A Love Almost Forgotten

SHINEErice's Request One-Shot Shop [APPLY CLOSED!]


Song: JQT - Tip Toe (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdB49AGeycc)
Name: Jang Tinnie
Age: 16
Partner: Anh Niel
Partner's Age: 16 (older by 3 months)
*High School
Genre: Drama/Cute/Romance
Plot: Tinnie and Niel have been going out for a four months. At first everything is going smoothly and happy. But couple months later the love died. Niel isn't paying much attention to Tinnie and that upsets her. Tinnie is worried that Niel doesn't love her like he use to before. He is running late on dates, make up excuses/lies to her, he even forgot her birthday.
Tinnie can't take it anymore and wants to break up with him very badly but she couldn't since she loves him. Their anniversary is coming up soon and she hopes that Niel remembers it, if he forgets the most important day, she might break up with him for good.
Luckily deep down inside Niel cares for Tinnie but she just couldn't see it. All those times that he has been running late is because he got a job. He plans on saving up his money for the anniversary present. Will Niel be able to win Tinnie's heart once again?
(Sorry for making the plot very long, just thought it might help ^^)


Song for Story: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdB49AGeycc

Tinnie's POV~

Hey this is Niel, sorry I can't get to my phone right now but leave a message and I'll get back to you!~

"Hey Niel it's Tinnie, I was just wondering where you were. I hope you didn't forget our date today. Um ok please call me back once you get this message. Hope to see you soon...bye." I hung up. It's already 7:36 PM and he promised to meet me at 6. He's been doing this lately and I'm starting to have my doubts.

"Don't be sad Tinnie! Today's a special day! He can't have forgotten! Just wait for him." I said to myself while muffling a yawn. Hmm, the food's getting cold. I'll heat it up once he gets here. For now I guess I'll watch some TV since I'm waiting for him.

Niel's POV~

Aish, I'm so late already. I use the spare key Tinnie gave me that unlocks her apartment.

"Tinnie?" I call. I see the lights are on in the living room and kitchen. I tip-toe into the room to find her sleeping. It's 8 PM already. I look on the table to see a whole row of food.

"Tinnie? Wake up Tinnie." I say gently nudging her. She stirs a little and mumbles,

"Niel, where are you?" She's sleep talking. Hearing her say those words really brings pain to my heart.

"I'm sorry." I mouthed. She opens her eyes and jumps out of her sleeping form.

"S-sorry I fell asleep! It's just I waited for you and, oh are you hungry? The food might be cold but I can hear it up or-" I begin laughing. I hug her and say,

"I bet whatever you made will be delicious. And I'm sorry for making you wait this long. I...er...had a family issue."

Tinnie's POV~

I was going to scold him when he suddenly pulled me into a hug.

"I bet whatever you made will be delicious. And I'm sorry for making you wait this long. I...er...had a family issue."  I flinch. Again with the excuses. I hug him back thinking that it's ok since he's here now.

"So did you wait long?" He asks. I place my hands on my hips and push my weight on my right leg.

"What do you think pabo?" I say flicking his forehead.

"Ow, ok sorry, bad question. You look really beautiful tonight for someone who slept in her dress clothes." He points out. I don't know whether to feel proud or insulted -.-

"So do you wanna go out somewhere?" He asks me. I shake my head and he chuckles.

"Stubborn as usual. So what do you wanan do then Tinnie?" I make my best thinking face which earns another laugh from Niel.

"I'm just happy you're here with me." I say. He nods and sits down at the dinner table.

We finished eating and I was washing the dishes while he sat on the couch.

I was beginning to tell him a story of what happened today when I noticed he had that blank stare on his face again.

"So how was your day today?" I asked. He simply replied,

"Mm. So anything happened today with you?" I cringe. I just told him about my day yet he's lost in his own thoughts. This has been goign on for a while too. I shake it off and remind myself that the night is young and today is, like I mentioned before, a special day. I felt his hands wrap around my waist and he whispers,

"Ne, Tinnie. I have to tell you something important." I felt myself blush. Yes! He didn't forget!

"Y-yeah?" I ask slowly turning around. His hand reaches for my face. I slowly close my eyes expecting him to kiss me when he wipes at my nose and says,

"You had some dish soap on your face. It's ok I got it though." I force out an akward laugh trying to ignore the disappointment and sadness I felt.

