
I LOVE the way you LIE

In the hospital

“Help!!!! Someone save SunMi!!! ARE THERE ANY DOCTORS AROUND?!” WooHyun cried. SunMi was immediately laid on a stretcher and rushed into the operation room, together with WooHyun as he held SunMi’s hands.

MyungSoo patted your shoulders as you looked so devastated. He looked at you worryingly. He could sense your pain, as something similar happened to him a year ago…

(While waiting for the doctor to come out and announce the results of the operation)

“Ughh… I hope SunMi is okay… Please let her be okay…” WooHyun clasped his hands together and prayed. He was worried stricken and dark eye bags appeared under his eyes. You knew who SunMi was; she was WooHyun’s wife…

Just then, the door opened as the nurse who ran out hurriedly. “Does anyone here have Type B blood? The patient needs a transfusion immediately.’

You looked down hesitantly. You had Type B blood. You could save SunMi. The nurse was about to close the door. “Wait… I am…” You raised your hands up worriedly. You were afraid of needles, but to save SunMi and the child, you had to do it. WooHyun looked at you gratefully and gave you a thankful nod. He never expected you to save his wife after all the pain he caused to you.

You lay on the bed as the blood was transferred to SunMi. WooHyun held her hands worriedly. You closed your eyes sadly and turned away, as a tear fell from your eyes. You loved WooHyun so much that you were willing to go to jail for him, how could he leave you for another woman?  MyungSoo held your hands comfortingly.

After the transfusion, you and MyungSoo sat outside. “I missed WooHyun so much. I wondered if he would marry me immediately when I came out, or maybe show me our new home… I thought of one thousand different possibilities for our reunion, but I never thought it would become like this… If only I hadn’t been that rash, SunMi would never have gotten a shock and fell off the stairs!’ You said as you started to tear up.

“Don’t worry… She will be fine. She has blood in her body that is as strong as you.” MyungSoo patted your hand. ‘Wa...Wait! I don’t need your comfort! I am the invincible Jung Ji Hyun!’ You said as you stood up confidently. “Ha-ha... I just thought that I was comforting my family pet!” MyungSoo laughed. You rolled your eyes and laughed.

WooHyun ran out. “SunMi, she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy!!! He’s so CUTE!! Come take a look!!!” WooHyun jumped up and down gleefully. You and MyungSoo rushed into the room.

“Let JiHyun carry the baby.’ SunMi said.  “You are our life savior; please accept her as your god daughter.”

“We are indebted to you. Please accept her.” WooHyun finally said. “Okay then :D WooHyun, can you come out with me for a while?” You told WooHyun, and dragged MyungSoo along.

WooHyun kneeled down and looked at you.  “JiHyun, I… I’m so sorry. I have let you down… I promised to marry you, but I cheated on you. I really love SunMi. When we were running from the police, she took me in and helped me. I want to settle down with her.” He said tearfully.

You clenched your fist. “Just stand up, stop kneeling. Did you think I was here to settle our problems? Ha-ha! You have been fooled!’ You laughed as he stood up. “Nah, I was just here to show off my new boyfriend to you, MyungSoo!” You smiled as you held MyungSoo’s hand. “I met him in jail. He was our sewing instructor. We fell in love at first sight, right?’ You kicked MyungSoo softly. “Yeah… Right…’ He said.

“Sorry WooHyun, I guessed I betrayed you first. I hope you will forgive me for betraying you. Yes, honey?’ You laughed. “Yeah, please forgive us for betraying you.’ MyungSoo said confusedly.

“I’m so happy for you two!!! You…’ WooHyun pointed at MyungSoo. ‘You may think she is very strong and confident, but she is very weak and fragile. She lost her parents when she was young and was alone, yet she wanted to stay strong. She does not want to show her true colors to outsiders. She is a really nice girl. Please protect her. I will leave her in your hands...’ WooHyun said with tears in his eyes.

“Don’t worry, JiHyun is the woman I love the most.” MyungSoo looked at you lovingly. “Please take care of SunMi. I wish you two all the best. Let’s leave, MyungSoo.” You smiled at WooHyun and walked away.

As you walked away, you started to cry silently as MyungSoo patted your shoulders. “You acted really well just now.’ MyungSoo said. “Yeah... I thought so too…’

WooHyun and SunMi looked at you, as held their baby lovingly.


Author’s note

Aww… You lied! But for WooHyun and SunMi’s happiness. The next chapter will show more of you and MyungSoo. Haha the next chapter is the best! It’s when you start to have feelings for each other :D

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angelVSdevil #1
my lucky star was my favorite drama too when I was little.
I always watch the drama with my mom and sister.
update soon ^^
Heh cant wait for the next chapter......
i hope some parts there will give me butterflies in my stomache.
author nim fighting.
th3pAint3r #3
@FlirtingAsia: Thanks for commenting! :D Good guess, we shall she ;)))
I think the woman is the wife of woohyun and she is pregnant.
I'm loving it so far
i like it update soooooooon.....