Bromance with Batons



Henry Lau – avid stoner. Kevin Woo – competent crossdresser. The pair joined the force together thinking it was Star Wars related (They blame Cho Kyuhyun to this day, but they got police batons so it was cool) and instantly became best friends, bonding over guitar and general awesome.

Though, things have been tough for Officer Woo and Officer Lau ever since the incident at the Victims of Crime seminar where they broke out the finger guns and bro’d it up; followed shortly by the crashing of one police vehicle (which was replaced by a horse named Kiseop).

Everything changes when they get a phone call about an undercover mission from Captain America– I mean Captain Choi Siwon.


I should probably start this.


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I don't understand why this just popped up as a new author story notification like. 2 seconds ago. I got all excited cos I thought you'd updated, then it kinda sank in and I was like lol wait no that makes no sense.