Niel's POV~

I just came out of the bathroom when I found Tinnie sleeping on the couch. I couldn't help but be in awe at her angelic face. She looks so calm and relaxed. I gently lifted her up and carried her to her bedroom bridal style. She stirred a little when I put the covers over her petite body when she mumbled,

"Niel you...idiot." I tried to hold back my laughter. I kissed her forehead and whispered,

"Happy birthday, sorry i couldn't get you anything today. I promise to make up for it." I left her apartment and locked the door with the spare key. I should get home soon, I have to work tomorrow too.

Tinnie's POV~

I ran to my first period class. Aish, how could I forget to set my alarm clock?!

"Sorry I'm late!" I yell bursting through the door. I look inside and see everyone's startled faces. In seconds, the whole class burst out laughing when my friend came up to me saying,

"You're lucky we have a substitute today and he's running late too." I breathe out a sigh of relief and taek my seat next to Niel.

He yawned and I poked his cheek.

"Oh hey, when'd you get here?" He says. I try to keep my smile even though that statement really hurt me,

"Just got here. You ok? You seem tired." I say noting the bags under his eyes. He nods and the atmosphere around us becomes silent. Nobody tries to say anything. I felt someone nudge me on the left and turn to see a friend of mine. She leans in and whispers,

"How long are you gonna be dating him? Did he even show up last night?" She knows about Niel's lateness and lack of presence because, well, she's my friend. I give her a weak smile and she frowns.

"Does he even know that his and your's anniversary is coming up?" I shrug. Don't let me down Niel. I know you can't forget about that.

I made a promise from then on, I''ll break up with Niel if he forgets. No matter how much I love him, I know I'll have to end it if he keeps up with these excuses and forgets these important dates.

Niel's POV~

School ended before I even realized it. Oh god I have to run or else I'll be late to work again!

"Niel hey do you wann-" Tinnie begins but I stop her by yelling on my way out,

"Sorry can't! Raincheck?" She nods and waves bye. I can't be late again. I need this job if I wanna get Tinnie something for our anniversary in two days. Yeah I rememebr dates like that, don't say I just got whipped! I care for Tinnie..a lot. If I had the courage I would tell her how much I loved her. I felt myself blushing just by the thoght of that. Aish! No time, gotta run to work!

Tinnie's POV~

I simply sat on the swingset in the park near my house. So you're bored with me huh Niel? Do you want to break up with me? I felt tears falling down my cheeks. I felt a small tug on the hem of my skirt and see a little girl. I wipe away my tears and ask,

"What happened sweetie? Are you lost?" She's the cutest thing I've ever seen.

"Unnie, I can't find my umma and appa." I hold out my hand and she takes it.

"Where's the last place you saw them?" I ask. She points to the cafe a block away and I walk with her there. There's a worried couple standing there talking to a police officer. The little girl lets go of my hand and runs toward them. Her parents bow to me and I wave. As I was passing by the cafe, I saw someone. No, it can't be.

I look through the window to see Niel talking to a pair of girls aroudn our age. He's smiling and laughing with them. It hurts seeing him like that. I'm not the jealous type, honestly. I ran away with tears stinging my eyes.

Niel's POV~

"So that's two vanilla creme latte's correct?" I ask the two girls I'm taking orders from. They nod and say,

"Hey there's a party at my place tonight. Wanna come? I know a friend of mine who's supre cute for ya." I try to be polite and reply,

"I'm sorry, but I already have a girlfriend I care about. " They shrug and I walk away preparing their orders. The manager calls me over and hands me an envelope.

"You've worked hard for the past two months young man. There's your pay. Make sure to spend that money wisely now, ya hear?" The ahjussi says. I bow and leave sicne my shift ended. I count the money inside the envelope and jump through the air. Perfect!


I look at my calendar. I can't help but smile knowing it's been two whole years since I've dated Tinnie. I eat my breakfast as fast as I can and head for school.

"Jang Tinnie? Is she here today? No? Ok, Jun Kwon." I look around. Where's Tinnie? Is she sick? No she looked fine yesterday. I tap her friend and ask where she is. She shrugs and says,

"You're the boyfriend." Waiting for school to end was agonizing! As soon as the bell rang I ran for the doors. Lucky I didn't have to work today. I called Tinnie's cell,

Annaseyo~ This is Tinnie. I can't get to-

Where could she be? I run to her apartment and burst through the door,

"Tinnie you in here?" No reply. The place is empty. Hmm I look through all the rooms and look out her window and spot her at the park. I try calling her again.

