It Will Be Better This Way...

Moving in with my aunt..and my snobby, cute cousin

"This will be better for your future and safety Min-Hyun." my mother explained with tears forming in her eyes. I didnt want to leave my mother.

"Please let me stay, or at least come with me!" I begged. She wants me to move to Seoul, Korea with my aunt, who I barely know.

"This isn't a safe neighborhood, and we are struggling with money as it is. Moving in with your aunt is the best thing right now for you." she said softly.

"But I-" I tried to speak as my mother cut me from my words,

"Please Min-Hyun, It would make me feel better knowing your safe and getting a better education." she said grasping my hand. She was right. In our neighborhood you would always hear of shootings and robberies. My school even had fights daily and I would always get my daily beatings from bullies. I never told my mother, because I didn't want her to worry and the staff at school never seemed to care. I gave a big sigh.

"As long as your happy.." I said starting to cry.

"Oh thank-you, thank-you!" she said hugging me and wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Don't cry, I promise I'll visit from time to time and we will keep in touch." she claimed with a slight grin. "You'll leave tomorrow morning so you can get settled at Aunt Yusi's house, so start packing. I'll go make dinner." she smiled then shut the door. I flopped on my bed and pondered about moving.  Mom told me that Yusi is rich and had gotten divorced a couple years ago.

"Wouldn't it be weird with just me and Yusi in her big house?" I questioned myself. I just shrugged it off and slowly got off my bed and packed the small amount of clothes that I had. Even though we are poor and live in an small apartment, I'm going to miss this place.

"Dinners ready!" I heard my mother yell.

I sat at the table, poking my kimbap with my chopsticks. I have too many things on my mind to eat.

"I'm tired and I have to get up early tomorrow so I'm going to get some sleep." I mumbled and threw away my food.

  "I know your not happy about going, but it's going to be way better there, you'll see." my mother replied. I quietly went to my room and laid down in my bed. I closed my eyes and let my mind wander. Before I knew it, I was sleeping.


  "Come on Min-Hyun! Let's get some ice-cream!" my dad happily exclaimed. I giggled and ran over to hug my father. I was 7 years old again. 

"Dont be out too late now." my mother grinned widely. I haven't seen her this happy in so long.We walked to the ice-cream vendor on the corner of the street.

  "I want strawberry appa!" I yelled smiling and pointing.

"Anything for my precious daughter!" he said and asked the vendor for two strawberry cones. We walked over to the park and sat a bench, munching on our cones. 

"HEY! Haven't seen you around in a long time, Hung-Lo." a tall, muscular, man yelled with a smirk plastered on his face. How did he know my daddy's name?  "Yeah, well I'll be going now." my dad said grabbing my arm. The man stepped in front of him.

"But we have some unfinished business to take care of." he sternly replied. He opened his jacket and showed this shiny, black object. 

"Hmm what is that thing..oh it looks like a water gun!" I thought in my head.

"Min-Hyun run home and tell umma that I'm going to heaven." my father told me softly with tears in his eyes. Heaven? That must be a store or something. He kissed my head and nudged me to go home. I ran home as I was told and opened the front door. 

"Min-Hyun where's appa?" my mother questioned nervously.

"Oh he said he was going to-"

BOOM- something loud interrupted me.

"Heaven." I finished saying. My mother had tears running down her cheeks and pulled me inside. And that was the last time I saw my father.

I  suddenly woke up crying silently to myself. I was having that same nightmare of my father again.

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Chapter 9: Oo omo omo =))) that was funny =))) yeah I too hope that storms can blow schools away -_______- Be safe! I'll be waiting for the next update :D
Chapter 9: OMG XD NAUGHTY MINHO!! BAD XD lol kekekeke taemin is soo cute when he's protective^^
MotshELF #3
Chapter 9: I liked that new chapter soooo muuuch :D !! I hope you'll update soon ^^ !!
Chapter 8: WOAH! =)) I can't really give advice and suggestions cause I'm a bad writer and I can't think of any =)) I'll be waiting for the next update!! :D
MotshELF #5
Chapter 8: Ahah I didn't expect but that was great :D !! Now more would be cool hehe~ (Am I a _______ ? Yes !)
I'm relieved now that I know that Minho and her can love each other ^^, I like that couple !
Chapter 7: Aww :(( Minho saranghae!!
I'm gonna wait :> =)))
Chapter 6: Aww poor Taeminnie :(
I'd really want to go with your idea! I wanna be surprised XD but if you really want to know.. I'd like to go with Onew or Taemin :D
wiee!! I got excited because you updated =)))
9 subscribers!?! Thats 9 more than I thought I'd get! XDD thank so much for reading!
SaranghaeKpop5ever #9
aigoo! wae?! cliffhanger! =))) Onew so cute! I actually read his combined words =)) will be waiting for your next update! FIGHTING! ^^