Your Going To Do....WHAT?!?

Quiet As A Mouse

Narrator's POV~

"YAH! I got dibs on the last piece!" Jonghyun pouted as Sunny grabbed the last piece from the place, "Your too slow!" She munched on the piece and stuck his tongue at him. 

"You two haven't changed a single bit." Umma shook her head in amusement at the bickering siblings. And she was right, Jonghyun and Sunny were always like that eversince he came out of her stomach. Donghae and Min-Young were playing Pictionary in the living room. 

"Is it a alien getting strangled by a koala bear?" Min-Young strangly looked at her Oppa's deformed picture. He looked at her and back at his picture, "Dude, your not even near it...It's POPORO! I know you can't speak but your blind!" He cleared the board in disappointment. Min-Young looked at him and glared."Just kidding! I'm just too good of an artist that's all that you can't see the beauty!" 

"Whatever you say Oppa..." She shook her head and made her way back into her room. Her room was a big, spacious room, it used to be all white until Min-Young decided to used the whole room as huge canvas full of paintings and quotes from stories and lyrics. Paint cans and brushes are always scattered all over the place. 

But the painting starting it all was a simple tree from the park where she met a little boy. Her first friend before she was locked up in her house due to the incident. The tree's branches spreads all over the room, all over the walls, the ceiling and leaves falling from the tree with quotes that Min-Young has collected throughout the years. 

She started to paint a new quote, "Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning." Min-Young doesn't understand the quote. "Minnie-ah, painting a new quote I see." Sunny walked up to her looking and inspecting the quote. 

"Unnie what does it mean? I still haven't figured it out..." Min-Young tapped her chin with the paintbrush looking at her Unnie. Sunny smiled at her, "Min-Youngnnie, you'll just have to wait until the time is right.." 

Min Young tilted her head to the side, "When will I know that? I wanna know now.." 

"You'll know when the special someone comes. Trust me on that one." She winked at her leaving Min-Young flustered. That didn't help me one bit...

Sunny began look at the other paintings that her little sister created when she was gone. "Wah~ Minnie you had alot of spare time on your hands." Min-Young finished the finishing touches on the quote and looked at it. Thinking about it deeply. What does it mean? 

"Soon-Kyu Nooona~" Jonghyun came in the room with Donghae following behind him. "A new quote Minnie?" Donghae began to mumble the quote to himself. "Oppa what does it mean? Unnie says I have to wait until the timing is right.." 

"Ah~ It mea-" Jonghyun's mouth was interrupted by Donghae's hand, "Psst..No..don't tell her..she needs to find it out by her self.." He whispered. Min-Young scratched her head in frustration. Why can't they tell me? 

"Sorry Minnie, we figured out the quote by our selves. Maybe you could figure it out as well." Donghae sat besides his frustrated little sister. Min-Young understands and gives him the "OK" sign and smiled. "Hmm..that's the spirit, Appa said he has something important to tell us.."

Min-Young's ears perked up, "Deh?"  She looked at her older siblings who were curious as well. They too have no idea what's in store for them. "It must be really important, he even bought bubble tea for us! THAT'S A SIGN!" Jonghyun panicked pacing back and forth. "Did he found out I was the one that crashed his car?!?"

"YOU WERE THE ONE THAT CRASHED HIS CAR!" Sunny jumped up and was about to break her little brothers arms. "Ani! Ani! I said..Did he found out that I stole his...COOKIE?" He said protecting himself with a canvas.

"YOU STOLE HIS COOKIE? ARE YOU CRAZY! That's worse than the CAR!" This time Donghae was about to charge at him. Min-Young just watched her weird sibling fight. Hopefully Appa isn't mad about anything.... 


"Donghae! Soon-Kyu! Jonghyun! Min-Young-ah! Appa's home and he's got bubble tea for you guys!" Umma yelled from downstairs. They all shared glances at each other, "If we die...I blame you Jonghyun..." Sunny patted his back. "YAH! We're not going to die!..HOPEFULLY!" He whacked her hand off. 

Aigo~ here we go. Min Young sighed as she made her way downstairs. Appa's face was bright and warm, "Donghae! Sunny! Jonghyun! I missed you guys so much...You came home safe and healthy. You kept your promises!" He got all teary eyed since he hasn't seen the eldests in the house in over 3 years. "Neh, Appa your healthy and happy too!" Donghae was on the verge of crying as he looked at him. 

"I missed you Appa.." Sunny hugged him tightly. She's been traveling across the world not having contact to home at all. Jonghyun was standing there like man UNTIL Appa looked at him  and then that's when he broke down crying. 

"APPA!" He lifted him up off his feet. "Whoa Jong-ah! I missed you too! You got really strong as I could tell!" Appa laughed as Jonghyun carefully placed him on the ground. "My childern are finally together. We're family again!" He cried tears of joys as they gave them a group hug. 

Umma came out of the kitchen with a big smile on her face, "Dinners ready, C'mon we have something to tell you guys regarding Min-Young." 

Those words made Min-Young's legs feel like jelly. Donghae felt his little sister's nervousness, "Don't worry Minnie, you haven't done anything bad. Your a good girl remember." He placed his hands over her trembling shoulders. 

"Let's go.." Sunny gestured her hand towards the dining room. Min Young was shaking, Did I do something wrong? Are they mad at me? 

Umma stopped Min-Young from entering, "Aniyo, we'll have to talk to Oppas and Unnie first. You have to wait okay?" 

"Umma..did I do something wrong?" She looked at her Umma in sorrowful eyes. She smiled, "Ani! Don't be sad Minnie. You did nothing wrong.." 


Min Young sat in her room rocking back and forth. Many question ran through her mind. She walked out of her room and sat on top of the staircase. 

She heard some laughs and mumbles. But she couldn't hear the whole conversation clearly it was only muffles and faint voices. Everything was very blurry until...

"YOUR GOING TO WHAT?!?" Donghae,Sunny and Jonghyun screamed at the same time. Min Young was terrified of what's going to happen to her.... They're going to....give me...away? 


Cliff hanger! Kekeke I'm sorry but I had too! 

Soooo~ hows the story so far? Yay or NAY?  Comment if you want me to continue the story! <3 

What will happen to Min Young? Huh? Dun dun dun! 

I have a stong feeling in my GUT that you gusy don't like it TT_TT There's no new subbies no ANYTHING! Such..a..failure -.- This story must be a fail as well *sigh* Hopefully, I'll update soon....

Cya later guys! ^_^"


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valentinexoxo #1
Chapter 7: update soon.. ^^ it's really good
lakaransahrawi89 #2
Chapter 7: this story really good..interesting..
please update soon..:)
ExoYoong4ever #3
Chapter 6: How could I forget my glasses! I'm basically just blind as a bat without them. ????????unnie is it your signature sentence???hehehehhehe......
keep updating plz it really good
sebuff #5
Haha, I really like this story and how her siblings are all famous. Chanyeol is Dumbo. Can't wait to read more about Minnie!!!
Seoul-Less #6
xXRainyWishXx #7
Id Dumbo who I think it is?!! =D I really love the story so far~
I hope you'll continue writing this story, hwaiting!! <3
maknaewind #8
oooooo~~ XD I wish they were my siblings too,

update soon~~
Seoul-Less #9
So cute thus far. NUTELLA!!