Chapter 2

My Cute Elevator Guy


"Hyyyuuunnngggg!!! Wake up now!!! Or else you'll be late for work!!!"

Was that his alarm clock? Since when did it change to a very annoying voice like Key's? He groaned. Right. Key's here in his unit for a week. He turned to lie on his stomach as he placed his pillow on his head.

"Hyung! Come on up up up! You have a very important meeting today right? Get up now or else Heechul hyung would kill you!" Key once again exclaimed as he slapped his with a pillow. What a life. The great Kim Heechul, his boss. Yep, he better move his out of the bed now or else this would be his last morning on Earth. He shivered at the thought and quickly made his way to the bathroom to fix himself.

Once done, he went out of his room and was greeted by an unexpected sight. There on his couch sat the reason why he slept late the past nights, Donghae. He stopped on his tracks and gaped there. Donghae chuckled at the sight as he waved at him. Then suddenly, there on Donghae's side peeked Henry, wearing his cheeky smile.

"Hi Papa Hyukkie!" The mochi kid exclaimed as he stood up and ran to him with open arms. Hyukjae on instinct bent down and also opened his arms, welcoming the running child.

"H-hello Henry. What a pleasant surprise." He stuttered still because of surprise but felt really happy as the child hugged him tightly. He noticed Donghae stood up and went to his side in a somewhat shy manner. 

"I'm sorry Hyukkie, I was thinking of coming later knowing that you're quite busy but this little guy here kept on throwing tantrums at me. He said he wants to meet his Papa Hyukkie now." He explained while scratching his nape. Well that's the truth and on addition to that, of course he already wants to see him but he'll never admit that to the other.

"Hyung, I didn't know that you've already got a baby, a cute one that is, and a handsome hubby. And by the way, you all look good together." Key commented as he passed by the three of them making Hyukjae blushed in deep red. Realization hit him then he suddenly screamed.

"Yah! Why am I not the hubby?"

"Oh come on hyung, it kinda runs in our blood to be the bottom and you should be proud of it." Key explained to him like it's the most normal fact. Donghae laughed at the scene making him earn a glare from Hyukjae.

"I'm sorry about my brother. He's always been that diva-ish. Oh by the way his name is Kibum but he loves to be called Key. See? I told you he's such a diva. Who would name himself Key?" Hyukjae said while rolling his eyes at the attitude of his brother.

"Don't worry, we've been introduced to each other since he's the one who welcomed us here." Donghae reasoned out to him and Key could only nod. 

"Yeah and isn't it just proper for the brothers-in-law to know each other?" His younger brother snickered. He groaned in annoyance then his hand reached out a pillow from the sofa and threw it to him. Luckily for Key, he was able to duck it making it hit one of Hyukjae's expensive vases. Great. Just great.

"Ow that was quite a bull's eye Hyukkie." Donghae commented as they all stare at the broken vase scattered on the floor. Hyukjae put Henry down and sighed.

"I'll just get the broom." Key muttered nervously as he dashed away from the scene.

Henry, being a child full of curiosity, slowly inched himself closer to the shattered pieces, the two adults unaware of his actions. The broken glasses illuminated different shades of color and Henry stared at them with awe. Slowly, he stretched his hands in attempt of touching them. Donghae and Hyukjae, finally noticing him, both screamed.

"Mochi no!"

"Henry! Don't go near them!"

Too late. Henry began crying his lungs out as blood started coming out of his finger. Both Donghae and Hyukjae hurriedly went near him to check his wound. They heaved a sigh of relief when they saw that it's nothing serious. Donghae automatically scooped him up in his arms, attempting to make him stop from crying. Hyukjae went closer to them and patted Henry's head.

"Here's the broom- Wait why is Henry crying?" Key asked as he came back with a broom and dust pan on his hand.

"Henry cut himself. I'll just go and get the first aid kit." Hyukjae left immediately and came back with a first aid kit on his hand. He slowly cleaned Henry's wound afraid that the kid would cry out loudly again.

"Ahm time check hyung, you're already late." Key suddenly reminded him as soon as he was finished with Henry. He looked at the clock and widened his eyes.

