The Right Thing To Do?

To: Be Broken Hearted


The five Infinite members that were near Woohyun looked at him in shock. SungJong got even closer and looked Woohyun in the eye, unbelieving of what he just heard. Woohyun looked away from SungJong in shame and guilt and SungJong couldn’t believe it.

“Hyung, how could –“

“How could you do that to her Woohyun?”

SungJong and Infinite looked past Woohyun to see Hoya looking at Woohyun in a hazy rage. His hand was wrapped around the handle of the door. They gasped when they saw Bekkah looking at Woohyun with wide eyes. Hoya let the door close and walked closer to Woohyun.

“Why would you play her?”

Woohyun turned to look at Hoya and shrugged. He honestly looked like he didn’t know why he would play her.

“I don’t know,” he started, “I honestly don’t know why.”

He looked Hoya straight in the eye and continued.

“She came to me after you broke her heart, what was I supposed to do? Turn her down and let her suffer?!”

Hoya laughed at that and then looked at Woohyun with a scathing glare.

“Look at her now hyung! She would’ve been better suffering than being played!”

“You want her to suffer?!”

“She would’ve been over it by now!”

As the two men yelled at each other they continued to get closer until they were in each other’s faces. Just then the air around the two changed and everyone could see and feel the tension. That’s when Dongwoo noticed Hoya’s hand twitch. He ran at Hoya and grabbed him before he could try to hit Woohyun. Dongwoo was struggling to hold Hoya back and he looked at Woohyun.

“Are you an idiot? Go!”

Woohyun walked past slowly and when he heard the gasps from the rest of Infinite, he knew Hoya was headed his way. He felt Hoya grab him and turn him and then felt his body hit the cold floor. He felt the pain in his cheek but didn’t reach his hand up to his cheek because he was hauled up to his feet as soon as he fell to the floor. He looked Hoya straight in the eye and felt his stomach drop at the deadly look he was receiving. Then he felt Hoya’s grasp on the neck of his shirt get tighter and his eyes widened in surprise and shock when he no longer felt the floor beneath his feet. His toes were barely brushing the floor and he struggled in Hoya’s grasp.

Just as he felt he could get free Hoya dropped him and he staggered on his two feet. Then he glared at Hoya and felt the urge to yell at him, hit him back, make him understand he didn’t want to do this. Shouldn’t have to do this. Woohyun stared at Hoya in contempt and decided he’d tell him one single thing and he’d leave. He didn’t want to hit Hoya, hurt him for hurting Bekkah. The two stared at each other until Woohyun grabbed the neck of Hoya’s shirt and pulled him down so he could whisper a single thing into his ear.

“You better watch what you say to the people who try to help you make your life better.”

He pushed Hoya away and turned, stalking away only stopping when he heard Bekkah’s voice calling him. He stopped in his tracks but he didn’t turn around to face her. He heard her footsteps get closer but they stopped shortly before she reached him. He looked over his shoulder and saw Bekkah at Hoya’s side. She was staring at him with a glare and the only thing Woohyun saw was her fist clench until she punched Hoya.

All of Infinite looked at Bekkah in surprise and stepped back slightly. Hoya glared at her as his hand made its way up to his cheek. He barely brushed the skin of his cheek before he flinched from the pain.

“Woohyun should’ve done that.”

Bekkah looked away and then walked towards Woohyun before she stopped in front of him. She stared at him with a look of utter dejection and sighed sadly when he looked away from her. She looked down at her feet before staring up at him from under her bangs.

“You honestly… never felt anything between us Woohyun?”

She dragged her eyes away from him and looked down at her feet and felt his hand grasp her chin. He angled her face to look at him but she pulled away before he could see the tears that had gathered in her eyes. As she pulled away they streaked down her cheeks and she couldn’t hold back the anger, the sadness back anymore. She brought her hand up and slapped Woohyun before she turned away. Woohyun grabbed her arm as she pulled away and he pulled her back to him. He tried to turn her to face him, and when he finally succeeded she glared hotly at him. He grasped her face in his hands and let his thumbs run over her wet cheeks, trying to make her look at him. He wanted to explain to her what he was doing, why he was acting this way. She pulled away and glared at him.

