his glass skin.

little pieces of broken heaven.

Genre: Angst, AU.


Lost in colours, but kicking shadows. A frown is etched into his skin from years of warped opinions.

The lines remaining, dicing his features up even when a smile graces thin lips.

He indulged himself, memories devouring him whole as his eyes fell to a door that used to lead to home.

He climbed up the steps, fingers trailing along the rusted stair rail. Black paint chips flaking off like black snow.

He raises his fist, pausing before gently rapping his knuckles against the wood of the door.

It was still boisterously red, it set his skin alight and he drowned in the flames.

He snaps out of his reverie as syllables pass by old ears in a voice more familiar than his own.


He wants to run away, because he still looks the same. He's still just a boy. He's still just Jongin, Jongin whose name changes more than his persona. 

He’s still just Jongin with the broken eyes and glass skin, the Jongin who was his beginning until his end.

Kyungsoo looks passed Jongin now, his smooth skin and canvas face too much to take in for his old eyes. The walls are still obnoxiously green, and the furniture still could only ever dream of matching.

Everything is the same, everything except for Kyungsoo. 

He got lost in the past whenever his eyes would open, and lost in dreams whenever they would close.

In both worlds, breathing never seemed a necessity but a small lungful of air left his lips out of habit and he was staring at reality. There was no Jongin, no red door. No mismatched furniture.

All that remained was the charred frame of what used to be happiness.

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wow.. so beautiful and sad at the same time. :)
Painstakingly beautiful <3
mrluffy #3
wow. this was beautiful. it hurt in all the right places, but was strangely comforting.