"Shoot! I'm late! I'll see you later Hae, Henry okay? Key! Look after my pad and DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID!" He screamed as he grabbed his bag and waved at the people he left. He didn't even manage to eat his breakfast. The three were left there with a what-the-heck-happened face. Key cleared his throat and it thankfully caught the attention of their visitors. They looked at him as he grinned.

"Well, breakfast anyone?" He asked making the other two smiled goofily at him.


"You're late."

Hyukjae opened the meeting room's door to hear that short sentence said with a very deep voice. He closed his eyes as he gulped.

"G-good m-morning H-Heechul hyung." He stuttered as a beautiful man stood at the end of a long table with his arms crossed on his chest. He looked at his watch then glared at the late comer.

"You're exactly 3 minutes and 16 seconds late. And why is that so?"

"Ahm, an accident happened at home so I took care of it first. I'm sorry hyung." He honestly explained with his head hanging low. Heechul on the other hand just sighed. He knew Hyukjae is not the type who would lie just to get out of trouble, he's too kind for that.

"Arasso just don't be late next time." He decided and the other could only beam at him. They started the meeting and thankfully it ended successfully and without Hyukjae's head getting cut off by Heechul.

Hyukjae stepped out of the building and looked at his watch, 3:45 pm. He smiled. He got out pretty early so he'll be able to spend some time with a certain hamster and fish.


He was surprised when someone called him so he immediately looked to where that voice came from just to see an excited Donghae waving at him while holding Henry's hand. He beamed at them as they approached him.

"Hae! Henry! What are you doing here?" He surprisingly asked them although it's very much obvious how happy he was.

"Well we felt bad for being the reason why you're late so we decided to surprise you. Besides, little Mochi here has something to say to you and couldn't wait until you got home." Donghae explained as he slightly nudged his nephew to say something. The cute little boy blushed lightly and Hyukjae found it too adorable. Now he really wished he could just put him in his pocket and keep him forever.

"Ahm," Little Henry started while playing with his fingers. Hyukjae looked at him with anticipation. He nodded, encouraging the small one to continue.

"I'm sorry if we made you late for your meeting because we troubled you first thing in the morning. We promise it won't happen again."

Hyukjae smiled at him and when Henry saw it, he smiled back widely and immediately hugged his 'Papa'. Hyukjae patted his head softly as he let go of the hug.

"Don't worry I'll forgive you but in one condition." He playfully told the little boy who looked at him confusedly.

"Treat me to ice cream and you would be forgiven." The two giggled at his childishness but then nodded. Still laughing, Donghae held the two, each on his side, ready to make their way to the best ice cream parlor they would find around the city when Hyukjae halted.

"Hae? Did you bring your car because I brought mine." Hyukjae said.

"Oh right. Well let's just meet at the ice cream shop at the next bus stop ne? Take care." Donghae said as he leaned forward and kissed Hyukjae's cheeks which immediately turned bright red. With Henry on his hand, Donghae waved goodbye leaving a stunned Hyukjae behind. 


"I can't choose." Hyukjae commented while unconsciously pouting at the numerous flavor and toppings in front of him. They're currently at a do-it-yourself ice cream shop because Donghae insisted that they should treat him only from the best. Donghae, who's staring at him with such interest, chuckled at his dilemma, despite the fact that he has a big bowl filled with strawberry and chocolate ice cream with various toppings like candies and nuts in front of him. Henry, with his own bowl on his hand, stared at the confused male and at his bowl curiously.

"Aish what else should I choose? Hae help me please?" He turned to Donghae as he pouted cutely at him and the other gathered up his whole will not to squeeze the cuteness out of him.

"You haven't put any fresh strawberries there Hyukkie." Donghae commented and Hyukjae's eyes shone and nodded cutely at him.

While eating their ice cream, Hyukjae noticed that Donghae is not eating but is just staring at him and Henry. He slowly put his spoon down and cleared his throat.

"Ahm Hae?" He whispered and it got the brunette's attention who was currently wiping Henry's sticky cheeks.

"Ne, Hyukkie?"

"Why aren't you eating? Don't you like some ice cream? Promise they're great!!" He exclaimed like a kid and Donghae could only laugh at his cuteness.

