Missing you




"See ya later, Heeyoungie," Sunggyu waved when he dropped Heeyoung in front of their house.

Heeyoung waved back, "Ne, Annyeong."

She walked pass the red sports car parked at the front gate and into the house.  The car signaled her that Dongwoo and Hoya was already inside. Entering the house, Heeyoung was greeted (or more like ignored) by the two most immature kids in the group.  They were too endeavored in their own little game of modern warfare 3 to notice the owner of the house enter.

"How long have you guys been here?" Heeyoung asked but was met with a loud groan from the both them.

"Aish!" Hoya threw his controller on the sofa then turned to Dongwoo.  "Yah!  Jang Dongwoo!  I told you to guard my back."

"It's not my fault you can't take care of yourself!  I have my own people to kill.  If you didn't die so many times, we wouldn't have lost!" Dongwoo spat back with the same amount of rage as Hoya.

"Er.... guys... You two okay?" Heeyoung wanted to calm them down.

They both turned their attention to Heeyoung and gave her a genuine smile the total opposite of the death glares they were sending each other.

"Heeyoung, you're home," Hoya greeted her.

"Ne, do you—" before Heeyoung could even finish her question, Dongwoo yelled.

"Yah!  Game is starting.  Pick up the controller!" Without hesitating, Hoya grabbed his controller and plopped down the couch.

For two hours the two boys were like that.  Screaming bloody hell to each other when they lose and jumping around when they win.  Heeyoung have long gave up on trying to get their attention and plopped down on a high chair with her arms crossed on top of the counter separating the kitchen and living room and her chin resting on her arms.

Time went by slow and boring since the two guys that was with her ignored her completely.  So when the doorbell rang, she jumped up in sheer joy and ran to answer the door.

She opened the door only to be greeted by Woohyun and Gina bickering like there's no tomorrow.

"Yah!  I was Heeyoung's best friend first so why don't you just go and let me spend time with MY B.F.F," Gina yelled to Woohyun while she tried to get through him whose arms are stretched across the door frame to prevent the petite lady from coming in.

"I made plans for me and Heeyoung so why don't you just hang out with her some other day since obviously she would like my company better than yours," Woohyun retorted.

"Guys!  What's going on?" Heeyoung asked as the two outside her door sent deathly glares at each other.

"Why don't we let Heeyoung pick then?  It's her we both wanted anyways," Gina suggested confident that Heeyoung would pick her no matter what.  They have been best friends for a long time now.

"Fine," Woohyun agreed and straightened up brushing his shirt to straighten the wrinkles that it made.  "So which one do you want to hang out with, Heeyoung-ah?"

"Er..... Can't it be both of you guys?" Heeyoung asked.  She couldn't really pick between her two best friends.

"HELL NO!  I can't even stand looking at this mister I'm-rich-and-I-can-do-whatever-I-want," Gina rolled her eyes obviously against her decision.

"You're no difference miss I'm-so-popular-because-guys-drool-over-my-y-body," Woohyun yelled back.

Heeyoung let out a giggle just seeing her two best friends arguing.  They both looked at her thinking she have gone crazy and in unison, they both asked, "What's so funny?"

"Nothing.  You guys just remind me so much of me and Sungyeol.  Congratulations you two just found your soulmate," Heeyoung joked which earned and exaggerated gag from Gina and a incredulous scoff from Woohyun.

"That will never happen. I'd rather die getting eaten by piranhas," Woohyun scoffed once again.

"I'd rather burn in hell!" Gina stated and finally stomped her way inside the house.

"Wanna come in Woohyun?" Heeyoung offered.

"Eo," Woohyun nodded and walked inside as well.


"Here," Sungyeol handed Soojin a folded piece of paper.  "Send this to the chief executive director of the Taesan group." (A/N: LOL innocent man reference.  Love that drama XD)

Soojin accepted it with a nod.  She took out a clip board and placed it on the desk in front of her boss.  "Here is your schedule for tomorrow and for the next few days.  If you need some of them rescheduled please contact me so I can rearrange it to your liking.  I also wrote my number on the bottom just in case of emergencies."

"Arasseo, I guess we're done for the day," Sungyeol stood up and looked at his clock.  It was already 10pm.  Heeyoung would be alone if he comes home any later so he decided to end work.

"Ne," Soojin nodded and walked out.

Sungyeol quickly got his stuff together and headed out.  He took a glance at Soojin's office desk and saw her still working some things in her computer when another worker tapped her shoulder.  She turned around to answer.

"Yah, Soojin-ah.  You should go home already or at least take break.  You've been working for ten hours straight.  You haven't even eaten lunch yet," the co-worker worriedly stated.

"Ne, I'll just finish things off and I'll be taking a break," Soojin informed.

Sungyeol cleared his throat making the people around him stare.  "Ms. Ahn, you can be dismissed now."

"But I still have to finish—" Soojin was protesting but Sungyeol cut her off.

"You can work on it tomorrow.  Go home for now," Sungyeol ordered.

"N-ne," Soojin bowed and started packing her things. 

Sungyeol left first.  He wasn't a mean person.  Someone who has been working hard definitely deserves a break.


After much of Gina and Woohyun's bickering and Dongwoo and Hoya's loud game screams, Heeyoung couldn't help but kick them all out of the house.  She was irritated as hell and she couldn't even find peace in her own house.  

"Bye, Heeyoung," Gina waved.  She was the last one to leave the house.  Heeyoung waved back before closing the door.

She looked at the clock which read that it was already 10:28pm.  "Sungyeol should be home by now."

Heeyoung decided to take a bath as she waits for her husband to come home.

Sungyeol walked in the house only to be met by silence.  "I thought everyone would still be here."

He shrugged off the thought and went up to the bedroom.  Heeyoung wasn't there either.  He loosened his tie and took off his blazer before going out and heading to the bathroom.  Seeing that it was a few inches open and the lights were on, he knew that his wife was there.

Sungyeol opened the door a little wider just to peek in and saw Heeyoung on the tub filled with water and bubbles.  *Such a kid.* he chuckled.

He decided to walk in and Heeyoung darted her head around hearing the door creak open. 

"Yeol-ah, you're home," Heeyoung greeted him with a genuine smile.

"Eo," Sungyeol answered as he sat down at the edge of the tub behind Heeyoung.

He grabbed the shampoo bottle and started lathering some on his hand before putting it on Heeyoung's hair.  

Heeyoung giggled, "I missed you, Yeollie."

Heeyoung laid her shampooed head on Sungyeol's lap and stared into his chocolate orbs.

"I missed you too, Young-ah," Sungyeol leaned down closer to Heeyoung's face to stare back at her eyes lovingly before moving down and capturing her lips.

Surprising Sungyeol, Heeyoung pulled away only to stand up, hug him on the neck, and kissed him once again but more passionate.

"Woah," Sungyeol uttered between kisses but nonetheless wrapped his arm around her bubble covered waist and kissed back.



So i updated agian... i was supposed to update yesterday but my dad took away the laptop -_-

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Please end the story with happy ending. not with a new girl.....
Please end the story with happy ending. not with a new girl.....
Please end the story with happy ending. not with a new girl.....
Please end the story with happy ending. not with a new girl.....
Chapter 6: Please end the story with happy ending. not with a new girl.....
Chapter 6: Please end the story with happy ending. not with a new girl.....
Chapter 6: Please end the story with happy ending.
not with a new girl.....
jennifer55 #8
Update please!!!!
update please ... :(
Update please