"Y-yobseyo?" She answers.

Tinnie's POV~

I wipe away some of my tears and answer my phone. I can't ignore him any longer can I?

"Y-yobseyo?" He sound slike he ran from the sound of his breathing.

"Where are you? I mean, I didn't see you at school today." He says. I try to hold back my tears and say,

"I- I wasn't feeling well. Ne, Niel?"

"Yeah?" I hear a door closing on his end of the line, he must've just left his house, forgetting about today.

"Do you know what today is?" there's along ause on his end of the line. I knew it, he forgot. I begin to cry and he asks,

"Wh-what's wrong. Are you crying?" I wipe away my tears and say,

"No, I'm ok." Such lies. "Ne, Niel. Let's break up." There's no response on the otehr end of the line. I look at my phone. He hung up on me. I begin to sob and fall to my knees. Suddenly I feel someone hugging me and I hear Niel's voice saying,

"I don't want to break up. Not when it's our anniversary." I gasp and cry even harder.

Niel's POV~

Once she calmed down, I wiped away her remaining tears and kissed both of her cheeks.

"Why would you want to break up with me Tinnie? Did I do something wrong? I'm truly sorry if I did. But, I don't want to break up. I love you, so much." She gives me a warm smile and caresses my face.

"I thought you were getting bored of me, that you didn't love me anymore. You began coming late on our dates and you forgot my birthday too." I give her my most exaggerated look of shock which earned a giggle from her.

"I would never forget something so important. I was late because I took on some part time jobs. I needed some extra cash to get you something." She looks confused. I roll my eyes and take out the present I had prepared.

Tinnie's POV~

I gasped when I saw the little box containing the couple rings:


"Sorry I couldn't give them to you as a birthday present, my boss didn't pay me till yesterday. These little things can be pretty expensive ya know?" He says. I feel small tears forming at the corner of my eyes and hug him.

"They're great." He tilts my head and says,

"Saranghae Jang Tinnie. I always will, so don't you forget that ok?" I nod my head and say,

"I love you too Anh Niel you pabo." He leans in and our lips lock fitting together like a perfect puzzle piece.

* Hope you enjoyed your one-shot ^^ Please keep commenting and subscribing you guys~ Thnx a bunch ^.~


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ourhouserp #1
Hey, Author-nim! I'm admin Suho.
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info. http://ourhouserp.tumblr.com/
great story
Chapter 47: I came back and read my one shot again. It was really good. It made me get all fluttery inside thinking about Seunghyun and Jiyong blushing and being cute. ^-^
I think it was a real nice idea to do one shots for people to. I admire that you finnished them all as well. I get bored easily and if I write one shots I usually can't find the inspiratin to finnish them. Your a cool author.
Thanks again for that one shot of mine. ^-^
yayayayayya finally I'm done reading!!<br />
I love when he kept saying to marry her in the future, and she said they could married in the moon XD<br />
and i loveeee how you make Youngmin to stand as a man,,<br />
and i'm also glad that there's nooooo harsh fighting between Joonie and Youngminnie <333<br />
<br />
I'm soo happy and satisfied, once more, THANKS!<br />
and good luck on your other stories, HWAITING!
thank you so muchhhh!!!!<3 i loved my story~~~ youare amazing!
Oh thx so much for the one shot^^<br />
its cute xD<br />
fighting for ur next fic
Omg thank you so much for the one-shot!!<br />
Kikwang was so cute and omg he likes my character!! Kyaaa and BEAST is totally teasing him lol ^^<br />
seems like she practiced Secret's song after he left so that she can really be the queen of facial expressions!! Thank you soooo much!!<br />
<br />
Eun Kyung and Kevin so cute!!!! <3
Taisha #8
Wahh~~ I like it so~~~ much~ Cute, and adorable,and aww.I couldn't stop smiling the WHOLE time^^ And the story before mine, there should be a part 2!Lol^^ I like it~~Love it!Thanks so much!<br />
GOMAWO~~^Taisha <<3
thank you so much for the 'kyusica' fic ^___^<br />
you did a really awesome job and i love how he just hugs her at the end.<br />
hehe. Its really sweet! THANKS again! <33
lazy-ssi #10
That was awesome. I almost cried myself. D:<br />
I regret writing about Seulong dying but it made the story more interesting. I loved it .<br />
Thank you a bunch.