"I'm not actually fond of eating sweets, but I love seafood. I mean I could actually live eating seafood." Donghae explained and Hyukjae's mouth formed a perfect 'o'.

"Wait, so you don't love sweets but love seafood?" Hyukjae cleared as the other nodded.

"That's great then!" He added leaving Donghae confused.

"And why is that so?"

"Well I love sweets but I don't like seafood. We could just exchange our foods!" The blonde said excitedly.

Donghae laughed and couldn't help but reach out at the other side of the table just to pinch Hyukjae's cheek and smiled. Hyukjae on the other hand just pouted as he rubbed his sore cheek.

"That's fine with me but, you gotta share those sweets with Mochi since he loves them too." He explained as he looked at Henry's way and winked at the kid who smiled widely at him.

"But, he'll have tooth decays and we don't want that right?" Hyukjae tried to argue back until the three of them laughed together, finishing the already melting ice creams on their bowl.

"Yoboseyo?" Donghae answered his phone once they stepped out of the store with Hyukjae and Henry rubbing their full stomachs. Hyukjae, upon noticing this, tilted his head on one side as he took a glance at Donghae. He stared at awe on how perfect Donghae really is. His gaze went to his eyes, down to his nose and thin kissable lips. Hyukjae unconsciously blushed and looked away immediately although he doesn't really want to. Well who would want to tear their eyes away from someone so perfect right? He slowly brought his gaze again to the brunette, now admiring the way he dressed. The long sleeves that are folded up to his elbows embraced those muscled arms perfectly and the chest, oh how perfect. He bet it would be great if he could lean on those. He mentally slapped himself. Did he just think of something y on his friend? As he focus his stare on him, he noticed that he already ended the call so once again, although this was very much against his will, he turned his eyes away from him.

"Hyukkie?" Donghae called him so he looked back and hummed as a response.

"My officemate called telling me that I have to go back. It's an emergency and they need me there." Donghae explained at him. He nodded in understanding as he smiled reassuringly. The brunette smiled but worriedly looked down to his nephew. Hyukjae, noticing his sudden change of expression, decided to ask him what's wrong.

"Uhm since it's work, I can't bring Mochi there." Donghae answered him. Hyukjae thought for a moment until an idea hit him.

"Don't worry Hae. I could just take him home and we'll just wait for you there." The other smiled in relief at his suggestion. After a few minutes of reminders from Donghae to Henry, they bid each other goodbye, of course with Donghae not forgetting to kiss Henry and ehem, Hyukjae, on the cheeks.

Once Hyukjae and Henry reached his car, the kid excitedly went inside and sat at the passenger seat. He reached out to secure the seatbelt and smile fondly at him as Henry started examining his car's interiors with his eyes. 

"Papa Hyukkie let's turn on the radio." Henry said after a few minutes of admiration as he started pressing random buttons like he used to do to Donghae's making Hyukjae frown. His car radio just went broken a few days ago and he still doesn't have the chance to go to a repair shop.

"Mianhae Henry-ah. My car radio's broken and Papa Hyukkie doesn't have the time to have it fixed." He said apologetically and Henry, as a kind and understanding child nodded cutely at him. After a while, a smile appeared on his cute face as he looked at the blonde.

"I know Papa Hyukkie! You'll just gonna be the radio! I'll press you and you'll sing arasso?" He excitedly beamed and Hyukjae nodded, deciding to just get along with the kid's play. Who could ever resist a cute child's request right?

Henry began pressing Hyukjae's tummy and, thinking of any random song, he just decided to sing 'Gee'. 

"Nomu banjak banjak nuni busyeo no no no no no...." He started singing while tapping his fingers on the steering wheel but abruptly stopped when he saw Henry pouting at him, obviously not amused with the chosen song.

"What's wrong Mochi? Don't you like the song?" He asked and he received a shook of his head. 

"I like them, but I love SJ more! Especially their Chinese member ZhouMi gege! He's like my playmate Mimi gege! He's so tall because of his long legs!" Henry explained with adoration clearly seen on his face.