“I thought you cared… I thought you were different,” she looked down then back at him again. “I guess I was wrong.”

She backed away from him, watching as he followed her step for step. She stopped and looked at him before shaking her head at him slowly.

“It’s time to stop this Woohyun… we’re over.”

She turned away quickly and started walking away fast, quickly speeding to a jog and then to a run so she could get as far away from Woohyun, from Hoya, as she could. Because of her fast exit, she never saw the sadness that crossed Hoya’s face. And she never saw how devastated Woohyun became when she uttered those words that broke his heart more than anything. Those two words echoed in his head as he felt himself fall to the floor in a heap. He felt his heart breaking and felt tears well up in his eyes. As the Infinite members came up behind him he felt the tears fall down his face as he watched her walk away. He knew that Hoya had felt hurt when he lost her, but Woohyun knew if it hurt this badly… Hoya wouldn’t have let Bekkah walk away from him.

Woohyun knew one thing… if he wanted to help Hoya get Bekkah back earlier, he didn’t want to now. Not after he just realized just how important she was to him. He turned to look at the rest of Infinite and noticed that they weren’t looking down at him in disgust; they were watching him in concern. Sungjong knelt down next to him and whispered to him.

“You really didn’t mean what you said earlier, did you hyung? You do have feelings for Bekkah.”

Woohyun nodded sadly at Sungjong and slowly stood up. He needed to shake this off so they could focus on their comeback. As the rest of Infinite walked away Woohyun stopped and stared at where Bekkah had run, hoping she had hidden behind a corner and that this was some sick joke. He stared and stared for what seemed to be hours to him. Hoya had noticed Woohyun wasn’t with the rest of them, so he turned to go back and stopped at the sight. Woohyun looked so broken from where Hoya was at that he just wanted to give everything up for Woohyun to be happy. Hoya wasn’t sure about anything anymore. He had wanted to win Bekkah back, but Woohyun looked even more broken than he had when she had left him.


Woohyun jumped and turned to Hoya, seeing him motioning for him to follow him so they could go practice. Both of the guys looked back once more to see if they could spot Bekkah, but each gave up and slowly walked to the studio. Neither of them heard the soft clicking of heels as Bekkah turned around the one corner and came out of hiding. The tears were still running down her cheeks, but she didn’t feel completely rejected now, after seeing that Woohyun did in fact return at least some of the feelings she had for him. She turned and walked away slowly, the clicks of her heels traveling to the ears of Hoya and Woohyun who turned quickly to see her leaving.

They turned and walked to practice, hope in their hearts that they’d see Bekkah again soon, but Bekkah had other plans in mind. Things would have to start over again for the three of them if she were to try to love either of them again. She’d need to stay away from them, immerse herself in her friends and school and work. She’d need to forget the old times and try to think about the new. She felt tears run down her cheeks at the thought of having to do that, but she knew, just knew… it’d be the only way to move on successfully. She continued walking away from Infinite, further and further from Woohyun and Hoya, knowing she’d need months to get through it all.

Hopefully in the end it would turn out to be the right thing to do.

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--oreos #1
great job!
I can't wait for the sequel!! It's too good that I read this like 5 times!! And every time I read it I get teary eyes!!! Kekeke I can wait for this story to be written agian!! Hwaiting!! :)
Great fanfic <3
Thanks for updating with such awesome, eye-tearing updates!<br />
My eyes definitely watered but I held it in ^^ /proud.<br />
You should do alternate endings!<br />
Like one time with Hoya, another with WooHyun, & the last one where she leaves or something... just a suggestion :3
Is Woohyun lying about his feelings for her? O.o that's what it seems like to me, cause he thinks that Bekkah likes Hoya more.
AWWesomeeKyuu #8
omg they both sound so hurt ㅠㅠ DDD: great way to start though :P want to know what happened >////<
Hoya...why did you hurt yourself... ._. <br />
Update this and the other story soon =P