Just Tell What You Want

SHINEErice's Request One-Shot Shop [APPLY CLOSED!]


1.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwLIlDfmTAE
Infinite - Hysterie

2.) Im Raena (18) & Kim Myungsoo (20)

3.) Airport, then dorm, then amuesment park

 5.)title of one shot: Just tell what you want

6.) plot:
Myungsoo was one of the most boy who like to flirt over girl in her school but he did that coz those girl asking him for going out with them, Myungsoo was a cold hearted & never serious with girls, later Raena is the girls who always serious in relantionship, when she met Myungsoo, she ask him for something and so it on

7) Genre" a little corny, cute, sweet, romance, & school life



Song for story: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwLIlDfmTAE

Raena’s POV~

“Hey sorry to make you wait.” Myungsoo said when he came running up to me. I simply turned around and said,

“I didn’t wait.” He put his hands into his pants pocket, like every guy does in an awkward situation. As if noticing the situation, the fest of the Infinite members left, heading off to all of the thrill rides.

“So did you have in mind on any of the rides you wanted to go on?” He asked giving me his usual smiles. I felt myself slightly blush but remembered what happened before.

“Ne Raena, would you by chance-” He began fidgeting in his spot,

“Want to go to that new amusement park across the street this weekend? Along with some of my friends?” He finished. I looked at his face and he was staring at the floor with bright cheeks. Usually I wouldn’t say yes to someone like him, he’s cold hearted around people and he’s never serious in a relationship. I on the other hand am. Yet I couldn’t help but smile at him.

“I’d like that.”

Yet the next period I saw him surrounded by some girls who continued to cling to his arms. He wouldn’t even tell them to get off of him. I thought he changed, yet judging by my lost and broken heart, I guess not.

You can imagine how awkward it was, ne?

Myungsoo’s POV~

The whole date wasn’t what I was hoping for. I was imagining us both laughing and sharing cotton candy. Yet we barely talked after I asked Raena out a couple of days ago. She seemed hesitant when I asked her if she was still up for the amusement park.

I were simply walking around the park now, gazing at the booths and admiring the neon lights they since it was getting dark. Yet, out of all the beauty that surrounded me, I kept staring at Raena. Her porcelain skin almost glowing against the night sky, her V line outlined by her silky brown hair, and when she turned to look at me with her honey caramel eyes, I felt my ears turn red and my heart skip a beat.

“Do I have something on my face?” She comments in an innocent tone. I shake my head and reply,

“No why.” She raises an eye brow and states,

“You’ve been staring at me for quite some time now.” I was caught in the act TT^TT I looked around for an escape and took her by the arm.

“Ne let’s go on the Ferris wheel before the carnival closes.”

Raena’s POV~

We were simply sitting side by side in a cart. I looked up and saw that we were still on the bottom, the farthest away from the highest peak of the Ferris wheel.

It feels so awkward.

I thought. I looked over at Myungsoo and we locked eyes for a second before I looked away.

Why are you staring at him Raena?

Yet I knew the answer. I slowly peaked over at him and found myself as if in a trance. His almond eyes staring straight ahead filled with determination, his strong yet sharp facial features, and he always has that aura of confidence.

“So…” Myungoo sighed out trying to start a conversation. I was dangling my feet off the cart that still didn’t move.

“Thanks for taking me out, I’m glad I got to spend my last day here.” The words spilled out of my mouth my mistake as the Ferris wheel began turning.

Myungsoo’s POV~

“What?” I asked her in disbelief. Did I hear her right? She gave me a small smile and said,

“Today’s my last day in Korea. I’m moving to the US tomorrow at noon.  Already had everything packed and ready to go.” This can’t be happening.

“But, why?” I ask her with a hint of sadness in my tone. I knew she was carefully pondering on her thoughts, trying to choose the right words to say.

“I’m simply looking for a change in life.” I didn’t know why but my hand crept its way to her chin so she would face me.

“Stay.” I gently said to her. I saw her cheeks flush a rosy red and I slowly leaned in. I felt her breath tickling my nose when the Ferris wheel came to an abrupt halt and we both broke apart startled. We’re already at the bottom.

“C-come on. Let’s go, I bet your friends are waiting for us.” Raena said trying to avoid my gaze.

When we met up with everyone, we quickly got into the car and headed back home. We stopped at a nearby traffic light and I asked her,

“Where do you live?” I heard no response and felt her head on my shoulder. I saw her chest move up and down and her breathing was at a steady pace. She fell asleep.