"Hmm let me see. I don't know many Chinese songs besides, you have to change the station first right?" He grinned at the kid as the car stopped when the traffic light went red.

Henry smiled brightly at him as he started pressing all over Hyukjae's stomach and the latter have to resist the urge to laugh because honestly speaking, he's a bit ticklish.

"Oh tai wan mei, ni yan li wo chu xian
Oh bu rang shei, ti wo zai ni shen bian (Woo Wo U O)"

He started singing and Henry stopped poking him to listen. He smiled even brighter because unknown to the blonde, this is little Mochi's favorite song.

"Ni de mei yan ni de ce lian
Ni de jing jian ni de fu mei
Ni de yi qie cong tou dao wei
Wo yi lun xian"

Henry sang with cute hand movements like he's doing the choreography of the song right after Hyukjae making the latter surprised. For a child he sure has talent. 

"Woah Mochi you knew the lyrics?" He asked still surprised and saw the kid nodded enthusiastically at him.

"Ne! That's my favorite song!" He exclaimed as he continued to hum the tune while focusing his eyes on the side view. Hyukjae on the other hand just looked at the cute child beside him amusingly. A smile appeared on his lips and just focused on his driving, letting the kid to enjoy his own world.

They finally reached their building with Henry silently sleeping on his seat. He must have gotten really tired. He smiled as he slightly shook the sleeping kid.

"Mochi... Mochi we're here." He said but received no response. Still smiling, he just scooped the little guy into his arms and went to his unit.

He opened his door to see Key playing with his keyboard at the living room. His brother stopped playing to look at him. He was about to say something when his brother shushed the younger. His eyes immediately went from Hyukjae to the sleeping child then his mouth formed an 'o' shape and nodded. The blonde then gently placed Henry to the couch and placed a pillow beneath his head.

"Where is Donghae hyung?" Key asked as he fixed two cups of hot chocolate while Hyukjae settled at the dining table. Key placed one cup in front of him and received a thanks.

"We met a while ago but he had to go back to his office and he can't bring Mochi with him." He explained as he carelessly sipped and soon regretted it as he felt his tongue burn. He stuck his tongue out as he fanned it with his hands.

"Aish you're such a pabo hyung. It's not called hot chocolate if it's not hot right?" Key commented as he playfully rolled his eyes at Hyukjae who just pouted at him.

The time passed with the two talking about how their day went. And Hyukjae really made sure that no harm was done on his lovely home. After a few minutes, the two decided to just rest at the living room. The two of them smiled when they saw Henry peacefully sleeping there.

"Hyung, I'll sleep now ne? Good night." Key said as he approached him and gave him a good night kiss on the cheek. He nodded and followed his brother with his stare.

Being the only one awake, he lazily browse the television for any interesting show in a low volume so as to not disturb the sleeping child by his side, but immediately turned it off when he found none. He sighed as he slouched with his back perfectly fitted against the sofa, and stared at the ceiling. And of course, his mind started wandering about a certain fish called Lee Donghae.

Hae. Even his nickname is familiar. With the way they interact with each other despite the fact that they just met a few days ago is really something. It's like they've known each other for years. But, when and where? He doesn't remember somebody with the name Donghae. He barely had any friends when he was younger because of his shyness and love for solitude.

Still absorbed with his own thoughts, he was startled when his doorbell rang. He rushed to the door and immediately opened it to see Donghae standing there while slightly leaning at the wall. Donghae flashed him a sweet smile and he swore he melted down inside. What a nice view, he could actually stare at him forever, he thought. 

", Hyukkie?"

"E-eh?" He snapped out of his thoughts and immediately blushed when he realized he was blanking in front of Donghae. He turned around, with his back facing the other and immediately placed his hand at his mouth, checking if he was drooling. He sighed in relief when he found none. He turned around once again, and smiled at his guest.

"Ahm, come in?"

Donghae went inside and smiled tenderly when he saw his nephew sleeping soundly there. He looks so pure and innocent. Hyukjae saw it and smiled as well. He could really see how Donghae loves Henry. Both are lucky to have each other, he concluded.

"I hope he wasn't too much of a burden." Donghae started and he shook his head.

