Your Joking...RIGHT?!?

Quiet As A Mouse

Donghae's POV~

Honestly, I think Umma and Appa's decision is the best thing that happened to Min Young. Being stuck in the house for 10 years is really bothering me and her condition. 

But the thing that worries me the most is how is she going handle the situation in the outside world. After that incident in the park, I couldn't forgive myself for being such a horrible brother leaving her alone and almost getting or kidnapped. From that day, I won't let anyone hurt her in the inside or out. That's what family is for. 

It has been 10 years and I know she is ready to tackle what life is really about. Min Young's smart, talented and strong, I'm positively sure she'll make her way to the top despite her disability of communicating. OR. I'll just get SungMin hyung teach her karate and self defense. You know what I'll call the whole group right now. 

"Appa, may I be excused? I need to tell my friends about this!" 

Appa nodded and I jumped out of my seat. Min Young looked at me strangely, oh yeah huh Appa hasn't told her yet.  Well, she's going to be in for a suprise. I picked up my phone and punched in Leetuek Hyung number, "Hyung! Can you ask SungMin about karate lessons?" 

There was a short pause, "Donghae-ah...what have you been eating?" 

Sunny's POV~ 

Ah~ Umma and Appa is really going to do it! Min Young is really in for it hopefully she won't get picked on. OH! Maybe she'll find her first love! Omo, omo, omo...I HAVE TO TELL THEM! 

C'mon Min Young has been born in a beautiful family, she'll find a boyfriend sooner or later. I'm 23 years old for god's sake! Not getting taller nor younger. It's been 10 years since she has been outside I was really terrified of what has happened to her I wasn't there for her. She was only 7 years old as well and she's lost her voice. 

I was training the day of the incident. Donghae Oppa called crying, "Soon-Kyu-ah! Min Young is in the hospital!" Those words made my heart sank even though I was only 13 years old but I understood the whole situation clearly. My little sister's life just changed right there.  She wouldn't have any friends or contact to anyone. 

But NOW! She could do that! "Umma! Could I tell SNSD about this? I think they would be extremely happy about this!" I ran to my room and grabbed my phone, "TAEYEON UNNIE! You can't believe what just happened!" Basically, I told the whole group about Min Young and they really know how to spoil her.

"CHINCHA?!? WHEN!" I heard Yuri pulled Taeyeon off the phone. "WHEN! WHEN! WHEN!" Hyoyeon was screaming the background. 

"Next week! Can't believe they're actually going to let her go!" 

Jonghyun's POV~ 

"Are you guys really going to let her! I mean she has..YOU KNOW!" I looked at Umma and Appa and then at Min Young. She was completely lost. The usual. 

This idea...I swear, if she get hurt I'm going to lock Min Young back into her room. The park kidnapping was bad enough! Even if it's 10 years ago! She might get ! Min Young can be a pain as well but...BREATH JONGHYUN...BREATH.... 

Eh, she all grown up too. If she could kick me in the shin that hard maybe she could just kick everyone in the stomach for all I care. I could call Taemin to be her body guard since you know same age... BY 1 year. Or ask Key to teach her to scare the crap out of people with nagging. 

Min Young was trembling in her seat just slurping her bubble tea and waiting for Appa and Umma to talk. She'll have to deal with this by her self, "Appa, Onew hyung told me to get chicken. Sooo~ May I?" I pouted my lip and looked at him. "Fine, fine, go on with his chicken.." He huffed. 

"Good luck Minnie Mouse!" I grabbed my jacket and ruffled her hair. And out the door I went! KFC HERE I GO! 

Min Young's POV~

And my brothers and sister has left me with the Umma and Appa. Let me die in food poisoning then by these two! I wonder what they're going to do to me! 

"Lee Min Young, I think you clearly remembered the incident of that has happened 10 years ago." Appa started. Oh, don't even remind me of it. Such horrible times. Being in the hospital and the doctors and the needles..NOOOOO~ 

I nodded and continued to drink my bubble tea. Ahh~ favorite... "And~ Your almost all grown up just like Donghae, Sunny and Jonghyun. We will have decided for you to go..OUT..." Umma added. My eyes widened. WHAT DO THEY MEAN BY OUT?

"Your going to kick me out!" I began to panic, rubbing my head in confusion. "ANIYO, What type of idea is that! I mean you will have a SOCIAL LIFE.." Appa continued. Socia-WHAT? I looked at them weirdly. And judging from my appearance they know I am lost in this conversation.

"YOU'RE GOING TO HIGH SCHOOL MIN YOUNG!" They both smiled happily at me. And at this state my stomach started to feel all queezy and un easy. These two are crazy! "Your joking...RIGHT?! " 

"Nope! We have discussed this over the years and decided it's time for you to get some friends and a life outside the house!" Appa patted my back. Now, I'm in complete shock....High School...all the stories started to flow in my head. I CAN'T SURVIVE THAT! 

"You'll be starting next week. We got your schedule and the map of the school. Oppa's and Unnie went to the same high school. We have inform the whole staff about your condition so everything is SAFE and WIRED!" 

WIRED? What does she mean wired? Cameras and security? Omo..I'm going to die slowly... "BUT, Don't be running around saying that your older siblings are Korean Idols...We don't want creepy fan girls at out door step." Dongahe Oppa walked down stairs with a big smile on his face. 

He agreed to this as well! My family...I swear.... I glared at him. "Don't be mad Minnie, atleast you get to go explore now! The places in the books you read now you visit!" 

"Even Narnia?" 

"Maybe! Oh! Now you could go to our concerts!" My eyes popped out of my head. I've been dreaming to go see my older sibling perform in the SMTOWN concert! Sure, I always got the DVD of it but I never saw it in live. Since you know..the incident. I guess going outside as it's benefits... YAY! Man, that the concert is one year from now...OH WELL! 

I stood there in pure shock, after 10 year..wah~ am I dreaming? I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming. OW! I rubbed my arm. Unnie next to me giggling. "It's not a dream Minnie. It's real life!" I'm guessing she's right. AIGO...High School sounds scary... 

"I'VE GOT CHICKEN!" Jonghyun bursted out of the room with KFC in his hands. Everyone looked at him strangely...

"Awkward..Awkward..Why do I always come in awkward situations.." He sighed. 


Anyeonghasayo *bows* Double Update! YEAH! Sorry if it's boring...*bows* 

Min Young's High School adventure will start YAY! <3 Man how is going survive THAT...

More updates for everyone! ^-^" 

I love you my subbies \(^_^)/

Comment as well! If you want me to continue the story! (o_o) I LOVE COMMENTS..

Bye! Bye! (._.)/

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valentinexoxo #1
Chapter 7: update soon.. ^^ it's really good
lakaransahrawi89 #2
Chapter 7: this story really good..interesting..
please update soon..:)
ExoYoong4ever #3
Chapter 6: How could I forget my glasses! I'm basically just blind as a bat without them. ????????unnie is it your signature sentence???hehehehhehe......
keep updating plz it really good
sebuff #5
Haha, I really like this story and how her siblings are all famous. Chanyeol is Dumbo. Can't wait to read more about Minnie!!!
Seoul-Less #6
xXRainyWishXx #7
Id Dumbo who I think it is?!! =D I really love the story so far~
I hope you'll continue writing this story, hwaiting!! <3
maknaewind #8
oooooo~~ XD I wish they were my siblings too,

update soon~~
Seoul-Less #9
So cute thus far. NUTELLA!!