Raena’s POV~

I was greeted by bright morning light coming in through the windows, warming my face. I gently rubbed my eyes awake, trying to get rid of the drowsy and sleepy feeling. I looked around and noticed I wasn’t greeted by packed up moving boxes. I turned to my right and saw Myungoo stifle a yawn. He gently brushed my cheek and said,

“Morning. You were so tired after the amusement park yesterday that you fell asleep. I didn’t know where you lived so I just brought you back to the dorm.” I didn’t know how to reply. I looked at the clock and it was already 10 in the morning. I have to leave soon if I want to catch that plane.

“I’m sorry about what happened in school earlier.” He whispered. I looked at him yet he had a sincere look on his face, he was being honest. I nodded and said,

“It’s ok.” I sat up and stretched grabbing my shoes along the way.

“Where are you going?” I heard him ask in a joking tone, something you don’t usually hear from him. I gave him one sad smile and said,

“Airport. Thanks for everything Myungsoo, good bye.”

Myungsoo’s POV~

I couldn’t move. I completely forgot about her moving. I looked at the clock and it was already 11:30.

“What’s up with you?” Hoya asks plopping down on the couch next to me. The Infinite members gather around me like little kids, as if I’m about to read them a children’s story.

“Raena’s leaving to America in about half an hour.” Dongwoo rolls his eyes at me as Sungyeol slaps the back of my head.

“Yah!” I shout rubbing my now sore head, “What was that for?” Sungkyu simply states,

“You’re supposed to run after her Myungsoo! Don’t let Raena leave like that.” I felt my eyes widen.

“Run after her!” Sungjong encouraged me. I never really gave that a thought to fight for her. Yet somewhere inside me, I knew it felt right to do so. Before I could even think, I ran out of the room hearing Woohyun yell out,


Raena’s POV~

I just got past security when I heard a voice almost too familiar yelling out,

“Raena! Sarnaghae!” I turned around and saw Myungsoo through the glass window giving me a smile. We both walked up toward the glass that was blocking us. We both reached out our hands and placed them on top of each other with the glass in the center.

“Ne promise me you’ll come back.” He said giving me his shy smiles only I see when he’s around me. I give him a nod and, being bold today, blow him a kiss. He blushes and I quickly turn around, about to head off toward my flight when he knocks on the glass window. I turn around and see him huffing warm air onto the surface, causing the glass to fog up. But before the steam disappears completely, he draws a heart and then makes a heart above his head.

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ourhouserp #1
Hey, Author-nim! I'm admin Suho.
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info. http://ourhouserp.tumblr.com/
great story
Chapter 47: I came back and read my one shot again. It was really good. It made me get all fluttery inside thinking about Seunghyun and Jiyong blushing and being cute. ^-^
I think it was a real nice idea to do one shots for people to. I admire that you finnished them all as well. I get bored easily and if I write one shots I usually can't find the inspiratin to finnish them. Your a cool author.
Thanks again for that one shot of mine. ^-^
yayayayayya finally I'm done reading!!<br />
I love when he kept saying to marry her in the future, and she said they could married in the moon XD<br />
and i loveeee how you make Youngmin to stand as a man,,<br />
and i'm also glad that there's nooooo harsh fighting between Joonie and Youngminnie <333<br />
<br />
I'm soo happy and satisfied, once more, THANKS!<br />
and good luck on your other stories, HWAITING!
thank you so muchhhh!!!!<3 i loved my story~~~ youare amazing!
Oh thx so much for the one shot^^<br />
its cute xD<br />
fighting for ur next fic
Omg thank you so much for the one-shot!!<br />
Kikwang was so cute and omg he likes my character!! Kyaaa and BEAST is totally teasing him lol ^^<br />
seems like she practiced Secret's song after he left so that she can really be the queen of facial expressions!! Thank you soooo much!!<br />
<br />
Eun Kyung and Kevin so cute!!!! <3
Taisha #8
Wahh~~ I like it so~~~ much~ Cute, and adorable,and aww.I couldn't stop smiling the WHOLE time^^ And the story before mine, there should be a part 2!Lol^^ I like it~~Love it!Thanks so much!<br />
GOMAWO~~^Taisha <<3
thank you so much for the 'kyusica' fic ^___^<br />
you did a really awesome job and i love how he just hugs her at the end.<br />
hehe. Its really sweet! THANKS again! <33
lazy-ssi #10
That was awesome. I almost cried myself. D:<br />
I regret writing about Seulong dying but it made the story more interesting. I loved it .<br />
Thank you a bunch.