Chapter 6

Revenge is All I Need [HIATUS]


The ride were pretty quite because the boys were looking intently at this girl which her head is on my shoulder well except for CAP since he the one who is driving. I look at her and found that she's pretty  cute. Then the van stop. I looked towards the window and found out that we've arrive to our boss hideout.

"Palli, send her to boss before she wake up" CAP said to us and we all nodded. I carried her bridal style and went inside. Inside, I put her on the sit (in sitting position of course) then Ricky and ChangJo tied her. We cover and blindfold her so she wouldn't make any noises. Niel went to find our boss to tell her the news. We wait and wait but Niel wouldn't come back with our boss. 

"HYUNG!! She starting to wake up.." Ricky said to us causing our attention goes to the girl. The girl slowly moving, after she realiez she's been tied up, she struggle.  As it was on cue, the door open revealing our boss and Niel at his back.

"I see you finally caught the girl" our boss said with a smirk.

"It's pretty easy since she don't know how to fight" ChunJi said.

"Uncover and un-blindfold her" our boss said then Ricky went towards her and start doing what he was told. As soon as the cover and blindfold be detached...

"UNCLE!!!" The girl scream causing us to shock. *uncle??!!* we all thought at the same time.

"YOONMI!!!" our boss said earning some gasp from the others, except me and CAP. Then ChangJo asked

"B-boss, y-you know-"

"YAH!! WHO TOLD YOU GUYS TO KIDNAPPED MY NIECE???!!!!" our boss cut him off with the sudden outburst.

"YOUR NIECE???!!!" we said in unison with a shock tone. Boss pinch the bridge of his nose and tell me to release her. I obey him and do what he say while doing it I was glaring at her causing her to feel scared but somehow I don't want for her to be scared of me. It's feel odd... As soon as I release her, she  ran to our boss and hug him. They said something to each other and walked out. And of course being the scary boss he is, he glared at us. Causing us to gulp.




Sorry again for the late update,,, there's another fic (in my another account) that I've to finish so, I think you understand....*peace

BTW here's L.Joe's gif:


Here's YoonMi's gif: 


And here's Teen Top's gif:




What happen, just happen.... Hope you know what it means..*wink


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MayLi2 #1
Chapter 6: Can u please update I need to find out what happens next I am desparite to know ( unless thats how u spell it)
mashisuh #2

just.... amahzinnnn :D

the story line is realll good too ;)

never read anything like this before
Chapter 6: woah ~~ it was her uncle ! god . please update soon :)
Chapter 6: Woah, uncle?! Update!! Pls!!!
CherryHyeri #5
Chapter 6: Woah!!!mian saengie~aah i thought i already subcribe it..T-T

BTW,awsome!!storyline !!! Update soon!!;))
bmb022611 #6
Chapter 6: uncle and niece? wow that was unexpected!
Chapter 6: update soon ! omg jadjabsjw
_-Sumin #8
Chapter 6: Update this soon~JEBAL!!! (PLEASE)
MinjiLee #9
Chapter 5: plueeehheeseeee update soon~ ><
hanamizuki #10
Chapter 5: i enjoyed reading so far! Loving the storyline! Update soon!

And to all ljoe fans, I recommend another fic (sorry for advertising author-nim i just wanna share some love for our ljoe..)

hope you'll check it out :D