fade away.

little pieces of broken heaven.

Genre: Angst, AU, lucid dreaming.


Sunflares shine in, painting flesh golden in broken intervals, militian dissection. He exhales softly, and the expulsion of his thoughts through parted lips paints the world in an out of focus mess that fades to black.

he's youth in primary colours, contradictory monotone fingers create him through calculated sweeps.

nine months and a million empty moons fly by, and he's been engulfed by grayscale too.

memories of his name whisper across the collumn of his throat and come to rest on his risorius.

he's floating in bronze flecks, absorbing the flaws and becoming fractured lines. he's becoming his world, his universe. kyungsoo is the nebullae.

kyungsoo is the world, but jongin's eyes are as empty as his night's sky.

There's starlight on his skin now, and the wind curls through the rise and fall of his bones. He can feel the night dissolve his nerves as he fades away for the last time.


A/N: because apparently kyungsoo is actually everything, and jess is dumb and should actually be sleeping instead of writing dribble.

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wow.. so beautiful and sad at the same time. :)
Painstakingly beautiful <3
mrluffy #3
wow. this was beautiful. it hurt in all the right places, but was strangely comforting.