Lost Spirit

The Beautiful Me, Only you Can See

I was forced, because of my Oppa's job, to abruptly leave Seol, Korea about 3 years ago. And now where moving back. I have a younger, by 3 years, sister, Hee-yeong, a brother , Dae-hyun, who was lucky enough to stay in Seol and study at collage. I have a cousin, Sun-yeong, who is actually very happy that i'm moving back, probably the only person who cares, though. We used to play all the time together, but i'm afraid, because that was years ago, i've changed, and i'm certain she has as well. Will she look at me funny, I haven't seen how she's changed in the last few years, and she hasn't seen me.

I clear my mind as I get off the air plain, luckly, everything is ready for use. We already have an apartment near to wear we lived before, i'll even be attending the high school my parents wanted me to, Chamnamu High (which means oak tree), way back when, along with Sun-yeog, and my sister.

We make our way through customs, and everything else is a blur. I finally get my head on right when we're at the door to our apartment building. "Where apartmet floor 4 room B, remember that Ji-eun. Ji-eun, are you even listen to me?" My mother complains, frustrated in me.

"4B, got it." I say in a annoyed hush voice.

I don't need to look to know there both glaring at me with there piercing stares. I ignore it and make my way to the elevator, then to my apartment. I unlock the door to "4B" I say aloud to myself iritated. I swing the door open carelessly, and take my shoes off, making my way to a room which I shall claim as my own.

I look through the rooms and claim the one with the biggest window, because it seems like home to me. I throw my stuff on the bed and gaze out the window. I look at the town, and see the van we rented with our possessions in it. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder, I flinch, turning around and trying to punch whatever creep is touching me. I miss and hit the air in front of me, then I see it's Sun-yeong. I stare at her blank, and she just stands there with a big smile, which from my angle makes her look stupid, given the past few events that have occured. Then a weird smirk crosses my face, as i've realized, even though she looks more grown up, she's the same air-head Sun-yeong i've wasted my time with. Playful hatered i'd call it, cause no matter what you say, she won't leave you alone if she likes you a little bit, so she must really love me.

I go to hug her, but she has already go her arms around me, and i'm not the touchy type, so this itself is embarassing to me. But I slightly enjoy the fact that she cares. She squeals unexpectedly, I react by backing away, which is more of a weird backwards jump. She grabs my hand "Ji-eun! I must cut your hair!" She more yells then anything.

I look at her with a bazar look,  "What?"

"I want to cut your hair, all cute like! Kay?" She says.

"Why?" I asked still beyond confusion.

"Well you see, I have become quite the hairdresser, and beautician, as well!"

"Really?" I say standing there not impressed.

"Yes! So can I?" She looks at me with anticipation, I don't want to disappoint her, she may be my only friend at school. Then again knowing her, anything could happen.

"Come on!", She says,"it'll be fun!"

"Yeah, for you." I say still undecided.

"I'll make you so pretty all the guys will love you!"

"Ughhh." I sigh loudly, knowing i'll regret it.

"Okay, fine." I say defeated, really without a fight, but still.

"I'll pick you up tomarrow at 11!" She yelps then runs out of the room to see everyone else.

"Tomarrow!" I yell left behind.

We get situated and I feel even more sick as time passes, my Oppa's so buissy he dosen't come home til way past bedtime. Which is supposed to be 10:00pm, but I don't even fall asleep until hours later. The night seems so lonely, as I lay in bed staring into the darkness, and sleeplessness, before I unknowingly pass out into a dreamful sleep.

I dream unknowingly, I'm standing in a rose garden and vine maze, it seems to be midnight, but somehow I can see. I'm wearing a poofy dress that's pink and falls to the ground, my hair is up elegently, and I can smell the fregrent roses, that aren't as comforting as they usually are. Out of the corner of my eyes I see a figure, I look and see a boy my age wearing a fancy black suit, I look at him, and he looks to be inspecting me too. I swear i've seen him before, somewhere.

He suddenly runs down the path he's standing in, my only instinct is to chase him, maybe he can help me out. I keep following him, running as fast as I can, it seems to be hours, but no matter how hard I try I can't get any closer to him. I keep running, then I feel the ground falling under my feet. I keep running though and fall helplessly into blackness.

I wakeup quickly sitting up, and see that Hee-yeong was shaking me to wake me up. She leaves my room, and I just watch her black.

I get up and see the clock, it says 10:30. My eyes widen as I see i've slept in to late, and that Hee-yeong is actually some use to me. I rush to take a shower, get dressed ,and grab something to eat. I where what I usually do skinny jeans of a neon color, a cute graphic tee, convers or other cool shoes, along with a hoodie, and my Hello Kitty head phones (of course with my IPod, I can't live with out my music.)

