sits in the far corner by the door, my optomise fades a bit. There's no reason to worry though, I tell myself that won't change anything, something good is bound to happen. Class starts and I pay attention, but can't stop myself from stealing a glance of him every once in a while. The subject today for history was for the most part easy so I didn't have any trouble with following what the teacher had to say.

Soon enough the bell rings freeing use from our seats. We get up and I talk to Sun-yeong. I turn and see Taemin sitting in his seat all alone. I desperatly need to know why he appears to be such a loner. It's just something I can't wrap my head around.

I need 20 seconds, that's all I need to introduce myself and get his attention. Then it will be up to him to respond, and I won't be on the spot anymore. I close the conversation with Sun-yeong, and start to cross the room. Taking large quick struts, but it dosen't take long for my stomach to flip and make me feel uneasy. I push on through, and at last i'm so very close to him. I could reach out and touch him now, but I can't do that. I observe that he is listening to his I pod, and that's my ticket to an icebreaker. I stand there infront of his desk, and he turns to see me. His eyes light up, and for a second there I wish I haden't done this. He takes an ear bud out and looks at me curiously. "Ann yeoung haseyo, my name is Kwan Ji-eun," I somehow mange to spit out, giving the fact that my throat is closing up.

He looks at me confused for a second, then he smiles. I feel deeply dumbfounded, not thinking out of the many possible senarios that could occur that he would smile. Does this mean he's happy to see me?

 "Ann yeong haseyo, my name is Lee Taemin," he says happily.

I smile back, and we basicly just smile and stare at eachother. I have nothing to say, but I feel happy just standing next to him. It almost feels like we've known eachother forever. Then I remember my icebreaker. "So...uh...what are you listening to?" I ask interested.

"Ohhh, i'm listening to Wheesung." He says looking at his I pod.

"I really like his music." I say surprised that he's listening to him.

"Me too!" He says smiling.

We laugh awkwardly, but it dosen't feel very awkward at all. I sit in the desk next to his. "So what hobbies do you have?" I ask still wanting to know more.

"I love to dance! I like to sing too. I read some manga as well."

"Really! I love to do all those things too!"

We talk about are favorite mangas and animes, along with our favorite artists with the best dance moves. Before we could finish our conversation the bell rings signaling the start of the next period, we both looked at eachother sadly. We got ready for class anyways, and  I somehow made it through the rest of the classes leading up to lunch.

Author Notes: I think that's about enough for this chapter, I may update it later though if I really want to add something. Sorry it's leaving you hanging, you could say. Lately I haven't had much time to write so I do what I can. I hope you all like it so far. And thanks for reading this far! :D

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Haha her poor hair!! I like it so far! I'm interested to see where it's going! :)