"No, not at all. He's a great kid. We definitely had a great time together." He replied and the other sighed in relief.

"Henry is a sensitive child. He finds it hard to trust other people. He always sticks with me whenever I would visit him at China. Yes he has a friend, his Mimi gege but that's it. That's why I'm quite surprised how attached he immediately was to you."

Hyukjae looked at Donghae with surprise but then immediately a smile crept on his lips. Henry likes him, but what about Donghae? He decided to just put it behind his mind and stood up. Donghae looked at him confusedly.

"I'll just get you some hot chocolate." He said and went out towards the kitchen.

As he was making the drink, he gasped when a strong pair of arms hugged him from behind. He sniffed and immediately knew it was Donghae, who smelled like vanilla, the scent he began to love, aside from his usual strawberry scent.

"Don't you remember me Hyukkie?" Donghae whispered softly to his ear and he shivered at the sensation. With those words, it seemed like something inside him was bothered. Like somewhere inside his heart lies something related to the brunette and is just waiting to be remembered, but what is it? Receiving no response, Donghae sighed but still not losing hope, just rested his chin on Hyukjae's shoulder.

"It's alright. I could wait." He whispered as he tightened his hug. Hyukjae bit his bottom lip in an unknown guilt. He can't help but be guilty on what's happening. A part of him wanted to remember everything but why can't he? He sighed as he slightly leaned his body towards Donghae's.

"I'm sorry Hae. I also wanted to remember everything because I could feel it here," He said as he placed his hand on his heart, feeling it beating wildly against his chest. "Because although my mind doesn't remember, my heart does." Those words were enough for Donghae to put a smile on his lips, hope started building up more in his heart. He kissed Hyukjae's temple and pulled away with the blonde left with a feeling of disappointment for the loss of contact.

"I better go now, it's getting late already. Just give my thanks to Key ne?" Donghae said as he made his way to the living room to get the still sleeping Henry who is now smiling like a little angel. He once again turned around to face Hyukjae and pecked on his cheek.

"Goodnight, Hyukkie."

"G-good night, Hae."

Once outside, Donghae sighed heavily. He's now feeling a little bit depressed but then, he'd waited long enough so why not endure a little bit longer right? With one last glance at the door, he returned to his own unit bringing with him that small spark of hope inside him.

Hyukjae on the other hand, just looked at the forgotten cup of hot chocolate and smiled bitterly but he knows, he'll soon remember him at the right time but it better be soon, before everything would be too late.


A/N: IKNOWITSLATEIMSORRYPLEASEDONTKILLME!!! The number of subscribers ----> O.O wow.. thanKyu so much! and to the comments.. well you are all squealing because of Henry's cuteness but sorry HE'S MINE!/bricked. Most of you are asking if Hae and Hyukkie know each other and well.. it's a secret.. *evil laugh*

Comments? Let me feel the love~ ^w^

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Chapter 9: I really love this story!!! Henry is such a cute little bub and Key is a really nice addition to the dynamics of the characters. And of course, I love how eunhae’s relationship evolved and their backstories as well 😭
Chapter 1: Ohhhh! After reading the first chapter, I realized that this is one of the first fics I have read here in aff when I was just getting into eunhae stories!! I’m excited to re-read this again 😍
This has been in mu subscriptions for the longest time, I’m excited to read this!!
Chapter 9: I love everything about this story..I have butterflies in my stomach all the time:)))))
Chapter 9: I thought hae'll bring hyuk to china instead~ kkk~
They're so cute!! Esp henry!! I can imagine them as family already... ahhh.. how great..
awesome story with awesome plot!!! Thank u author-nim ^^
destrirra #6
Chapter 9: awww they are so cuteee! love the fluffiness and I'm happy for both of them. hyukjae's memories are back and kinda feel bad for him to pass that tough days when he can't contact donghae. now, they are happy being together. thank you for this beautiful writing :)
Chapter 3: so by this chapter, how long have they been together as friends?
cholily94 #8
Chapter 9: this story is really cute~~~~
I really like it!
I wanted to ask ur permission to translating it in to persian!
I need ur permission first!
so what's ur idea dear?