I rush and get to the door, I hear knocking and I open the door. And there stands Sun-yeong, "Ready?" she says, more excitend then I want her to be.

"Yeah, I'll be back later!" I yell to my mom watching some drama, and Hee-yeong on the computer.

"Let's go." I say unhappy with myself. 

We walk throught the very active streets of Seol, it seems just like I left it, that comforts me a little. We make our way to the hairsalon, Sun-yeon works at, to get my hair done. I feel jittery, but I follow her in, and she takes me to her station. She offers me to sit, but she more has to push me to make me move an inch. I sit, and she puts the apron over me, she wets my hair, and turns me away from the mirror. I look at her confused. "It's a surpise, silly!"

I don't revolt, but sigh in agitation, and she starts cutting away. Beacuse it's obvouse I have no choice, I try to start a converstion, "so, when does school start, again?"

"In a few days, it's so exciting!" She says in response.

"Sure" I say, already bored  with my choice of conversation. I let her talk about whatever she wants for the rest of the time as she works away, I retort with simple replys, not caring to put any evergy in the conversation. "Done!" She seems to yell.

I flinch slightly surprised, being half asleep. She turns me around so I can see my new complection. I look and see, it's short, really short. "I look like a school boy!" I say aggravated.

"It looks so cute though!"

"I look like a boy." I say in monotone.

"The short looks in, too!"

"Really?" I say looking at her long black hair.

"Yeah, you're adorable, aeigo!" I stare at her with my "evil eye", not convinced.

"I can try to make it better, maybe we should dye it!" I look at her horrified, if she did this to my hair, who knows what color it would turn out as.

"Please, it may help!" She says seeming to be desprate to make me satisfied. I'm just worried what my family will think, then again i'm spending my time with Hee-yeong, so they think i'm a freak anyways. What else could really go wrong? "Okay, give it try." I say, some-what recklessly.

"Great!" She goes and gets her stuff, and before I know it she has already bleached my hair. But I decide not to protest just to see what she will do. Which I may, or may not regret. "Done! Again!" She squeals happily.

I look again at my new complection. "My hair, is..." I say trying to get it out.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She gushes.

"My hair is green?" I say, puzzled.

"Why green?" I ask still dazed.

"I thought it would be cool, different you know!"

"Yeah, it's different, alright." I say astonished. I look at the mirror more closely, my hairs a light almost neon green, but to pail to be catogorized as that. It's weird with my dark brown, almost black eyes. Especially since it's really short now. "Hmmm.." I breath. "Well, what's done is done, I guess."

"Do you like it though?" She says concerned.

"Well, uhmm....sure I think."

She smiles happy with herself. We spend the rest of the day together shopping, walking around town looking at what's going on, and eating lunch at a nice cafe. I get a few weird looks from people, but I disregard them. I actually kind of enjoy myself, looking extra out-of-the-ordinary, and spending time with Hee-yeong. I wonder, if everything really will get better.

At around 6:00 pm I decide it's about time to go home. I tell Sun-yeong, she should go home as well, and that i'd call her later. She smiles, and agrees with me, and where both on our ways. I make my way home without getting lost,  which is surprising. I get to the door of 4B, and freeze. "Oh, no." I say under my breath, I had forgotten my hair was green.

I stand there for a second with my hand on the door knob, I hadn't thought about how my parents would react. I look at the door and realize there is no choice, i've already made my descision unknowingly. This is it, my start to the new path i'm going to take without looking back. I open the door, and take my shoes off. I hear Hee-yeong's gasp as she sees that my hair is completely different then when I left this morning. I ignore it, throwing my shoes on the floor. I her Umma yelling at Hee-yeong, because she's being distracted from her show. Then Umma stares at me gawking at me,"What did you do?" She yells at me.

I look at her unchanged by there reaction. "Do you know what your Oppa will think of you?" She says angerly.

"I don't really care." I say and walk to my room silently, closing the door directly behind me, and locking it too.

I lay in my bed staring at my ceiling with only my desk lamp on keeping my room dimmed. I listen to my favorite Kpop groups wishing one member from anyone of the groups was her to comfort me.

Authors Note: Sorry Taemin isn't in it yet, and that it's so long, i'm just trying to develope the characters, he will apear in the next chapter, and he will be in the rest as well. I'm not positive about what the whole story is about, but I hope you like it.

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Haha her poor hair!! I like it so far! I'm interested to see where it's going! :)