Another day passed and I'm still lonely. I don't have a girlfriend, but I do have a dog named, Gaho, or divine protection in English.


"Hey there buddy." I greeted as soon as I arrived home.




At age 25 you would think that Asian men wouldn't live on their own, but I'm the exception. I've been living alone for two years now and it's does get lonely sometimes. To make matter worse, I'm closer to my housekeepers than most people. Isn't that sad?


I should be having with the girls I meet, but here I am sulking in the living room while sipping a glass of scotch.


"This is your fault." I said to the picture on my phone.


If she saw my phone, my computer screen, and my iPad she would probably live in another country forever. Yup! I'm obsessed with a girl I don't know but I can't help it.


Ring! Ring!


I picked up my phone and answered it without looking at the caller ID.




"Mr. Kwon, this is Chairman Park's secretary, Mr. Choi."


"Of course, Mr. Choi." I immediately sat up-- as if he can see me.


"The chairman isn't feeling well and her son isn't in the country at the moment, so she wanted me to inform you that her granddaughter will be the one signing the papers."


"I see. Does she want me to go to her office or mine? I'm fine with it either way." I asked. It's a crucial question needed to be asked for business.


"Wait a moment." Aha! So this granddaughter is with him. "The agashi (Lady), wants the both of you meet in our restaurant headquarters. It will be great if you can taste our restaurant specialties while getting the job done as well."


"Of course! Hitting two birds with one stone."


"It's settled then. 11:30 at the Andong headquarters."





"Dad, she's feeling much better now."


"I told her not to work so much, but you know your grandmother--stubborn."


"I know. Don't worry because I will be stepping in and don't you worry about it. Just focus on your work there in Australia."


"I trust you and take care, Dara. Being the chairman isn't child's play."


"I know that dad and I'm no child. In fact, I have a child." we both laughed at my corny joke. "I'd better be going, dad. I still need to cook for Mr. Kwon; our appointment is in two hours."


"Alright then. Make sure that you accomodate to his taste. Mr. Kwon is old."


"Bye dad. I love you and take care."




"Lady Dara, the guest is waiting in the private room." informed the manager.


"Thank you. Have you offerred him any beverages?"


"Of course."


"Wish me luck!"


"Good luck, ma'am."


Ma'am. I'm not particularyl fond of that name, but it should grow to me in time. Especially when I was called ma'am for a brief moment when Min Ho was alive.


I arrived in front of the sliding door of the room and the "attendants" open the door for me.


"Ms. Park, it's great..."


Woah! Mr. Kwon isn't old at all. He is young and very pale-looking.


"Mr. Kwon, are you alright? You look pale."


"Of course! It's a dream! Wake up, Jiyong-ah!" he kept chanting as I raised a brow at him.


"Mr. Kwon, this is not a dream." I understand that their company has been pestering my grandmother into making our restaurant as a franchise in their hotels for years, but this is too much.


I went to him and pinch his hand. Although, not the recommended greeting for a person you meet for the first time.


"It's you..."


"Call 911!" I shouted when he looked like he was about to pass out. I supported his shoulder with my hand, but he was too heavy for me that his body leaned forward causing our lips to touch. I pushed him back and I sighed to myself. "Definitely not a good first meeting."



(Sorry for the delay people! I've been busy with wedding preparations for my cousin-in-law, Denisce, and work as well. Also, I'm pregnant with my second child. I hope you do understand my position. I hope you like it and comments people!)

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xxxibkwnsjn #1
update please! ^^
He is already in LOVE with Dara!!!
It's getting more interesting,
Can't wait 4 the next chapter !!!

Thanks 4 the update (^з^)-☆

Authornim fighting (^o^)/~~
Omg!! Update soon!! Lol this is cute!!
132901 #4
Jiyong you weakling hahaha! BUT cute! hahaha
ilovesuzy #5
Obsessed already !!LOL !! ;()
132901 #6
loving it! please update more!
I love it!!! Ooh update soon!!
Take care and don't streas yourself too much!! :)) your child will be a great writer!! :))
khuletdawako #8
update soon please..
thank you..hehehe..i like your story..
Please update Moooooooooorrrrrrreee!!!

Authornim fighting d=(^o^)=b
Authornim Thank you very much 4 the update (^з^)-☆
Can't wait 4 the next chapter I'm super excited !!!!!

Daragon fighting fighting YA YA YA (⌒0⌒)/~~

Please update soon (^-^)v